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(Created page with "Hello again readers its is I, Lavender. It has been awhile since I've told the tale of my experince with the horrible Death Destroyer. Precisely, it has been five years since the Death Destroyer had entered my life and uutterly ruined it. I'm still living with Link and his family and things have been alright I suppose. I stull have horrible nightmares about the deaths of my brothers Dennis and Ross. It was so bad that I was eventually diagnosed with insomnia. But Link, w...")
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And so I nodded my head and clocked on the email from this strange Ethan guy. Here is what the email said:
And so I nodded my head and clocked on the email from this strange Ethan guy. Here is what the email said:

Desr Miss Lavender,
{{email|Desr Miss Lavender,

I jave seen the posts you made on those various horror forums and I have to say that I was shocked when I read about your experience. For the past ten years I had thought I had been the sole survivor of the terrifying Death Destroyer. But it clearly turns out I was wring. I hope I don't weird you out by saying that I searched hard to find your email and tell ypu that I too had an incident wiyth the Death Destroyer. But knowing that there was finally someone out there that knew my pain, I just had to find some way to reach out ot you. ANyways, I think I may have important info on the Death Destroyer that might help both you and I with revenge against that beast. I think we should meet up to discuss this as I would better about it if it was in person. But I understand if you are not comfortable with such a thing so fee free to not even respond to this message. I will say though that if we do meet up I will tell you exactly what happened when I encountered the Death Destroyer and it may very well help with your investigation. Agian though if you don't want to tht is fine and I totally understand. but if you ARE interested email me back as soon as you can.
I jave seen the posts you made on those various horror forums and I have to say that I was shocked when I read about your experience. For the past ten years I had thought I had been the sole survivor of the terrifying Death Destroyer. But it clearly turns out I was wring. I hope I don't weird you out by saying that I searched hard to find your email and tell ypu that I too had an incident wiyth the Death Destroyer. But knowing that there was finally someone out there that knew my pain, I just had to find some way to reach out ot you. ANyways, I think I may have important info on the Death Destroyer that might help both you and I with revenge against that beast. I think we should meet up to discuss this as I would better about it if it was in person. But I understand if you are not comfortable with such a thing so fee free to not even respond to this message. I will say though that if we do meet up I will tell you exactly what happened when I encountered the Death Destroyer and it may very well help with your investigation. Agian though if you don't want to tht is fine and I totally understand. but if you ARE interested email me back as soon as you can.

Sincerely, Ethan
Sincerely, Ethan}}

"Holy shit man..." Link said after reading the message.
"Holy shit man..." Link said after reading the message.
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[[Category:Trollpasta]] [[Category:Satire]] [[Category:DIALOGUE!]] [[Category:Beings]] [[Category:COMPUTERS AND INTERWEBZ]] [[Category:Unnecessary Sequels]]

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[[Category:English Class Failure]]

Revision as of 04:18, 16 December 2022

Hello again readers its is I, Lavender. It has been awhile since I've told the tale of my experince with the horrible Death Destroyer. Precisely, it has been five years since the Death Destroyer had entered my life and uutterly ruined it. I'm still living with Link and his family and things have been alright I suppose. I stull have horrible nightmares about the deaths of my brothers Dennis and Ross. It was so bad that I was eventually diagnosed with insomnia. But Link, who was scared of falling alseep due to his own creepy experiences,would stay up wiyh me and comfort me through the nihht. In return I would comfort him as well and protect him from whatever it was that he was afriad of. For a long time he didn't tell me what this fear was until one night he brok down crying and finally explained the situation to me.

I would've nevr thought that I would be told that an evil and satanic versiom of a cartoon character was stalking and harrassing my best friend but well that's just life I guess. I suppose one could say that our mind-boggling events we went thourgh as children brought us even closer with one another. But that is not what this stpry is about. I could just go on and on about my trauma but that is not what I wangt to say to you all. This new tale of mine is about an adventure of revenge, head scratching mysteries and struggles of moving on from the past. This is something that changed mg life more than you could possibly say. Now get ready and prepare as I tell you my new horrifying tale...

As I've stated before, it's been five years since my incident with the Death Destroyer. I'm seventeen now but my utter hate for such a despicable being never ended. Ever since that day I've wanted to plot my revenge agaisnt him btu that is much easier said than done. I tried to research about this creature iver and over again but no leads ever came up. I looked all over the internet but it seemed as though no one has ever stumbled across the Death Destroyer. I posted about my experience in several different horror forums to see if anything woud pop up but everyone on those sites just laughed at me and told me to not waste their time with such dumb stories. Needless to say, I was struggling to get any useful information.

On one day in particular, I was sitting at my desk looking at my computer in frustration. I was once again trying to do some research but I couldn't find jack shit. At this point I was just aimlessly scrolling through Google before I got even more frustrated on slammed my head against my desk and groaned loudly. Why did plotting revenge have to be so hard? As I had head on my desk, I felt something get thrown at me. I immediately shot up, rubbed my now achy head and looked around my room. On the ground near my charir was part of what looked like to be a very large jawbreaker. I groaned even louder knowing what this menat.

"Double D do you seriously have to bother me right now?"

For a few seconds I got no response but then I heard that usual distorted laughter. I scowled at the ear grating noise and scoffed. At first, Double D did scare Link and I greatly but after years of his ridiculous antics and lack of any danger on our lives, we began seeing him more as a nuisance than anything. And weirdly enough despite us lacking any fear of him now, he still decides to stick around and bug us. Maybe the guy's just lonely after he y'know murdered all of his friends. I guess I don't mind that much though. Life withput Double D surely would be more boring.

"Yes because quite frankly I have nothing else to do hehe."

"That's what you say every goddamn day..." I huff to myself as I try to pick up the jawbreaker piece on the floor.

However, the piece is swiftly picked up before I could even do it msyelf. Double D then finally decides tp show himself in all his demonic glory and pop the piece into his mouth. I give him a disgusted look.

"That was on the floor man..."

He just shrugs at me, "I'm a demon now, germs don't and frankly can't bother me anymore."

"Anyways, can you leave me be now? I'm trying to work here." I tell him.

"You mean that stupid revenge plot of yours? HA! You're never gonna find anything on that guy."

I quirk an eyebrow at teh cartoon haracter gone bad, "And why not?"

Double D's facial expression went dark, really dark. ANd for the first time in years, I shuddered at how he looked at me.

"Because no has ever survived the wrath of the Death Destroyer except you my dear. You will never find anything on him because everyone that stumbled across him is six feet under."

I stayed quit at this. There's no one that I'm the sole survivor of this creature. Someone else has had to survive him as well... right? But the more I thought about it, the more itmade sense. It would make sense why I can't find any information about this guy whatsoever. But then that means...

"You losing hope yet Lavie girl?"

"If all you're going to do is sit here and berate me, can you at least go be useful and find Link for me?"

