Super Duper Scary Game Boy Game Pasta

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So you think that all video game pasta are fake? You think all these pastas are nothing more than pokemon blood edition trash. Well... its not all of them. This is a story of pain and suffering. This is the story of warning and caution. This is the story of “Super Duper Sumos” for the Gameboy Advance. One day as hanging out with my friend in the club, Afterwords we decided for go to Gamestop and although I didn't play video games much any more, I throught it might be fun to take a walk down memory lane. Upon browsing the store I came a gba of Sonic Advanced 2 and brought it. When I came home I went for my GBA ( a term used by us retro gamers ) it was than that I saw a game cartage on the floor. I thought that was unusual ( and not in the tf2 way) that the cartage was on my floor like that because usually I keep my floor very clean and messy at all.


I pick up the game and begin to hear Gaigas theme playing which I thought was kinda weird and creepy, but not creepy like a carnival which was scary and haunted. I put in my GBA and started it up. I shock to see three HUGE figures. I than heard so creepy music playing in the background, softly like, like an angel's kiss, but not as soft as a marshmallow, which was soft and chewable and super good. I pushed start and sounded like a skeleton. I start to move my character only I wasn't control my character it was as if had a mind of its own. I popped open another can of Yebisu Beer and pushed up my man magnets then continued.

It kept going on till the screen turned black. Now black things are cool because you can't see them in the dark, but this time it was scary like a pregnancy test. Then suddenly skeletons popped out, but its was okay because it was a video game, though I was thoroughly spooked. Then the stage 1 name came up and it said KILL on the screen, as in kill as in murder. I was scared but I kept watching the game play itself. My character enter the stage which was look a lot like Lavender Town. My character then arrived at a grave. A message box appeared and read “ Do you wish to continue?”. I was super freaked out at this point so I pushed yes. Now I'm not stupid or anything, its just that I thought the game was asking me if I want to continue with my life. So obviously I answered “Yes”.

The screen went white this time. Round 2 came up and it said YOU. I could move my character round this time around this time. I was on a empty road I moved right for two minutes until I saw a huge figure at the end of the screen. The figure touched at my character (but not in a perverted way). A massage box appeared just like the last where it did the same thing. But this time it said “Are you ready?” I tied to push “No” but it would not let me! I forced myself to push “Yes” instead of “No”. It then turned to static. I had enough at this point so I turned off my GBA. I put myself in bed.

The next morning, I woke and found the GBA with the curse game on the side of my bed. I swore I put this on the counter. I did not thing much of it through cause I love to drink. Looking back at it through, I probably should have drank more. I turned on the GBA (like I do with all the guys ;D) and continued where I left off. Round 3 came up and it said DEAD. I saw my apartment and then I saw a photo my bedroom with me pasted out on the bed. And that’s why I'm writing this I realized that this thing might actually want to kill me! I took the game out and sold it on ebay. Wait! The game I put it in the box and sent it out a month ago but its here on my desk! Some words of advice. One, never play old video games, playing old games make you look old and once it is done, it cannot be done. Second, never say the title of this particular game out loud, it has some sort of strange power... Oh I sent him the sonic game instead...hmm. I guess ahh! Then a hyper-realistic thing pop out I got scarred the end!