The BCP Club 3 (A Close Encounter With The BCP Club): Difference between revisions

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To make things worse, Luna sang a song to raise the power of
To make things worse, Luna sang a song to raise the power of
her team’s attack.
her team’s attack.

"Keep fighting club! We shall work our way through these fools!" Luna preached.

Even worse, JC had summoned a creature. The rat looking
Even worse, JC had summoned a creature. The rat looking
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“You can’t kill that thing!” JC gloated. “It’s a beast
“You can’t kill that thing!” JC gloated. “It’s a beast
version of their mascot!”
version of Chuck.E.Cheese's mascot!”

Suddenly, when that sentence was spoken, Dark’s mind began
Suddenly, when that sentence was spoken, Dark’s mind began

Revision as of 13:23, 27 September 2014

Previously on The BCP Club…

With the information now in hand, the admins have now figured out what the plan of the BCP Club is. After a meeting involving chairs being flipped, and “scientists” giving out pointless answers, the admins send out all of their warriors to stop the BCP Club. At the same time, said club is ready to enter the portal to get to the Creepypasta Wiki. Now these two factions are heading for the same place, and will do everything in their power to stop the others from beating them.

And now…The “epic” conclusion


The BCP Club had made its way to the portal. They were ready to spread Armageddon onto the Creepypasta Wiki, and the World

“Slendy. Start creating a connection between the ground, and the portal.” Bradley commanded.

Slenderman agreed, and started his way towards the portal. He was just about to create a staircase for them to reach the portal, until…

“Holy!” a female voice cried out. Immediately after, a ball of light slammed into Slenderman, knocking him to the ground.

“WHAT!?” X cried out. “Where did that come from!?”

X found out. The ball of light came from Erica, with her bands all white. Behind her were the rest of the heroes.

“I was hoping that we wouldn’t have any problems,” Axel began. “but with your intrusion, we shall have to brawl it out!”

It was time to take action. The BCP Club Members (Bradley, X, Bootman Bill, Axel, JC, Sonic.exe, Sally.exe, Old man Jeff, Big Jane Lebowski, Tails Doll, Slenderman, the Janitor, the deformed man, Smiley, Mindless Max(now free of his bonds), Blair, Luna, Luigi, and The Soul Thief) and the Admins’ Warriors (Thomas, Valory(Valory Hudson), The Toppler, Jessie Wolf, Roma, Stony, Dark, Dani, Erica, Marcy, Alex, Liu, and Drake) would fight in a No Holds Barred fight, and there would be blood. High amounts of blood. (Hyper/Photo) realistic Blood.

The fight began with the physical fighters clashing their swords, shooting their guns, and in the case of JC and Jessie, scratching and clawing at each other. Bootman Bill, Axel, and Bradley stayed behind, and watched the battle unfold. It wasn’t long before the first casualty was made. The janitor was trying to attack Drake, but Drake used his phone to show the Janitor a scary picture. It was the scariest picture he had ever seen. He couldn’t take it anymore, and his heart exploded, leaving him dead. Drake smirked, knowing he claimed the first life.

The battle seemed to be going well for the Warriors, since the next life to be claimed was the deformed man, who ended up getting stabbed repeatedly by Stony, who was currently smoking weed.

Then Liu and The Toppler noticed something.

“Where are Jeff and BJL?” Liu asked The Toppler, unsure.

It wasn’t long before both he and The Toppler heard a weird noise, which sounded like an old fart and a rip-off character were “getting it on” if you know what I mean. The two went to look around and found Jeff and BJL “thrashed around” for minutes. The sight disgusted Liu and The Toppler, they nearly vomited. Once Jeff and BJL were finished, they got back up and were ready to fight…only to have Liu stab Jeff in the chest, and The Toppler to punch BJL in the heart.

The two were rapidly dying, but they knew they could survive if they fled to the JTK Wiki.

“Tails Doll! Fly us to the JTK Wiki!” Jeff Hollered, carrying BJL and climbing onto The Tails Doll’s back.