"Alrighty but just because you're my bestie~"

He then wrapped his arms around me and distortedly chuckled once more. I fake gagged at the action and shrugged his arms off of me. This damn guy. Then in a blink of an eye he disappeared and I was left alone once again. I turned to my computer screen again and continued scrolling through Google some more. But then that's when I noticed that I had an email notification. Weird. I donent really get emails that nmuh or at all really. I clicked on the notification and looked into my inbox. The subject of the email was titled 'Important Info for You' and it was from someone simply known as Ethan. Really weird. What could this possibly even be about? A part of me didn't want to ipen it as I just got a bad feelinbg about this. But another part was very curious about what this could be. Then at that moment I felt someone's hand on my shouklder. I jumped at the touch but calmed down as I realized it was just Link. I felt myself flush in embarrassment but also something else I wouldn't be able to tell until it was too late. Anyways back to the story.

"Hey Lavie, ya needed me for something?" Link asked.

"Eh kinda. I just really wanted an excuse to get Double D away from me. You know how incredibly annoying he is." I then paused and looked at my computer screen. "Well actually... I just got this weird email. Dont knwo if we should check it out though."

Link looked at ghe email closer and then turned back to me and shrugged, "Why not? I mean we don't really ahve anything else to do on this boring Staurday afternoon."

And so I nodded my head and clocked on the email from this strange Ethan guy. Here is what the email said:

Desr Miss Lavender,

I jave seen the posts you made on those various horror forums and I have to say that I was shocked when I read about your experience. For the past ten years I had thought I had been the sole survivor of the terrifying Death Destroyer. But it clearly turns out I was wring. I hope I don't weird you out by saying that I searched hard to find your email and tell ypu that I too had an incident wiyth the Death Destroyer. But knowing that there was finally someone out there that knew my pain, I just had to find some way to reach out ot you. ANyways, I think I may have important info on the Death Destroyer that might help both you and I with revenge against that beast. I think we should meet up to discuss this as I would better about it if it was in person. But I understand if you are not comfortable with such a thing so fee free to not even respond to this message. I will say though that if we do meet up I will tell you exactly what happened when I encountered the Death Destroyer and it may very well help with your investigation. Agian though if you don't want to tht is fine and I totally understand. but if you ARE interested email me back as soon as you can.

Sincerely, Ethan

"Holy shit man..." Link said after reading the message.

"So there really are more survivors out there huh..." I muttered to myself.

Well looks like Double D was wrong after all. Serves him right for trying to discourage my progress. But at the same time... what if someone was trying to trick me? Wht if it was the Death Destroyer himself that wrote that message just so he could finally kill after all this time? So many unanswered questions that I'm not sure what to do with...

"Are you going to go see him Lavie?" Link asked taking me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know..." I told him. "WHat if its all a trap?"

"That's true. Who knows what could happen if you choose to go..."


"Well I personally think it could spice things up if you do go. I'm tired of you guys being so inactive and just moping about. Do something with your lives for once for crying out loud!"

Link and I didn't even need to turn around to know who that was. Instead, we groaned quite liudly and had very annoyed looks on our faces.

"Who told you that you could be in here?" I was this close to fighting the damn demon.

"Nobody actually seeing as you told me to do was fetch Linkie for ya~"

I hate this guy so much. I bet Link really does regret watching that Ed, Edd n' Eddy lost episode more than ever. But i had to admit that maybe he was just the smallest b9t right about moping about the house all day. I've been more depressed than usual as the annevirsary of Ross and Dennis' deaths was coming up soon. I wanted to exact revenge on the foul Death Destroyer before this date as a way to make the revenge that much sweeter. But clearly my progress didn't really take me that far.

"Do you really think I shoukd do this, D?" I finally asked after some thinking.

Link gave me a astonished look, "Oh come on Lavie you can't possibly ask adivive from this asshole!"

I didn't respond to him and just looked ta the demon in question. He glanced to his side before answering my question.

"I don't get why you want my opinion but yeah I think you should do it. I'm getting real tired of your desprressing behavior and think this could really. And if you're worrued about the danger I won't mind going with ya to kick this guy's buttif he tries anything."

I was shocked! Despite what Double D said he did sound geniunely concerned for me. He vene offered ti go with me as protection which I had to admit wamred my heart a little. Perhaps he still has that caring nature of his left after all...

"You know what? I think I will g-" Link cut me off before I could finish.

"Wait!" He said. "If you're serious about this Lavie then take me with you too. There's no way I can trust Double D with ya and you shouldn't trust him either."

"It okay Link I understand. And of course you can come with me, you are my best friend after all!" I smiled at him to reassure him that everytghing would be fine.

"Okay... well let's do this then. The Death Destroyer needs to be stopped after all..."

I nodded at Link's words and clicked to reply to Ethan's email. This reign of terror will not continue any longer.

It took an hour later for Ethan to respond but he seemed delighted to know that I agreed to meet up with him. Though I did warn him that I was bringing two friends with me for my protection and he was okay with that. I did however exclude the fact that one of these friends (though obviuously I don't really consider him a friend) was a satanic version of a beloved cartoon character. Oh well. I'm sure he'll get over it quick seeing as the supernatural isn't all that surprings to him now. Anyways, it turns out that Ethan lives in the same town as me and Link which makes this meet up much easier. We agreed to meet at a local coffe shop that doesn't usually have a lot of customers that choose to sit down at the tables. We would meet up tomorrow right after noon as I told him any earlier wasn't an option as Link's extremely Christian parents made us go to church EVERY Sunday and there would be no way for us to weasel out of it. He was fine with this and told us too look out for a kid with a black cap worn backwards. I could hardly wait for the meeting so much so that I had a even harder time falling asleep than usual.

And speaking of sleep, that very night I had a really strange nightmare. I was once again back in that dark ominious room from the Death Destroyer game I played all those years ago. Except it wasn't a game this time, it was very much real. As usual the place so dark I could barely see my own hands. Then, I heard footsteps. They were getting closer to me with each second but I had no idea where they were coming from. I paniced and ran one direction and behind I started hearing familiar demonic laughing. I tripped over something and landed face first on the floor. I sat up and saw something horribly horrifying. It was... the dead bodies of my brothers. They were hanging once more and had terrifying painful expressions on their faces. I let out a loud sob and then felt something on my shoulder. I swiftly turned around saw HIM... the Death Destroyer.

"This is ALL your fault Lavender."

I felt an deniably rage at this and suddely tackled the beast in front of me. I wrapped my hands around his throat and started choking the life out of him. He screamed out in pain but I kept going. It kinda... made me feel alive and joyful watching him in pain. I smirked and laughed at his suffering until the weirdest and creepiest thing of all time happened.

The Death Destroyer's face... it started shifting. It did this for a coupl of seconds until it finally stoppe and... his face had turned into mine! His sobbing stopped and he looked up at me with an evil grin which made me stop what I was doing real quick. And then he spoke...

"You and I... we're not so different after all huh?"

I screamed and then woke up from my terrifying dream. My breathing was really hevy and I tried my best to calm myself down. It was just a dream that's all... just a dream. Then my roomw door swung open and there stood Link, concerned wuth Toby standing behind him.

"Lavie what's wrong?!" Link practically screamed as he rushed towarsd my bedside.

I let put a brath if relief and smiled at him, "I'm fine Link, I just had a nightmare was all."

