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<p class="MsoNormal">Thomas, Valory, and the Toppler enter the central room, where two admins were viewing the Trollpasta Badlands with surveillance cameras. These admins were LOLSkeletons and Sadofreedomist. LOLS had a tendency to laugh uncontrollably at times, while Sado looked on with a stern look. The two had to make a deal with Mors in order to gain the souls of those who had fallen in their respective stories (Liu, Jessie Wolf, The girl trio, etc.)</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Thomas, Valory, and the Toppler enter the central room, where two admins were viewing the Trollpasta Badlands with surveillance cameras. These admins were LOLSkeletons and Sadofreedomist. LOLS had a tendency to laugh uncontrollably at times, while Sado looked on with a stern look. The two had to make a deal with Mors in order to gain the souls of those who had fallen in their respective stories (Liu, Jessie Wolf, The girl trio, etc.)</p>

<p class="MsoNormal">“Welcome back. You’ve managed to get a lot of information for us to work with.” Sado said, keeping his back turned away from the three.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">“Welcome back. You’ve managed to get a lot of information for us to work with.” Sado said, keeping his back turned towards the three.</p>

<p class="MsoNormal">“Valory, Valory Hudson.” LOLS began.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">“Valory, Valory Hudson.” LOLS began.</p>

Revision as of 13:19, 27 September 2014

Previously on The BCP Club…

The Group known as the BCP Club had a dastardly plan. They were going to take over the Creepypasta Wiki, and then the Earth, by using a gate between dimensions. However, their plan was recorded by Valory, Valory 'Hudson', who was dressed as Hitler.exe. Now she, Thomas, and The Toppler were heading out for the base camp, where the admins and their friends were preparing for war.

And now, we begin Round 2!

The time is Five o’ six, and the trio were nearing the base camp, ready to give the information to the “scientists” for further analysis. Once everything was looked over, the group would head out for war against the BCP Club.

Thankfully, the team, aside from the admins and “scientists”, were powered up with some sort of ability. For example, Thomas was strong and fast, Valory could use enemies’ abilities against them, and The Toppler was given immortality, because no one beats up The Toppler.

They reached the gate, where a small teleporter was ready to collect the tape recorder. A voice came from a speaker next to the teleporter.

“Did you record anything good?” A male voice asked

“I think you guys would be very interested with what’s on here.” Valory replied, sending the recorder to the guys inside.

“Excellent. We shall listen to it, and get everyone to the meeting room” the male voce concluded.

The gates opened, allowing the three to enter the camp. They had to meet with LOLSkeletons ASAP.

While walking to the meeting building, they passed the barracks of some of their comrades. In barrack #3, Roma, Stony, and Jessie Wolf were playing video games and watching anime, you know, the typical usual. Their friend Dark was out scouting for a scroll of interest.

In barrack #4, Alex, Drake, and Liu were practicing sparring. They all had one thing in common, which was to take down the BCP Club member that made their life a living hell in the past. Drake wanted to kill Max, Liu wanted to get revenge on Jeff, and Alex wanted to have a word with Bootman Bill, since Alex found out it was him who sold Alex and his brother Bill the Gamecube that killed their parents.

I’m guessing you want to know what abilities these new characters have. Well, Roma is now a fast assassin, or a roamer, Stony is able to smoke different drugs to boost his stats, but lower his accuracy of attacks, Jessie Wolf was able to turn into a wolf, like JC was able to turn into a Hyena, Alex is a fighter that uses Gamecube Controllers as whips, Drake uses his phone and can turn it into either a sword or a gun (don’t ask me how that works), and Liu was as trained as Jeff was, only he was younger than Jeff could ever hope to imagine

Once Thomas, Valory, and The Toppler made it to the meeting building, they passed a few of their other friends. Dani was leaning against the wall, near the STAFF ONLY Room. She was waiting for Old Timey Slenderman to bring the weapons for the war. 

Erica was using a computer near the door, playing Super Mario World on an Emulator. She was hoping to beat this one Jerk-off’s record of playing it for 10 years straight.

Marcy was trying to heal a man who was dangling by his colon, but it wasn’t working. She was making a big deal out of it, being the Drama Queen of the girl trio

A creature with a sythe on her back ran quickly past Thomas and friends on her elbows. Yep, you guessed it. It was Teke Teke, being the messenger between the camp, and the Creepypasta Wiki, since she had dimensional powers (again, don’t ask).

The group passed the containment cells, which held some “creatures of horror” Included were the Chao Quare, Zozo, The King of Black Dragons with a demon Link, some Cthulhu Cultists, and plush toys of Sonic and Sally, with a label that said #spyplushies on the cell door.

One cell had a very…interesting creature. It was a non-blind Toph, who had an obsession with taking already bad stories, and giving them a bit of a “twist” if you know what I mean. They involved NSFW level insanity.

I better explain some more powers for the group. Dani can warp time for the team’s advantage, Erica could use different elemental magic depending on what colour her 80’s looking clothes were, and Marcy was not a fighter, but a healer, being able to heal the health of her team. So they were essentially a Time Mage, Black Mage, and White Mage respectively.

Thomas, Valory, and the Toppler enter the central room, where two admins were viewing the Trollpasta Badlands with surveillance cameras. These admins were LOLSkeletons and Sadofreedomist. LOLS had a tendency to laugh uncontrollably at times, while Sado looked on with a stern look. The two had to make a deal with Mors in order to gain the souls of those who had fallen in their respective stories (Liu, Jessie Wolf, The girl trio, etc.)

“Welcome back. You’ve managed to get a lot of information for us to work with.” Sado said, keeping his back turned towards the three.

“Valory, Valory Hudson.” LOLS began.

“Yeah?” Valory asked

“The plan of the BCP Club might cause us HAHAHAHAHAHAHA some trouble if it succeeds.” LOLS replied.