Tails Doll grabbed Jeff’s knife, turned around, and floated upwards, but it was hard to, since it had two killers in its back

“I’m trying, but you two are weighing me down!” It growled

Alex saw the trio try to fly away, so he grabbed a nearby slingshot, loaded it with a bottle of holy water, and aimed for The Tails Doll. He let go, and watched as the holy water crashed into the floating doll. IT BURNED LIKE A BOMB AND EXPLODED!

Jeff and BJL were falling. With luck, they could land on the ground. Unfortunately for them, Roma saw them falling and, not wanting to pass an opportunity up, dashed to the two, and raised his katana. Jeff and BJL were impaled on the katana, dying immediately.

“Double Kill!” Roma whispered.

Back at the Admin Base Camp, the “scientists” were watching the action, rooting for the Warriors. They didn’t know that Squidward, the Mannequin, and Mickey Mouse behine them. Insind the meeting room, Sado and LOLSkeletons were planning for the next Creepypasat Wiki cleanup, until they heard screams of a woman, a discord of piano keys, a music box, and many other noises.

When everything ended, Derek and Chelsea walked out, repeating “Real suffering is not known” seven times each, before offing each other with their pistols.

LOLS and Sado looked into the science room, and saw that the mannequin was wearing Mary’s clothes, but was crumpled up into pieces, and Mickey was lying on the ground dead. There was no sight of Squidward.

“I’m not surprised that scientist suicide went up after that.” Sado said.

Back at the battlefield, Jessie sensed that there was a problem back at base. This allowed JC to beat down on Jessie, killing him in only a few swipes. JC retuned to his human form, backing up to get their creature ready.

Now the battle ended up turning to the BCP Club’s favour. During the bout between Drake and Max, they ended killing each other by slitting each other’s wrists, bleeding to death. Smiley used his sledgehammer to smash the ground, causing an earthquake that knocked Stony off balance. When Stony looked up, the last thing he saw was Smiley bringing his sledgehammer onto his head. Stony’s head was crushed.

Luigi and Thomas were fighting against each other, stuck at a stalemate. Luigi thought he would win this bout by jumping high, and slamming down on Thomas. While he did slam someone into the ground, it wasn’t Thomas. It was Valory.

She lied on the ground, her bones crushed. Thomas ran over to her, hoping that jump wouldn’t have been fatal. Unfortunately, all of her bones had been crippled, leaving her paralyzed. Her heart was on the brink of death.

“T…Thomas…” she tried to speak

“Hang in there Valory. You aren’t dying on me. Not here, Not now!” Thomas was in denial about this.

Before Valory could try to calm him down, her heart stopped. She had died then, and there.

Thomas, now losing the only thing he loved, flew into a fit of rage against Luigi, almost like he had Massive Mind Loss. Thomas proceeded to stab and punch Luigi to death. Luigi showed no fear. He knew he ticked Thomas off, and was glad that he caused at least one bit of anarchy before death. Thomas continued to beat on the now mushy pile of unidentifiable gore. Roma and Dani had to hold him back.

“Calm down man! He’s long since dead!” Dani yelled, trying to calm Thomas down.

“There’s nothing else you can do mate.” Roma said sadly.

Thomas was crying, very hard. He felt like there was nothing else in the world for him to fight for.

Roma suddenly felt a weird sensation, like his stomach was getting drilled into. He looked down, and saw a purple glove go through his stomach. His organs fell onto the ground, before he dropped dead.

Blair laughed. “I managed to kill one of your friends. Your team is rapidly diminishing.” She gloated.

To make things worse, Luna sang a song to raise the power of her team’s attack.

"Keep fighting club! We shall work our way through these fools!" Luna preached.

Even worse, JC had summoned a creature. The rat looking creature proceeded to wreck the area up.

“You can’t kill that thing!” JC gloated. “It’s a beast version of Chuck.E.Cheese's mascot!”

Suddenly, when that sentence was spoken, Dark’s mind began to race, thinking to himself, that sounds really stupid. With that, he began to get infuriated that the creature could ever exist. Dark went into full Rage mode, making his way to continuously slash at the beast until it was cut up into 1000 pieces. When he was finished there, he used his dark powers to overpower Luna, and used his sword to slice Blair in two.