"But are you sure that you're okay?" He looked at me even more concerned.

"Yes I swear I am silly." I pat him on his silly little head.

"AHEM! I think it's time you two stop flirting and get ready, we have to go to church today." Toby sighed annoyedly.

My face went alightly red as I glared at the brown haired boy in front of me, "We're just friends stupid!"

"Whatever just get up dammit." Toby said as he dragged Link out of the room so that I could get ready myself.

Toby's not exactly the worse but I do wish that he could just be a little bit nicer. I think he's just going yhrough an emo phase or something. ANyways, I got ready and went to church with Link and his family. I won't bore you with the details as it isn't relevant whatsoever. Also thos story is the exact opposite of christian lol.

When we got back fron church, I changed out of my stuffy church clothes and put some casual comy shit on. Just a red long sleeved shirt and baggy jeans because I'm not like the other girld who wear super girly crap stuff. Jk I'm not like that and it physically pained me to write that lmao. ANYWAYS, after Link and I changed we met up on my room with Double D (unfortunately) and came up with a game plan. Y'know becayse you can never be too careful about stuff. I still didn't fully trust this Ethan guy but at the same time I was willing to take any lead I could get. We soon left and just told Link's parents that we were going to do some very christian activities so they wouldn't be sus pf us. Honestly, all you need to do is say the word christian in what you're talking about and they'll let you do it. What fucking wackos it's no wonder why Toby hates them and became atheist.

We got to the cafe at aprocimately at 11:50 and just sat at a table waiting for this elusive Ethan to show up. A waiter came by and took our orders in the meantime and I told him that someone else would be joing us soon so that he could come back to our table and take Ethan's order when he showed up. If he was that is.

"So what does this Ethan guy look like again?" Link asked as he stared out the window.

"He said in the email that he was black hair adn was going to be wearing a black backwards hat." I explained to Link. "I thunk he also said that he was going to be wearing either a red or yellow hoodie. Can't remember which tho."

Link merely nodded his head at that and things went qiuet again. I tapped my fingers on the table awkwardlky as we patientlyu waited for this Ethan fellow to show up ro something. I ahd no idea where Double D went but as long as he wasn't mas mrudering people again I could care less what he did. We sat there silently fro what felt like forever until I felt something kinda pointy poke my check. I turned to my side to be unfornuately met with Double D and I raised my brow in confusion at what he wanted.

"I think the guy you're looking for just walked into the cafe."

He then pointed at the front door of the cafe and there I saw some white twink that was wearing a red hoodie and black bakwards hat. Yknow just like thedescription form that email that I keep repeating in this story for some reason. The white twink in question looked around the cafe, almost in confusion which probably meant thatif he was indeed Ethan than he was probs looking me. I decided to go up and talk to him to move the progression of the story along because this is getting borng to type and I want to get to somewhere interesting alreadly lmao. I caustiously approacghed the white twink and shyly poked him in the shoudler. He turned to look at me with his blue orbs and gave me a questioning stare.

"Hey I don't mean to bother you or anything but umm..." I paused ot wring my hands anxiously. "Are you Ethan?"

He gave me a qyuick nod, "Yep, I am. I'm assuming your; Lavender then?"

I smiled as my nervouseness finally went away, "You betcha! Anyways, follw me to the table I got for us so we can discuss... things."

Ethan agreed to do so and ibviously I led him to where Link and I had been sitting. as we sat don, I notuced that Double D disappeared again but once more I found that I did nto have any shits to give about that. As long he didn't commit crimes while we were out in public, it didn't matter to ys what he was doing. I inroduced Link to Ethan and then we finally began to get down to bsuiness.

"Sooo..." Link started off. "You clam to have met the Death Destroyer and lived, that really true?"

"Yes it is." Ethan sighed. "And for years it almost dorve me crazy thinking that I was possibly the only one that survived his wrath. Bjt you know its a little comfortinh to know that I'm not the only one after all."

"What exactly happened whne you stumble upon the Death Destroyer? That inofortmation would be pretty crucila for us to know." I explaunb ro him.

Ethan shifts kinda awkwardly in place before telling his own terrifying tale, "Well just like you, I used to be an avid Roblox player. It was practucly my entire life. But one day that all unforntuantlu changed for me. My girlfriend and I were trying to find a game to play together but since the two of us played so mcuh we had a hard time trying ot find a good new game to play. That is until my girfriend find a reallly weiurd one as she was scrolling on the main page."

"The Death Destroyer game... it probablu had a background with red eyes on the cover, right?" I ask him as my mind began to force myself to remember that horrid memory all those years ago.

"Yes it did. I wasn't sure about playing the game myself as it looked weird and had an unsettling name but my girlfriend insisted that we play it so I soon just agreed to play it with her."

I almost had whiplash hearing Ethan say that. His story sounded so similar to my own hrrorrifying and totallu true story that absoluteky happened and if youy don't believe me then kill yourself for making fun of my trauma. Anywasy, I couldn't believe how truly similiar our experiences were. I wanted to give Ethan some words of comfort but I held back and let him continue his story.

"I honestly wish I could go back in time to stop myself from agreeing to play that game but unforantaely I cannot. Amyways, when we went into the game well it was really dark and scary with dim light. You probably know exactly how the game plays out Lavender so I'll spare you the detail. When the Death Destroyer showned up... god me and my girkfriend were positively terrified. We tried turning off our computers but nothing worked, it was like we were being forced to play that horrible. Amd the suddenly... the power went out and I nearly shat myself in fear. But I swallowed as much of my fear as I could and quickly grabbed my girlfriend;s hand and ran out of the room, hoping to get away from that demon. i tjought I was successful in saving the noth of us but then the lights came back on and..."

Ethan paused taking in a shuddery breath as tears filled his eyes. It was clear to anyone that wasn't braindead that he was resisting the urge to sob at any moment. Link put a hnad on Ethan's shoulder and gave it a comforting rub. The action seemed to help Ethan as he quickly blibked away the tears in his eyes and willed himself to speak once more.

"When the lights came back on well I was in fcat holding my girlfriend's hand like I remember but... her hand had been severed off. The rest of her body was gone and I screamed in horror as I dropped the chopped off hand on the floor."

"Holy fuck..." Link remarked in shock. "Waht the hell happened to the rest of her?"

Ethan turned his head away from us that was probs in soem attempt to not start crying right tjen and there, "I ran back into my bedroom and found the rest of her in there and it was such a horrorfic sight... her body was absolutely mangled and torn into peices. Blod and guts were everywhere in the room and worst of all, her head had been decapitated and placed right on top of my laptop, her face contorted into one of severe pain. it was awful... in just one swift moment I lost the love of my life all because of that terrible monster. To this day I can still hear his evil laugh ringing in my ears..."

That did sound awful indeed... I could completely understand Ethan's pain of losing a love one. Especially to that disgusting Death Destroyer. Hearing Ethan's sad tale made me more dteremined than anything to put an end to this awful creature and its devious nature.

"I'm so sorry that haooned to you Ethan. Going through something like that isn't easy. I could oly imagine how much pain you've had to live ith for all this time." I say to the other to try to comfort him.

