Talk it! Rip it! (Scary edition): Difference between revisions

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Hello, as u are readingreddding this messege IIi am dying
Let me explainexplin
I was goinggoig to my local lemonlmon seller before I saw an old man screamscrraem at 6 childrenchilden. IO walkd up to him and askedakeds “hello what’s the matter”mtter” and he showedshoed me a cd with markermrrrker written on it saying “talk“tlk it! Old prototype”
He said “hello youngyungng man, do you want thistthis.”
I said n9 but suddenlysuenly he dropkickeddropki3cked me and I becamebecomme unconscios…uncconscios…
I wokewke up with my hands coveredcoered in hyper-realistic blood and gotgt up. I sw a cd saying “talk it! old prototype”p4ototype” and I saidsaed “eh, why not.
8 placed the prototypeprtotype disc into my pc, and$ it booted me to a fole explorrer folder with 1 programppkgram on it.
“Talk ititt! Rip it!”.EXE”
I was confusedconused on the name at first but I hsrugged it off as a glitchgjitch. And then I opened it…ht…
An error message appeared with the name of “666” saying: “WARNING THIS HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF BOUNDSS BY THE “TALK IT!” CORPERRATION! DO NOT;OT!”
[[File:TalkitripitBUTSOSCARY.jpg|thumb|The image]]
I clicked “proceed“ anywaysanyays. And the program boited up and I saw thistjhis:
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i was shittng and pissingpifssing myself in hfear I clicked a voice nervusly and typed in somethingsomting
the thingthng I typed in was “hello“hllo my name is fart” and clicked ripirp tit
the voice was disembodied, it sounded breathyb4reathy and whiprrery.
suddenlys. Hyper-realistic faces flashed on my screensceen, they looked incerndibly scaryscry.
but then after 12 secondssecods one of the facesfacs got close to my screan and sliced my arm@rm off.
my pc started to iverheativ9erheat
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i tried going to the fire extinguisherehttinguisher in my room but I couldn’t.
my vison is fadingfadyng as I typet6pe itihs. Goodbye…