JC couldn’t believe it; he just saw the ultimate beast get destroyed. He tried to get away from Dark, but Dark moved with such speed and power, that he slit JC’s neck.

“Fuck off! Fuck right off with that shit!” Dark yelled.

He was going to kill JC right then and there, but X uppercutted Dark, knocking him out on the ground.

“Master JC!” X cried out. “I must get you to a safe place!” X carried JC away from battle.

“Get back here X!” Bradley screamed.

Squidward had returned from the base camp, grabbing hold of Erica. She screamed loudly, gaining the other’s attention.

“If I’m going down, you’re going with me!” Squidward yelled.

With that Squidward suddenly spontaneously combusted with Erica in his grasp. Thankfully, Erica used her ice magic to put the flaming suicidal squid out. She is let go, and the burnt rotting corpse lies on the ground.

Sally.exe tried to do the same thing with the knocked out Dark, but Alex knocks her back, and cuts the tentacles from her mouth off. She eventually died from blood loss.

Suddenly, Bootman Bill stands in front of Alex.

“You seem like a formidable opponent Alex” Bootman Bill calmly said “Your brother would be proud of you.”

“And how would you know this?” Alex asked

“Think about it this way, how did the Gamecube know about your family? How did it know where you lives, and how did it kill your parents?” Bootman Bill asked

“Wait…don’t tell me…was it you?” Alex questioned

“And how did I know?” Bootman Bill Replied

“Wait…Oh God No!” Alex cried out.

“Yes, Alex. I…am your Brother, Bill”

That was the last thing he wanted Alex to hear, since Sonic.exe thrusted his hand into Alex’s back, held onto his heart, and crushed it. Another Warrior down.

The Soul Thief was ready to steal Marcy’s life, having her knocked down, but then…

“Stop!” Dani yelled out, directing the spell at the Soul Thief

The Soul Thief was stuck in place, he couldn’t move. Dani got her friend to her feet, and took the monster’s staff, and impaled it into the Soul Thief. The staff started to suck out the monster’s soul (AKA The Soul Thief stole his own soul), which caused it to explode from the paradoxical nature of that statement.

Axel was behind both Dani and Marcy, pointing a gun at both of them.

“I’ll make sure neither of you two return to those stupid admins” She threatened.

But before she could pull the trigger, a loud noise was heard, and a zombie Pikachu appeared in front of Axel. Its mouth opened to impossible lengths, and devoured Axel whole before disappearing.

The BCP Members left were Bradley, Smiley, Slenderman, Bootman Bill, and Sonic.exe.

The remaining Admin Warriors are Thomas, The Toppler, Dark, Dani, Erica, Marcy, and Liu, but Thomas has been out of commission since…well…you know.

Dark finally woke up, but he was low on health, so Marcy needed to heal him so he could continue fighting. But while raising Dark’s health, Slenderman saw this as an opportunity to kill both him and Marcy.

Before Slendy could kill them, Dani stopped him in his tracks and, for shits and giggles, switched his clothes for a leprechaun’s outfit. Once Slendy gets back into real time, Dark is already healed, and starts laughing at his outfit.

Dark wasn’t the only one though, it seems like the remaining BCP Club members were laughing their asses off as well. Slendy…wasn’t please at all.

“Oh man Slenderman,” Smiley began “You’ve never been this stupid looking ever”

Sonic.exe added “Even I look better when compared to you!”

Slenderman was not going to take that. He grabbed Sonic.exe and Smiley with is tentacles, and snapped their necks, killing both of them. Slendy, now feeling like his presence wasn’t needed, left the battle grounds.

“Face it Bradley! You’re down to you and Bootman Bill. There’s nothing left for you to do but either surrender, or die!” Erica proclaimed

Bradley had one last trick up his sleeve “Maybe that’s the case, but……” He began to glow purple and levitate. “I can still claim victory over you simple minded simpletons. All I need is the sacrifice of one of my companions.” He looked over to Bootman Bill

“You can’t be serious!” Bootman Bill yelled

He was wrong. Bradley used his purple prose powers (Alliteration FTMFW) to cause Bootman Bill to explode into a bloody mess. Using his blood, Bradley began to use the Blood Whistle to transform into a creature of blood and gore, a demonic creature that drinks blood, and is the source of all bad writing in the world. It was known as… PATRIXXX (….I got nothing else to use here)

The remaining warriors were in fear and shock when they saw this monstrosity.