"Thank you Lavender... that means a lot to me. But enough fo my sob story, we have more pressing matters to get to." Ethan replies, finally looking back at me and Link. But it was ckear that he wa still trying to hold bacj his tears.

"Right, you mentioned in your email that you have some important info that supposedly could hep us stop the Death Destroyer." Link said while resting his head on his hand.

"I indeed do have some veey crucial info about how we can stop the Death Destroyer." Ethan replies. "In fact, I think I may know waht his weakness is."

"My my now we're finally getting somewhere interesting bniw are we~"

Ethan neaely jumped out of his seat hearing athat distorted voice but I don't blame hime for it though. He obviously wasn't used to hanging aroun a evil and satanic cartoom character like me abd Link. But as along as we're working togeter he's going to have to get used to be around Double D. He ain't got no choice really.

"What the fuck was that?!" Ethan pretty much shouted whoch caused the few other people in the cafee to stare at us weirdly. But those bitches can mind their own damn business like bruh stop being so nosy man.

Double D materialized right next to me and then promptly sat down, giving Ethan a smirk that was devious but more on the playful side. I purposedly ellbowed Double D as a way to get back at him for spooking Ethan like that. Btu Double clearly did not give a crap about that and just poked me in the cheek with his clawed finger which OW. That certainly hurt like a bitch and he's fucking lucky that I didn't start bleed because I am NOT in the mood for his evil and satanic bs rught now. Anyways, Ethan looked at Double D in a mix of complete confusion and terror which was a reasonable reaction honestly. Link gave Double D a harsh glare before explaining the siatuation for Ethan.

"Sorry about that Ethan, Double D here is just a little shit that thinks it's hilarious to scare people for fun." Link rolled his eyes so hard I swore they could've fallen out of his sockets from the force of it. "But to make a long story short, as a 12 year old kid I watched a haunted lost episode of Ed, Edd n' Eddy and now this evil demon version of Double D has been haunting me ever since. At first he scared me to death but now he's more of a nuiscance than anything. He's honestly juts a harmless dweeb that likes bothering people more than anything, he won't actually hurt you."

"I... see." Ethan said, still giving Double D a weary look. Again, I can't really blame him for that bit I'm sure in due time he'll get over it or whatever.

"Linkie is right y'know! I promise I won't bite ya~"

Double D purpiselu grinned largely, showing his sharp teeth which made Ethan flinch at the sight. I groaned at that because seriosuly dude? Can't this demonic cartoon take anything seriously for once? I didn't hestitate to grab Double D by the ear and yank on it harshly, ignoring how grating his distorted cry of pain was in my own ear.

"Ignore this dork, Ethan. He's just being a dumb little gremlin. Anywho, you were saying about a potential weaknedd for the Death Destroyer?"

Ethan nodded slowly, still giving Double D that weary look, "Right... after doing as much research as I can, I think I may have figrued out what his weakness is. From what I gathered, it seems that the Death Destroyer is a entity that is strictly connected to the internet but more specifically he's strictly connected to Roblox. His soul can't leave that website for some reason."

"But what exactly does that have to do with his weakness?" I asked in perplexment.

"Looking further into the Death Destroyer's history, it seems as though he is not obly connected to Roblox but that his soul comes from one specific computer. It's kind of similar ot how we have our own computers that we use to access the Roblox site. But in the case of the Death Destroyer, no one is actually using tje computer to do all of this. This entity is quite literally possessing a laptop and seems toonly be able to lure in victims by maniplualting things on the internet to fool unsuspecting people into his trap. I supose he thought that Roblox was the best way to find victims for some reason or another."

"I still fail to see how that has anything to do with his weakness..."

"The point is, if we find the Death Destroyer's laptop and destroy it then we'll finally be able to defat that fucker. At least that's what we can hope that's what wpuld happen, seeing as nobody has done that before we have no idea what might actually happen but ut's worth a shit."

Link gave Ethan a skeptical stare, "That's nice anc all but how did you even get this information in the first place? Lavender has been researching about the Death Destroyer for a long time too and yet she never found anything like this during her searching so how id you exactly find out about it?"

"Link!" I exclaim in shock. "Why sre you being so suspicious of Ethan when he's trying to help us?"

"Wlel I'm sorry but I can't help it Lav. Don;t you think it;s just a little weird how he knows all of this info just randomly like that?"

"Who cares abour that tho! Shouldn't we be grateful that we know something more about the Death Destroyer?!"

"It's fine Lavender." Ethan repliaed giving me a small smile. "I can understand where Link is coming from. If you guys don't feel comfortable working with me anymore than I won't jude you for your choise, I promis."

I thoufht about what Ethan said for a few scinds before getting up out of my seat and grabbing Link by his aerm. I needed to really talk with him about this before making an official choice but it should already be kind of clear what choice I was leaning towards. I just want to talk things more through withn Link as he is my best friend since forever after all. I told Link and Ethan that I was going to talke with Link in private for a few minnutes before dragging Link near the bathrooms of the cafe. Also as I dragged Link alomg with me I ony just realized that I elft Ethan alone with Double D but I'm sure it will be fine. Double D would probably just mess with hin a little but not do anything seriously bad to Ethan. It'll be okay. Anyways, I let go of Link;'s arm and gave the blonde a stern look.

"What thge hell was that about?"

Link then stared at me as if I grew another head, "Why afre you getting so pissed off at me?! Ethan is the one that's acting totakky sus!"

I gave Link and even sterner look, "But he's trying to help us! This is the closest we've gitten to finding important info on the Death Destroyer without him we might never get revenge against that beats."

Link sighed and seemed to deflat at those words which made me feel bad almost instantly. I never wanted ro make my bestie upset and it tryly broke my heart ot see him thise way but he has to understand how much this all means to me. I spent the last five years suffering because of some monster and I wanted so desperately to put an end to said pain and uf this was the one way I coukd do it then so be it.

"I understand Lavie... I just don;t want something bad happening to you all becaues we made the mistake of trusting the worng person. I couldn't live with myself knowing that something terrible could have happened to you!" He says stepping closer to me which made my face kind of flush at the close contact.

I glanced away from Link and hoped that my blushing face wouldn't br seen, "I appreciate your concern for me but you don't habe to. I have been through some shit throughout the years and I can take care of myself. Because of thet, I want you to trust me here a;right?"

"...fine I will trust you Lavie. You are my best friend after all and uf you truly do believe that Ethan is out only shot at defeating the Death Destroyer, then I'll trust ya on that."

I couldn't help my excitement at hearing that. I knew Link would see things my way and understand why I firmly believe that Ethan is the key to enacting our long awaited revenge. In fact, I coukdn't resist my excitement so much that i squeezed Link into a very tight hug (but also tried to ignore this weird fuzzy feeling tht was beginning to form in my gut). Link hugged me back and we stayed that way for a few seconds before separating (though a part of wished we didn't...). We then walked back to our table where Ethan was staring idly out the window while Double D stared at the other from his seat. I wouldn't undertsand this until it was too late but I could've sworn that Double D was almost glaring at Ethan for some reason. But I just chalked it up to Double D just being his normal demon self and decided not to pay any mind to it. Link and I at back down and Ethan turned back to look ar us but when he did so, Double D huffed like an angry kitten and turned away. Again, I didn't psy any mind to Double D's bs.