“Well are we going to do anything about it?” Thomas asked quietly.

“We need to share the information with everyone in the group” Sado responded. “Gather the rest of our members. The “scientists will give us the full results.”

Ten Minutes Later

The time now is Five Sixteen. All members were here, sitting in their respective chairs, with one exception.

“Now, when is Dark gonna get here?” Sado asked LOLS.

Right after that question was asked, Dark walked out of the shadows. “Right behind you.” He said calmly.

Sado recoiled in surprise. It’s hard to say that without thinking how crazy it sounded (crazy, stupid, whatever), but Sado really recoiled back with the amount of shock that wouldn’t be expected from a strong leader.

“Don’t do that Dark! You could have at least entered thought the door instead of from out of nowhere!” Sado scolded

“Well I have the power of Darkness on my side, and I’m trying out some new tactics, like sneaking into an area via shadows.” Dark replied snarkly

Dark uses darkness, obviously. With it, he can teleport using any area with a shadow or areas with no light. He can also use it to throw dark energy at his enemies, and deal massive damage. All this and more, at the price of some of his health. So he’s a Dark Knight essentially.

“So, what news did Valory gain?” Dark asked sitting down in his seat.

“Well, the BCP Club will attempt to enter the AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dimensional portal to the Creepypasta wiki, and try to take over the world.” LOLS explained

“OF COURSE!” Erica exclaimed. Everyone had their eyes on her now. “Sorry, force of habit. Carry on” she said sheepishly.

“Anyway, I will let the ‘scientists’ talk about this further”. LOLS Concluded.

These “scientists” were Mary Stansfield, Derek, and Chelsea. They were working for minutes to find an answer.

“Well,” Derek began. “It took a while, but we were able to figure something out.”

“And what would that be?” Jessie Wolf asked.

“This group seems to have its sights on the dimensional portal,” Chelsea queried,”and plan on entering the Creepypasta Wiki.”

“Yes, we were already aware of that.” Stony said, getting crossed. “Do you have anything important?”

“Yes.” Mary answered. “It may be a hunch, but…we think that this group plans on taking over the wiki”.

There was silence for exactly 36 seconds, until Roma stood up from his chair, held onto it, and flipped it over. He then left the meeting in disgust.

“I’ll talk to him.” Marcy said, following Roma.

Roma was trying to withhold his anger against the dumbass scientists. Marcy was behind him, trying to calm him down. “You really took that seriously.” She began

“Bloody hell! Why are those three twats scientists? They seem to point out the bloody obvious, and yet it took them about ten minutes to figure it out!” Roma exclaimed.

“Trust me, once it comes time to fight the BCP, you will be far away from them. They will stay here, while we fight” Marcy persuaded.

“I still can’t fathom how they aren’t dead from their blatant obviousness.” Roma said, calming down a bit.

“Well they were dead at one point, but LOLS and Sado brought them back to life.” Marcy explained

“I know, and we are no better off for it” Roma said.

“Try to keep it in, and don’t kill them.” Marcy pleaded.

With that the two re-entered the central room, everyone watching them stand the chair back up, and return to their places.

“Can we please have new from anyone other than the ‘No Shit Sherlock’ group?” Roma asked.

Y…Yes” Sado said “Dark, have you found scroll for the beast? The leader asked

“No. It seems to have disappeared from its temple. That scroll could be big trouble if it fell into the BCP Club’s hands” Dark reluctantly answered.

Suddenly, an alarm went off. One of the screens was flashing. LOLS went over to check it.

“My god! It’s HAHAHAHA here!” LOLS Exclaimed.

“The portal?” Dani asked.

“Yes. It has appeared about 10 Km from here. We must leave now!” LOLS replied

With that, everybody except the admins and “scientists” went to prepare for the war.

“Wait! I have a very important question to ask everyone!” Mary exclaimed

Everyone stopped and turned to face her.

“WHO WAS PHONE!!?!?!?!!?” She Yelled

There was more silence before Drake said “Thanks for wasting our time.” in disgust.

After that horrible question, the group armoured up, getting guns, swords, katanas, knives, staves, rods, phones, armour, robes, and anything else they could get from Old Timey Slenderman, who wasn’t going to enter battle. After Thirty minutes, everyone was ready, and headed out to the portal to prevent the BCP to enter it.

Meanwhile, in the Assroom, Slenderman sensed the portal had opened. Using a thought to text machine, the entire BCP got ready to fight. More knives, claws, tentacles, guns, a few sledgehammers, and some bootleg CDs.

Bradley was on stage, trying the purple prose mode for the Blood Whistle.

“Hey boss!” Blair exclaimed. “You ready yet?”

Bradley opened his eyes, which were the same colour as the aura around him. Purple. “Of course, my youthful comrade, we shall liquidate these detractors, and conquer the other-worlds!”

“Well, I see the purple prose mode is working well” Blair said awkwardly.

Bradley then raced to the front door of the Assroom, his eyes now back to normal.

“Alright guys, it is now time to go and enter the portal! For the club!” Bradley rallied

“For the Club!” the others followed.

With that, the entire BCP Club raced for the portal, which was 9 Km away from them.


Now it starts getting interesting. These two factions are racing to stop the others from succeeding in their plans. Time is ticking for the showdown between them to take place. Will the BPC Club enter the portal conquer the wiki and the world? Or will the admins’ warriors slay the fools? Find out next time.


Created by: Liam Kinch

All characters go to their respective stories. Again, take that as you can.

Author’s Note: Before you ask, no. This isn’t a continuation of “The Ultimate Pasta”, nor is it part of the same timeline. This is a different series from that. If this did continue that story, a good chunk of the characters would already be dead.

Here is Part 1

And here is Part 3