TPOT: Series Finale

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Four saying "I am going to kill you"

I am a huge fan of BFDI, I watc it on yuutuubbbe, TPOT was even better, I still liked BFDI though, but, when the TPOT finale came out, I was horrified!

The episode came out on October 11th 2031, the date already was a problem, it was a weird day to release the episode on, but what was even worse is that it came out at 3AM, I shrugged it off, the episode began with our two finalists, Teardrop and Coiny, YES TEARDROP WILL MAKE IT TO THE FINALE DO NOT COMPLAIN! Coiny said, "I can't wait to win!, while Teardrop said nothing, as she can't talk, Coiny wondered why Teardrop couldn't talk, he then opened her mouth, but her mouth was hyper realistic, and inside it was hyper realistic blood! Coiny was petrified, Two then came out of nowhere and said "It's time for the finale!", the TPOT Cake At Stake Song played, but instead of Antony Kos' voice, there were dudes screaming in the background, and the logo was red! Something was up

Usually the cake for the finale is a combination of all the other cakes from the past episodes, but this time, it was human flesh and organs! I threw up! organs in a kids show? that would never happen! and usually the past eliminated contestants would be there, stating who they would want to win, but instead, there were actual real people there, locked up in cages, clearly crying for help, I was terrified, why would this happen in a kids show? Two said "Welcome to the TPOT Finale!, whoever gets the most votes wins The Power Of Two!", he then told the guys to say who they want to win, but instead of talking, they were screaming and crying for help, at this point I couldn't take it anymore, I tried closing out of the video, but it wouldn't close, I then tried pausing it, but it wouldn't work, I tried closing out of Chrome and even tried turning off my PC, but with no avail, it didn't work, I was forced to watch the episode

Two was then ready to announce the winner, "and the winner of The Power Of Two is...", my PC then went static for 35 seconds, "stupid PC", said, I was checking it to see what the problem was, but it then suddenly went unstatic, but Two didn't say who the winner was, and Coiny wasn't there, very strange, and Teardrop was pointing her zap ray at Two, he then said "Teardrop, stop pointing that zap ray at me", Teardrop didn't listen, she then shooted it at Two, but instead of lasers, hyper realistic blood came out of it, I was disgusted, but, for some reason, Two didn't die from the lasers, I was confused, my computer then went static again, this time it was a full minute, I tried fixing my PC again, but then after that it turned back on, the episode continued, but this time even Teardrop wasn't there, I knew something was going down, I then tried looking closer at the the screen, I then noticed a very tiny text that said, "I know where you live", I was horrified, how could a show like BFDI know where I live? this was when I started to get worried

Two then said "Where's Coiny and Teardrop?", and blue evil face then appeared behind them, the screen then went static again, this time for 2 minutes, I tried fixing my PC, why does it keep going static? it then went back up 2 minutes later and this time nobody was there except for a blue person, I then realized, FOUR! Four is back, his face was demonic, and his eyes had hyper realistic blood coming out of it, he then ate one of the guys trapped in cages, it was screaming so loud you could hear it all over town, Four and swalloed the man, he said in a demonic voice, "WHO'S NEXT?!?!", he then screeched at all the guys, they then died, he then looked at me and said, in a demonic voice, "I am going to kill you", he then lunged at the screen, breaking it, I was terrified, I then smashed my computer, and ran to bed, I tried to sleep, but I was terrified, thinking of whats going to happen

I thought Four was going to smash into my house and eat me, I then realised it was 6:66 PM, I looked at my hand and it was blue, so were my

other hand, and legs, and feet, and ears, I then looked in the mirror, and I had cartoon eyes, a cartoon mouth, I then realized I turned into Four, and then A BUNCH OF ALGEBRAILIENS BROKE INTO MY HOUSE Including Four X Two Five Six Seven Eight and Six Hundred and Sixty Six, and then they trashed my house and they all combined together and now they're Number 3000, and then they chased after me and I ran outside and I hid inside tree and they tried to kill me, I then fell out of the tree, and when I landed on the ground, I got up from the ground, the numbers said, in a demonic voice, "DIE!", they then grabbed me and putted me inside their mouth, and I am writing this inside their stomach, beware of Number 3000, or they will come into your house, and kill you

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