"So Link and I talked about the siuation and have decided that we will be willibg to work with you to put an end to the Death Destroyer." I tell Ethan.

Ethan smiles at me happily, "That's great to hear! I am looking forward to working together with you guys on thsi, you two seem quite competant whne it comes to things of the supernatural variety."

"Thanks dude but I think it's time for Link and I to go now, we've been out of the house for awhile and if we stay out any longer than Link's parents will frantically call him and tell us ot come home already."

"I uderstand. Do you guys think that we can meet up tomorrow somewhere then so that we can continue to discuss a plan to stop the Death Destroyer?"

"We'll have to see. My parents can be pretty strict about things so we'll have to talk with them frist." Link responds and well maybe it's just me but I swear he was still giving Ethan a skeptical stare. But it was probably my imagination as Link told me that he trusted me on this whole sitaution. Yeah that was pronanly it.

Anyways, Link, Double D and I said our goodbyes ot Ethan and we left the cafe. Whne we got home Link and I ate dinner with Link's parents, Toby and Bennabella (but we just call her Benny for short) then after dinner was done, I wasjed the dishes since it was my turn as Toby helped me dry them. We did so in silence as I'm not very close with Toby and thus I have do idea what to talk about with him. Plus, sometimes I really do get the impression that he doesn't like me for some reason but to be fair it seems like he doesn;t like anybody. It's probably because he;s emo or something Idk but he's a weird kid and I barely see him because he stays in his shared room with Link. I honestly have a hard time believing those two are twins sometimes. But regardless, I finished up the dishes then finally got ready for bed. Suprisinhly that night I did not have a single nightmare which is something I havem't experienced in years. While I had only dreamed of a black void it was still better and muhc more reassuring than the horrific nightmares I've been having for such a long time.

The next morninhg, I woke up early and got ready for school. I did my normal routine of showering, brushing my hair and teeth, getting dressed and eating breakfast with Link's family. And because we might as well fit in as many cliches as possible into this, I will now describe my outfit of the day in excruciating detail that will bore the reader and possibly give them an aneurysm. aNywAyS, I decided to wear a light blue hoodie that matched the color of my eyes with a plain white shirt underneath. On the front of the hoodie wasa Glaceon as it was one of my fave Pokemon. Wuth my hoodie I wore a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a matching black beanie and white converse. Ew that physically hurt to write out but also I don't care because I'm a little shit.

After I was doen with my routine, I waited fro Link and Toby to finish their own routines so that we could all walk to the bus stop together like we did everyday. Since I'm feeling a nit more generous now, I won't painfully describe to you how my school day went becuase it was boring as fuck and has no relevance to this story. Also I'm a lazy fuck lmao.

The terribly boring school day finally ended and when, Link, Toby and I came home, Link was quick to ask his parents if me and him abould hang out with a friend after dinner. They saud it wa okay as long as we finished our homework first AND promised that we wuld be doing christian only activities. We promised we would (even though that was a blatant lie) and after dinner was done, we rushed to our rooms to quickly get our homework done. On my way to my room, I heard Toby complaining about how he and Link's parents never let Toby leave the house after dinner and let him do what he wants. Poor guy... I don't think he's realzied that he;s not the favorite son. Oh well. He's a smary guy I'm sure he'll figure it out someday.

Once I was done with all of my homework, I swiftly emailed Ethan and told him that Link and I can meet up with him in the local park if he was availible. Ethan supringly emailed me back almost immediately and said that that was cool with him. I told this information to Link and the too of us got ready and soon we left to the park with Double D coming with us even though we didin't really want him too. For some reason he just kept insisting that he conme with us aand because we didn't feel like getting into an argument with him, we begrudingly let him come. Whne we made it to the park, Link and I sat on a bench with Double D floating right next to us and waited for Ethan to show up. It only took a couple of minutes for that to happen and soon Ethan was here, sitting right next to me.

"Sooo..." I leaned forward and turned to Ethan. "How exactly are we going to find this spooky laptop?"

"Well after our meeting ended yesterday, I went back home adn immediately started to look into any leads regarding the Death Destroyer." Ethan scratches the back of his neck before sighing. "At first I didn't find anything worthwhile and I was afraid I wouldn't find anything useful again. But then after like two hours of digging I found an old news article that practically buired in the depths of Google."

"What was the article abour?" Link quirked an eyebrow at Ethan.

"This news article that I think was from the early or mid 2000's was talking about some death cult that was named Electric Gibbly Gumbo. Weird name I know but from what I read, the electric part probably has something to do with the fact that this cult was connected to the internet in some way." Ethan further explained to us.

"Okay cool but what does some randome death cult have to do with the Death Destroyer and its laptop?" Link remarked with a oddly sarcastic tone. Strange, I thought he was okay with trusting Ethan?

Ethan gave Link what seemed to be a pointed stare, "I'm getting toy that so chill. But as I was sayibg, this death cult was heavily connected to the internet in some way and I'm very sure that it's connected to the Death Destroyer specifically. You see, thos culy apparently worshipped an entity that had bat wings, devil horns and red eyes which is a description that sounds eeriely similiafr to the Death Destroyer."

"Whoa... I had no idea that there were some wavkjobs out there that worhsipped this guy!" I excalim. "I guess anyone can have a dedicated cult following nowadyas."

"I know right? I was absolutely flabbergasted whne I read that article. I mean seriosuly... how did I not find this information anytime sooner?!" Ethan remarked.

Link seemed like he was going to say something but Double D (who was strangely quiet this entire time) whispered something in the blonde's ear but I wasn't able to hear what was said. Wahtever Double D had whispered to Link, caused him to glance at the evil cartoon character in confusion and what was even more odd was that Link then turned to give Ethan another weird stare.

Link thenswiftly got up from the bench, "I'll be right back guys, Double D wants to talk to me abut... something."

And before anything else could be said, Link and Double D walked quite the distance away in have their private talk. Though that really puzzled me as usually Link would've never agreed to do something like that with Double D but whatever I coudln't focus on that right now. I have mor important thinsg to worry about.

I turned back to Ethan and asked hime, "So if the Death Destroyer had a cult following, do you think that this cult probably has the laptop in their possession?"

"That's exactly what Ithink happened. I mean it would make sense if the cult that literally worshupped the guy had his laptop too. Though there's only one problem with this line of thpight..." Ethan furrowed his borws in a upset expression. "Apparently, the Electric Gibbly Gumbo cult has been disbanded for a few years at this point so it might be hard to pinpoint where the laptop could be now."

"Well that's just great..." I grunted in frustration. "Isn't there any ways we could still find this stupid computer? it can't just be gone forever!"

"There might be one way actually." Ethan then pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Digging more into this death cult revealled that there are a few locations that police suspected the cult used as hideouts. I reckon that there's a chance that prior to the cult disbanding, the members mught have left some things behind in these locations."

