The Cooper Game

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I have never loved The Big Bang Theory series. My family was a big fan of it but me, quiet the opposite. I think it's one of the most unfunny show i've ever seen. But why would i tell you such a stuff? For the past weeks i had a weird and horrifying experince with that show.

Before that i would love to introduce myself. I'm Tyler. I'm around 20 years old and I've moved out from my parents to go to college and start my own life. I bringed my stuff like my Computer, old plush dinosaur, and Mai Shiranui 1/6 Scale Statue that i bought two months ago. But weirdly in the box there was loads of CD wallets. There was for my parents seperately for my mom and dad, for mom there was comedy and romance movies, hospital dramas. Dad has comic book films and horror movies like Halloween, Hellraiser and the First 3 saw movies. My Brother's has cartoon movies like the first Spongebob movie, my ittle sister's has My Little Pony and these type of cartoons. I almost shed a tear because she died of cancer not a long ago before i moved, but i could fight to not to. And mine has similar to dad's but without horror only the Friday the 13th movies, i like them, but instead has anime movies exp: Akira and some video game adaptation like The original Super Mario movie, i haven't seen the new animated bu i think i won't watch it like how i should had the original.

But i seen one wallet dedicated to the Big Bang Theory, when i opened it i saw that every episode had it's title on it. I never known that they have titles like the episode where Penny get's addicted to WoW (or something like that) is called "The Barbarian Sublimation". But only one CD didn't had anything on it. I became dead curious that what the hell was it, could it be that was a miss placed empty CD? I hoped so and it was worse than that

I loaded it into the CD player. Everything was normal till the opening, the audio played backwards. I thought that it was an error cuz of the show's quality. But unlike on the CD it had a name, "The Cooper Game". The episode started in the Caltech's Cafeteria where our beloved main characters discussed that how would time traveling work when the episode's antagonist came in, Ray. He was a complete jerk mainly to Sheldon and Rajesh. He made fun of them to the whole university so they leave. And really from that point nothing really creepy happens. They're going to a cinema to watch something, Howard goes home and accidently stucks in his room, these type of side plots. But Sheldon gets called back to a project that he needs to work on. Ray was there too and he was hars. But he went too far that even Sheldon broke. He started yelling at Ray and he continued arguing. Sheldon then started to strangle him from anger so much that he passed away on screen. Sheldon looks at his hands regretfully and scaredly, but he became creepy and started staring into the camera... menacingly.

Then everything cut to black, i've seen two cordinates on the screen that was frame perfect cut. And then we could hear the laught track but someone kicked the door in and started shooting everyone with a machine gun. Only screaming and blood spilling could be hearable. Maybe outside the shooter no one survived it, another frame perfect cordinate at the end.

Leonard found himself in a cage with an old TV. It turned on by itself and Sheldon was on it only in a black coat and eyelines, his clothing was too. He told Leonard that he got 10 mintutes to escape or everyone he loves and cares will die. I was shocked. I know that Sheldon wasn't really liked people but he wouldn't kill them or something like that. Leonard only had an axe to work it. He tried to break the walls, Successed. Then he needed to find the code to the door but he ran out of time when he found it. The camera was focused on his left eye and another cut to black for 20 seconds. After that everyone was laying on the ground dead, another cut to black, end of the episode.

I was shocked and i was confused that what the hell happened. But somehow i didn't cared, i was traumatized but i did what i do usually, made a dinner and went to bed. In my dream i was in a white voide with a desk and two chairs on this two different side of the desk, one of them was empty and on the other someone was sitting on it. The "Psycho Sheldon" (Let's call him that) was sitting there and asked me: "Hello Tyler Green! You're looking for me?". I said "No... wh-why would I?". He stood up and grabbed my shoulder and said unsettlingly "What ever you do, don't if you want to live!". I was scared of it and instantly woke up.

I found a sticky note on my head that said "Do what i said.". But the CD was still in the player but i think they would bring with them if they had a change and had more than two braincells. It got me morbidly curious on the cordinates and i looked them up. The first one was an empty warehouse in California. The Second was a cave which is where Leonard, Howard, & Raj got cookies from old women and got high. And the third which is after the shooting audio is an abandoned toy store in Galveston. When i looked it up i seen that a shooting happened there. This was the final nail in the coffin for me.

I sent the strange CD to the police to do something with that mystery and i brought the wallet's back to my parents. Except mine and the My Little Pony CDs, maybe they will be handy. I didn't told them about that Big Bang Theory bullshit. If everything happens to this mystery i won't care, i'm out

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