Subject 58's Entertainment: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Event started on 2003 April 12 at Sunland Mental Hospital. Patient Bert Franklin has become the new inmate and is put on floor level 2, room 58. Patient is nervous and often twitches, making cracking noises in his neck. A 12-hour serum is to be given to Subject 58 everyday. If Patient 58 is to freak out nervously, he is to be sedated. Event 2003 April 13. Subject 58 is sitting in the corner of his room and nervously looking around, rubbing his arms. Then stops to look a...")
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Event 2003 April 20. Patient appears to have long scratch marks all over his arms, but other than that everything is calm and Patient Is normal. Patient is given food to eat from a guard, as the Patient is not allowed out by himself or when other Patients are outside anymore. Suddenly Bert Franklin starts yelling, making the guards open the door and bring in Doctors. One of the Doctors brings out a needle to inject him, but the Patient grabs the needle and stabs the Doctor in the neck. He grabs the gun from one of the guards and shoots everyone In the room. He then jumps out the window to escape, while being followed by several guards.
Event 2003 April 18. Guards are unsuccessful in finding Patient 58 until Police checked in a old, abandon shack. What they found was patient 58's corpse. His eyes were gouged out, tongue removed, arms ripped off and claw marks all over his stomach... And what was written on the wall... In blood it said, "Hope you enjoyed the show, Come again--[[Dingo the Wolf]]"
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