"So you think tht they could've left the Death Destroyer's computer in one of these hideouts?"

"Possibly but at this point it's all just speculation. Thouh it's still something big as this is the closet I have ever neen to finding something improtant about the Death Destroyer."

I had to give Ethan that one. I've spent five years dedicating myself to getting my reveneg in this cruel beast but I haven't found jack shit on this. This inof that Ethan managed to get was remarkable and had to be at least worth looking into.

"Your right, this is better than nothing at all. Though what do you propose we do now that we knows this?" I question him.

Ethan gestures to what looks like a list on his phone screen, "There aren;t THAT mnay of these cult hideouts so I think our best option is to go down the list and search them all until we find something."

I thought that was a good plan and was just about to agree with him but then Link and Double D returned from their little priavte talk. Though something seemed to be a bit off with the two of them. Which I know id ironic to say abour Double D seeing as he is literally a satanic cartoon character that somehow is in our plane of existence. But regardless, the two other boys had some weird vibes ot them now. Double D was floating quite a bit away from the bench and seemed to be mroe tense about something. Link sat back down next ot me but he was making odd glances at Ethan occasionally that I couldn't help but feel had some sort of malicious intent to it. But maybe I was just looking into it too much so I metaphorically shrugged it off and ignored that train of thought. I speedily caught Link and Double D up with the whole siuation and the two agreed with us that this was the best course of action at least for right now. Being that the sun was beginning to set soon, Link and I decided it was time to go home befire it got too late. So we once more parted ways with Ethan and promised to stay in contact with hom. In fact, I had decided to exchange phone numbers with Ethan as it would be easier to get into contact with him rather than just constantly hacing to email him all the time. Link however had declined Ethan's offer of excahaning numvers which I thought was kind of rude but oh well. I suppose that Link just wasn't that comforatvle with giving that type of information to the other just yet which I completely understand.

Despite hacing a good day due to the new information that was uncovered about the Death Destroyer, my mind had decided to be a total prick to me that night and give me another horrific nightmare. This times though whne I opened my eyes, I was in my old childhood home but more specifically I was in my old bedroom. It was jarring to see the old place after so long. The dream had perfectly replicated every aspect of my bedroom, from my pastel purple walls to soft cushiony bed that had several Roblox themed plushies scattered all over it. It even had the same crack in the wall from when Ross tried punching a bee that had gotten into my room when the window was open. Being in this place felt bittersweet and I wasn't sure if I should feel happy or start crying. Hesitantly, I got up from my bed a slowly walked out of my old room, unsure of what was ahead of me.

As I walked throughout the old house, I realized just how much it matched the actual home I lived in. For a second I could fool myself into believing that nothing horrible haoppened to me, that everything was completely and utterly fine after all. So many memories filled my mind as I traversed the home I missed so very much. I was so caught up in those memories that I didn't even realize where my legs had taken me until I finally snapped out of it and realized just where I had ended up. Right in front of me was Ross and Dennis' shared room. My breath hitched at the sight unsure of what to do next. But it seemed that my hand had a mind of its own as it grabed at the doorknob and twisted it. The door was surprisingly unlocked and despite my better judegment, I walked inside the room. I was exoecting ot see something horrible but instead... everything was weirdly normal. The carpet was free of any bloodstains and guts, the navy blue walls were clean and pristine as ever, and my brothers' beds were untouvhed and neatly made. Everything seemed fine and yet that still freaked me out.

It didn't help that Ross and Dennis were no where in sight. I hadn't seen them anywhere throughout the house and it was even weirder to know that weren't even in their own room. The quietness of the home was starting to deeply unnerve and just as I was about to leave the room, I heard that awful and familiar distoaryted laughter which madee me mflinch at the sound.

"Thought you could escape ME puny mortal?!"

Suddenly, the lights went off and the room was plunged into pure dakrness. I barely held back ta shirek as the distorted and satanic laughter continued to fill my ears. Then the lights went back and I almost vommited at the familair terrifying sight befoe me. Ross and Dennis were dead once more with their vblood and guts staining almost every inch of the room. I fell to my knees as I tried desperately to held back my tears and puke as that evil bastard's laugh continued to ring against my ears.

"This is ALLL your fauly Lavender!!1!1!!"


"Don't deny it sis..."

"YOU caused this to happen ti us..."

I audibly gasped whne hearing those voices because I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing. I swlowly looked up and was in utter shock at what I saw. The dead mutilated bodies of my brothers were standing right before with the Death Destroyer floating right behind them. Ross and Dennis had evil twisted smiles on their faces as they looked down at me. It made me wnat to cry evne more because I NEVER wnated my broethers to ook at me in such a scary way.

"But... I didn't do this to you guys! It wasn't my fault I swear!"

"Don't deny the truth you fiend. They're blood in on your hands~"

Ross and Dennis then procceeded to keep chanting 'It's all your fault' over and over and over again. I tried covering my ears to block out their chanting but it wouldn't wokr. No matter hwta I did, I could still hear their voices echoing that prhose to me constantly. Even screaming harshly wouldn't drown out their voices from ears. And afte screaming in fear for son long, I finally woke up with a cold sweat and my heart beating a mile per minute. By far that had to have beem one of the worst nightmares I've had. I started evening out myb breathing as i prayed that I dudn'y actyually scream in my sleep as I didn't wamt to worry anybody with my stupid nightmares. Once I finally calmed down, I started to go one with my daily routine and tries to pretend that nothing happened.

Another boring school day went by with nothing particularly interesting to note about it. Though now that I had Ethan's phone number, I did proceed to text him throughout the day whenever I had the time to do so. According to Ethan's research, there were seven locations that the Electric Gibbly Gumbo cult had as hideouts. We were able to cross off one of the locations as when I looked up the address of the place it turns out that said location was torn down and was now just a empty field. Makes ot easier nowa that we inly have six more locations to track down and possibly search. In fact, today I was going to go with Ethan to search one of these places as I had gotten permission to leave after dinner. As per usual I asked Link to go with me but well something seemed off with Link once again.

"Sorry Lavie..." He said. "But I'm going to stay back today. I need to study for chemistry quiz we hvae Friday and Double D said he'd help me with that."

I couldn't help the wildy confused look that made its way onto my face. Link was staying home to study with Double D? And willingly too? What was this madness?!

"Why would you do that?!" I asked utterly aastonished.

"Because you know that I suck at chemistry and I don't want my parents getting on my ass again for failing another test." Link says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "And besides, whioele Double D may be a demon now that doesn't change the fact that he's incredubly smart about academic stuff."

Something about that just didb't seem right to me. It was sus as hell to be honest. The Link I know would never willingly do anything with Double D. Not after he watched that cursed lost epusode thus allowing this evil and satanic creature to infest his life. It just didn;t make a lick of sense to be but I decided not to push it as it tryly wasn't any of my business. I just merely told Link good luck on his studying and went on with meeting up with Ethan at the nect Electric Gibbly Gumbo hideout. Unfornautely, Ethan and I didn't find anything that was actually improtant so I don' feel the need to go into compete detail about this.