“I shall be the one to rule over this world, and annihilate all of you!” PATRIXXX screeched out

“Over our dead bodies!” Dark yelled back

With that, the monster began to puke blood all over the place. The remaining six had to disband and move out around the monster.

They all knew that they needed to use whatever strength they had left to kill the monster.

Liu ran up to and started slashing away furiously. Dark used dark energy to try and weaken it, Both Dani and Erica were using their high level spells to destroy it, while Marcy stayed behing to heal everyone. Nothing seemed to work.

Then, The Toppler remembered that the staff of the Soul Thief was still on the battlefield.

“I seriously hope this works.” The Toppler said to himself, grabbing the staff.

With that, he began to charge at the creature, raised the staff above his head, and jumped towards the monster. He stabbed the staff into the creature, which causes its soul to be removed, thus killing the monster. PATRIXXX explodes into many bloody bits. The monster was destroyed.

All that remained, aside from the six standing warriors and the scarred for life Thomas was the Blood Whistle.

“This small object is definitely coming back with us to camp.” Marcy said.

Once they returned they were welcomed back by the admins. “Well, this was somewhat successful, I guess.” Sado said, unsure of what to do now.

“We have the Blood Whistle in our possession, so we don’t have to worry about the BCP Club ever again since we killed everyone, right?” Liu asked.

“Not quite.” A male voice from the shadows said. He came out, looking like a teenager, but had the voice of a trucker from the south.

“And what would you have to say about this mister?” Erica questioned the teen.

“Let’s just say that there are two members still alive.” The teen answered

“X and JC?” Dark asked

“Correct. While JC maybe near death, X will live.” The teen exposited.

“Well, how is that important?” Dani asked snarkly.

“They will soon acquire…the scroll” said the teen

“You don’t HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA mean...” LOLS began

“Yes. That scroll.” The teen answeed “Three kids about my age went into the temple and found it. One of them being my friend Tom. That’s why Dark couldn’t find it himself.”

“Wait…If your friend is Tom, then you are…”The Toppler was unsure of what was going on.

“Kyle” the teen answered

Meanwhile, in a cave, X and JC are resting, JC on his last breaths.

“X…I want you to try and get revenge on them. Kill all of those fuckers.” JC requested.

“How am I supposed to do that?” X questioned

“Figure…it…out…your…self” Those were JC’s final words before he died

X was now all alone, the only surviving member of the BCP Club. A few minutes later, three teens entered the cave to find X all alone.

“You’re X, Correct?” The middle one asked.

“Yes…and who are you?” X replied

“Allow me to introduce my friends and I.” The figure began. “To my left is the King of Pokemon.”

X saw the teen on the left. He had a robe and crown on, with a Zangoose on his shoulder.

“And the one on the right is Twitchy”

X saw the right teen. Talk about a total spaz. It seemed like any part of his body could shake at any second.

“And I,” the middle teen said. ”am Tom”

“W.Wait. Tom? As in Sonic.exe Tom?” X questioned

Tom smirked “Correct. We heard that my master was with the BCP Club, so we needed to give him something special.” Tom then saw the dead body of JC. “Although…you’ll have to do.”

Tom gave X the scroll. The scroll was actually a journal. A journal that “John’s Journal” on the front of it. X scrolled thought the pages to find a page that could summon a devilish creature.

X began to laugh maniacally. The other three began to join him. They all knew, that with a few new members, and with this summon, they could create the BSCPST Club. They now had a monster that was like The Toppler, as it could not be beaten. This creature’s name was…






Created by Liam Kinch

As usual, all characters belong to their original owners

Author's Notes: Well I've finished the trilogy. If I plan on continuing this series, it will be under the BSCPST Name

If this part seems a bit rushed, it's just because I was a bit dried out after the last chapter.

Finally, If anyone didn't know BCP stands for Bad Creepypasta, while BSCPST stands for Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime

Here is Part 1

And here is Part 2