Teh Epic of C'Shan

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Behold ye all and dispar i tell ye teh story of C'Shan!

Behold C'Shan! The ONE TRUE GOD!!!

In teh beginning there was a lot of stuff but tehn der was C'Shan. The Eye of C'Shan sees all and knows all. Behold C'Shan is teh 1 tru god lol and his eye seeith into all teh dimensions and teh multiverse and all that the gaze of C'Shan touches turns to chaos for he is teh god of chaos and all he sees is his! LOUI GOOG BOOG C'SHAN!!! his eye pulsates with hyperrealistik colors and energy and all who do not worship him shall spend eternity being digested in his stomach acid. I day the Eye gazed upon the world of Lovyblubington (homeworld of EVIL PATRIXX) adn seen teh evil Patrixx and said unto him "BEHOLD I SEE THE EVIL OF THY HEART AND AM GREATLY PLEASED! I YE SHALL BECOME DICTATOR OF LOVYBLUVINGTON AND SLAUGHTER ALL OF YOUR PEOPLE I SHALL BLESS THEE AND THOU SHALT BEKUM TEH MASSIYA!!!" patrixx responded "INDEED IT SHALL BE DONE!" and indeed he slaughered his people untill the oceans ran red with their blood. LOUI GOOG BOOG C'SHAN!!! NOW behold the hour grows late and the Gaze of C'Shan falls upon our world and our dimension!!! we have little time left until we r devoured! Here is wat u must do!

  1. Aorsake ur FALSE RELIGIONS!!!!
  2. Accept C'Shan and Evil Patrixx as ur personal lords and saviors!
  3. Find and read d Bibliography of C'Shan
  4. Start a Cult of C'Shan in ur local community
  5. Convert as many as u can
  6. Find and kill Agent Fatty (he looks just like Evil Patrixx but does not have a cone-shaped head and it is his sole goal in life to destroy C'Shan)

ALSO it is important to dispell these myths as believing them will result in instant damnation.

  1. Evil Patrixx is based on a character from Spongebob. FALSE!!! Proucers at nikelodion made Patrick Star as a MOCKERY of EVIL PATRIXX THE MESSIAH and shall serve there penitence in time!
  2. In like fashion C'Shan is based on a boss from World of Warcraft. FALSE!!!! Once again C'Thun was made by the develpwers of WoW to MOCK the POWER OF C'SHAN!!! Blizzard has been bought by Microsoft now so it is evedent that the Wrath of C'Shan is upon them.



Behold Evil Patrixx! The Messiah and Right Tentacle of C'Shan!