But you know as Ethan and I continued to look into these locations, I began to notice how Link started acting more and more weird aroudn me. Whenever I brought up Ethan and/or just anything related to the Death Destroyer, Link seemed to become suddebly uninterested in what I had to say and would seem to find some sort of excuse to exit the cinversation. The first few times I don't think I noticed but soon it became so often that it was hard not to. I didn't really get why Link was acting that way but again, I decided not to bug him about it. However, it wasn;t just this that I notice about Link. He also seemed like he was avoiding me too. At school we still hung out as always but whne we got home things would suddenly cjnage. He barely spoek to me and would tell me that he was too buys hanging out with Double D whenever I asked him to join me and Ethan on another Electric Gibbly Gumbo search. This honestly bothered me to no nde becuase of all people that Link would choose to hnag out with, he chose Double D of all people. I think I would've been significantlyt less ofended if it was like with Toby instead. But as his best friend, I tried not to let this bother me as I didn't want it to sem like I didn't respect Link's choices. But somtimes I just couldn't help but let it get on my nerves y'know. I mean... I didn't want to lose my best friend as he was truly one of the only people I had left.

It was during another search with Ethan that I let it slip that Link was acting wiedr and how much it was begining to boteher me. The next location hhat we were searching was an abandoned cabin that was inb some woods that weren't actually to far from Link's family's home. The cabin probabyl hadn't been used in years as everything was broken down, rotting and covered in a thick layer of dust. The cbin wasn't that large either so the search should be much shorter than previous searcges that we have done befreo. Ethan and I had finished searching the small living room of the cbain and then started checking tghe biggest bedroom of tye worn down building. i had a hard time focusing on the searh as my mind just kept thinking about Link's odd behvair. I just didn't get why he was avoiding me so much lately. Did I say something wrong ot him? As I was lost in thought, I felt something touch my shoulder which caused me to flinch imeedaitely. I swiftly turned around only to see Ethan with a concerned expression on his face whih made me relax as now I knew that nothing was going to hury me.

"Is there something wrong Lavender? You seem to be stressed about something." Ethan said, still giving me that concerned expression.

I sighed and dropped the random object I was holding on the dusty bed in fonrt of me, "Yeah you're right... I've just been worryung a lot of about something. It won't leave my head no matter how much I try to ignore it."

Ethan removed his hand from my shoulder and gently held my hand in his, all whille still giving me that concerned look of his. He then guiding me to sitting on the dusty bed with him.

"We can take a break from searching for awhile to celar your head. You cans also tell me what's bothering you if you'd like, I am you're friend after all."

I nodded my head at that and smiled sweetly at him, "Yes, I think I would like to do that."

I then explained to Ethan all about Link's odd behavouir and how he kept avoiding me in favor to hnag out with Double D of all people. I also told him how it bothered me a whole lot that Link was doing this but that I didn't say anything as I din't want to get Link upset and all. I didn't want to come off as being too cloingy and overbearing and making Link feel that he couldn't have firends other than me. But I just couldn't help but be suspcious of why he was suddebly befriending Double D of all people after years of expressing his disdain towards the cartoon haracter.

Ethan held my hand a little more firmly and furrowed his eyebrows, "Lavender... that sounds very troubling if you ask me."

"Why do you say that?" I give Ethan a strange stare. I won't deny that Link has been acting oddly but I didn't exactly see hwo troubling his behaviour was.

"Well I didn't want to say anything as Double D was always hanging around you but..." Ethan glances away from me for a few seconds. "There's something severely off about that guy which I know is understatement because of what he is but just hear me out for a minute."

I merely nodded my head and ket Ethan continue with what he had to say.

"For starters, don't you think it's odd how Double D has just been casually hanging around you and Link for years and yet he hasn't doen anything to you guys? You've sayed how much he's threaned you in the past yet he's never gone through on those threats and I doubt such a monster like him coul suddenly have a change of heart. It's almost like he's analysing you and waiting for the right opportunity to attack which leads me into my next point. What if Double D has been working wit the Death Destroyer this entire time? Double D could potentially be his spy, giving that beats every piece of infor he neds to finally finish you off..."

I nearly gasped att bearing Ethan say that. Could Double D REALLY be working with that m0nster? I mean... I wouldn't bee to surprised if that was the case. This is the smae Double D that viciously murdered his friends without hesitation so really, this wouldn't be too out of character for someone like him. But hearing this just made me feel sick to my stomach knowing that I was possibly being spied on this entire time. However, there was still one thing that I was still wondering about...

"What about Link? I still have no idea why he's actively choosing to hand out with Double D of all people..."

That's when Ethan's facialy expression tunred more grim, "Well... I have reason to belive that Double D is trying to maniplulate Link against you. Why else would your best friend start avoiding you out of the blue, Lavender? And why would Link even want to hang out with someone that he apparebtly hates? This is the only reason I could come up with that would explain why Link would act is such a way."

That was astonishing to say the leats. Double D was maniplulating Link to go against me? Well that was the only reason that made sense for why Link didn't seem to want to talk to me any more. And of course of Double D was the Death Destroyer's spy he would use Link as a way ot get even more information about me. It all suddenly made sense but it broke my heart eveb more to think abotu as I didn't want Link to be brainwashed by that demon. I needed to put a stop to this before I lost the last person that meant everything to me.

Ethan and I finished searching the cabin, onec more finding nothing of importante note. I said my goodbyes to Ethan and went back home. Whne U got back home, I just quickly went into my room to get ready for bed. I didn't want to see Link right now due to what I had talked about with Ethan. I couldn't help but feel bad for my friedn as he was being utterly brainwashed by that horrible Double D. But as I fell asleep that night, I came up with a plan to confront Link about this and hopefully save him from suhc a terrible fate.

Another stupid school day went vy that I'll spare you the details of because I'm just too lazy to come up with some superfluous details lol. Anyways, when Link, Toby and I came back home from school, I grabbed Link by the wrist and pretty much demanded him that we need to talk in private. I wasn't going to hear out any of his excuses so I didn't even give him the chance to respond as I prcatically drag him to my room. I saw Toby giving the two of us a weird star out of my periphiral view but I gave him a quick glare as a way of saying back off. I didn't have time to deal with Toby's emo bullshit, I was a girl on a nission after all. Once we got to my room, I closed the door suut and locked it. Whne I turned around, Link was giving me a almost pissed of look which I tried to pretend that it sidn't bother me.

"Lavie, what the hell was that anout?! Why did yiu drag me in here?!" Link had almost yelled at me which made me feel hurt that he would ever talk ot me like that.

"Look Link, I just really needed to talk with ypu WITHOUT Double D getting in the way." I said urgently to him.

Link sighs but seems to calm down, "Fine. What is it that you want to say to me?"

I take a small breath in and tightly clasp my hands together, "You need to stay away from Double D, in fact you need to kick him out of this house already! Call an exorcist or something I don't know btu he seriously needs to get out of here because he's brainwashing you and is potentially a spy for the Death Destroyer."

Link's eyes blow wude open and he looks at me like I've gone crazy. He does this for a few seconds, stuttering a few times as he seems to be at a loss for worsd. I don't bame hime tjough, his brainwashing must have him thoroughly convinced otherwise.

