Spongebob Squarepants: The Fear

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Ahh, Spongebob. I'll remember the first time I've ever watched Spongebob, I feel so excited when I saw that yellow square on my TV screen. But, I'm not sure if I should be excited, after this lost episode. It was a Friday afternoon, I had a day off work, so I decided to turn on the TV. I checked the TV guide, one thing caught my eye however, it was a Spongebob episode, and it was supposed to be Squid's Visit from Season 6, and I loved that episode to bits. The episode was on at 3:21PM and it was 2:15. So I kept on watching. Soon, it was 3:21PM, and something about the intro was odd. It was a more stiff movement for Spongebob and the screen was slightly up. I didn't mind it. You know the part where Spongebob plays his nose flute? Well, Spongebob was gone, and you could hear a loud buzzing. I was starting to feel uneasy. The title card said "The Fear" and the background was drawn in what seemed like red chalk, with flames and the font was a purple colour. I thought it was some sort of Halloween episode, since it was October half-term at the time. It started with Spongebob, sitting on his red chair, and it zoomed into Spongebob's face. He seemed to be smiling, but then Spongebob gave a thumbs-up, then his skin began to peel off, as Spongebob screamed. Suddenly, Spongebob stopped moving, with a sudden flash on the screen. Spongebob then began more sad than usual, as he slumped back into his chair, as his iris suddenly turned red, as Spongebob began to cry, with faint static in the background. Spongebob let out a maniacal laugh, as a red fog began to fill Spongebob's living room. I heard a crackle, it sounded like a firecracker, and that was coming from the TV as the colours of the Spongebob's skin turned to a dark grey and his chair was different. His chair was made of human flesh, and it began movinng, as the screams drove me into a panic. Spongebob changed into a hyper-realistic version of himself, with his holes oozing blood. Spongebob said one word. "Die." Spongebob said, as worms began to crawl in his skin. It cut to Squidward. Squidward had a look of dread and remorse on his face, as he began to cry, but the crying sounded like it came from a real person. Squidward turned his head, as he stared at me, with his eyes slowly getting bigger, and his mouth was slightly open, I heard a thud, as Squidward fell to the floor, crying, but the crying got louder and more distored, it cut to static, then it cut to Patrick. Patrick was looking at his picture frame of him and Spongebob with a look of grief on his face. His eyes began to bulge, and then he transformed into a somewhat horrible beast with razor-sharp teeth and claws like knives. I was horrified. Patrick soon began to walk closer to the screen, with echoing footsteps and a sinister grin on his face. Patrick soon was against the screen, and he was pointing at me. "You have to free us, hurry, it is your only chance." Patrick said, as his eyeballs began to pop out. It cut to Mr Krabs, and he had a real scar on his shell, and he screamed. But this scream was the most terrifying scream I have ever heard. I was horrified. It cut back to Spongebob's living room, I saw a faint glimpse of Gary's corpse. Gary's face was pale and his veins were splattered on the walls, and Gary had a blood-ridden gash on his stalk, and he had no eyes. "You should not be here." Spongebob said, breathing heavily, as he looked at me. I was mortified, and I tried to look away, but I couldn't, I just kept watching. It zoomed into Gary's corpse one last time, as a shirek was heard, but it sounded odd. Spongebob went to his kitchen. Spongebob looked depressed, and he walked slowly towards the kitchen counter, as static blared through my speakers. Spongebob grabbed a knife. Spongebob walked slowly into the living room, gripping the knife tightly. Spongebob began to cry. "This is the end for me, Gary, forgive me, for I have sinned." Spongebob said, as a teardrop fell onto the ground below. Spongebob thrusted the knife into his chest, as blood began to spill out. The episode then ended with the credits. But the music was much creepier, the background was flames. At the end, the classic Nickeloden logo appeared, but it was bleeding. I turned my TV off. Now, I fear Spongebob. I'll never look at Spongebob the same way again. I know one thing... Spongebob is coming for you, and when he finds you. You are as good as dead... The End.

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