"W-where the hell did you get that idea from?!" Link exclaims, still in pure shock.

"Ethan told me. He saud he has reason to believe that Double D is way more malicious that we thpught and I agree with him."

That's when Link's shock turns to something more like agitation which was quite confusing to me. He scoffed quite loudly and rolled his blue orbs at me.

"Of coyrse that guy would say something like that..." Link sighed once more and looked at me sternly. "Lavender, I need you to understand that you've completely misinterpreted what's been happening lately. i haveb't by avoiding you because of Double D "brainwashing" me, I've been avoiding you becayse for one, all you've been talking about lately is Ethan and the Death Destroyer. I want to talk to my best friend, I do but I also want to talk to my best friend about more things than just revenge, y'know?"

"But that doesn't explain why you keep choosing to hang out with Double D! I thought you hated that guy?!" I yell at him no longer caring if anyone hears us.

"I haven't been "hanging out" with Double D, he's just been helping me perform an investiagtion of our iwn. I'm going to be blunt with you here Lav because you're my friend and deserve to know the truth, I can't fucking trust Ethan for the life of me. And that only bcame moreso when Double D actually shoed me proof that Ethan is NOT to be trusted."

"What investigaton are you even talking about? I thought you were tired of me talking anout nothing but revenge on the Death Destroyer."

Link scoffed again and glaced awayfrom me, "Our investigation had nothing ro do wuth the Death Destroyer. Double D and I were investigating Ethan because well as I already mentioned, the two of us don't trust him and have reason to believe that he's up to no good and is planning something."

I couldn't frabkly beluve what I was hearing. This brainwashing must be some strong stuff as Double D had Link thoroughly concinced that Ethan was the bad guy here which did not make any goddamn sense at all. How could Ethan possibly be the bad guy when he has done nothing but help us with gathering info on the Death Destroyer? I wasn't go to sit here and let this brainwashing to continue to infect my friend.

"No, Double D is the one that shouldn't be trusted dammit! He's a literal demon cartoon characeter that made you suffere for so long and yet HE can be trusted over Ethan?!"

"Youre wrong Lavender! Double D has been nothing but helpful when it coame to looking into Ethan's backround! Which by the way, is that something you even botehred to lok into? Because if you actually did, then you would know that some things about this guy just don't add up!"

"Are you serus right now Link?! Becase I still cannot comprehend how you could willingly work with that guy and also distrust Ethan!"

"Ah so you haven't looked into his bacjground huh? Figures seeing as you've been hanging out with him so much that he might as well be your new best friend."

"He's NOT my best friend Link, YOU are-"

"But you haven't been acting like that's true, have you?! Ethan has you wrapped around his finger so much that you don't even want to listen to what I have to say, you just discreedit me and repet whatever lies Ethan has told you! At thus point it feels like Double D is actually being a better friend towards mne than YOU!!!"

That setence made me stop imediatly and caused all the fighting spirit I had to drain from me. I could my face somehow get paler than it usually was and tears started to fill my blue orbs. I couldnt believe any of this but oh god... I was acting like a terribl friend wasn;t I? Well, I didn't really need to ask that question as the angry but clearly hurt look on Link's face said it all. His eyes were also begining to fill with tears which broke my heart more than anuthing. I NEVER wanted to hurt Link like that as he means the absolute world to me but I guess I ended up doing that anyways. Just as I was aboug to say somthing to Link, I herd a notification from my phone go off. I pulled my phone out and saw that I got a text from Ethan. The text made me widen my eyes in shock as I read it.

Link's anger temporarily subisded as he looked at my phone curiously, "What's going on?"

"Ethan just told me that he finally found the exact location of the Death Destroyer's laptop..." I say not really believing the words that left my mouth. "He wants me to meet up with him at the location so that we can finally put an end to the Death Destroyer..."

"Lavender look I know you might be mad with me right but please don't go there. Ethan is NOT what he semes youmight be puttinkg yourself in dangery if you go there." Link begs with a pale expression now on his face.

I glare at him even though I wasn't truly mad at him, "Don't tell me what to do. I am going ro that location and finally getting rid of that monster. Nothing is going to stp me from finally getting my revenge dammit!"

Before Link could say anything else to meh, I unclked the door ro my bedtoom door and stormed out of my room. I didn't even bother telling Link's parents that I was going anywhere becuase I was deadset on letting nothing get in my damn wau now. I stormed pass Toby who was holding Benny in his arms. He gave me another weird look which only made me more pissed of than I already was. I stopped my walking and turned to give Toby a cold harsh glare.

"Fuck off if you know what's best for you TOBY." I spat at him not even caring that young Benny heard what I said.

I took a little but of pleasure in causing the astonished lok on Toby;s face as it seeme to be nearly impossible as Toby is never expressive and always looks incredibly pissed of 24/7. Anyways, I finally left the house and started makking my way to the address that Ethan sent me.

After a but of walking, I finally made it to the location which was an abondoned warehouse. I texted Ethan that I was outside and he quicjkly texted back and told me to come in the warehouse as he himself was already inside. I did as instructed and finally entered the old abandoned building. The first thing I noticed about the place was how dark it was. Not a single light was one which made the whole place pitch black to the point that I couldn't even see my own hands. It kind of gave me th heeby geebies but I presed on and walked a little further into the building while calling out for Ethan. He didn't respond to what I said which made me freak out a little more but I tried to swallow anu fear I had.

Then suddebly, a spotlight turned on in the distance and seemed to be illuminating a desk with an opened but turned off laptop on it. I assumed that this was THE Death Destroyer laptop and ran straight towards it. Finally I can put an edn to my nightmares and stop the terrible demon that has been plaguing me for years. I was standing right in front of the damned thing with a gleeful feeling insude me that I haven't felt in a very long time. I was almost temtped to punch the damn thung to pieces whne suddenly I heard laighter behind me. Familiar evil laughter. No... it cna't be...

I quickly turned aroud prepared to see my nevereedning nightmare vefore me but I was surprised when I saw somthing else completely. Instead od the Death Destroyer like I was expecting, I saw Ethan stanading behind me which made me sigh with relief. I tried asking him why didn't show up sooner but he didn;t say anything to me. He just stood there... silent withb a smile on his face. But it wasn't a normal smile, this one felt unnerving for some reason nda it kind of freaked me out. He began to walk closer to me which unnerved me more because of that smile he had.

I trued asking Ethan what was wring but he just leeps walking closer to me and then he suddebly laughs. That laugh chills me to the bone as it weirdly sounded way too similar to the Death Destroyer. It was even slightly distored and everything which confused me as all hell. Ethan was finally standing rigt in front of me but he was so close that I had to back up into the desk a litt;e. Something feels wrong here. Then, Ethan laughs some more but it's louder this time and begins to sound downright insane and diabolical. It was seriouly scaring the shit outta me!

"Ethan stop this right now!!" I scream right in hi face.

He stops his laughing but still smlies at me deviously. i could see his teeth as he smiled and I niticed hwo sharp they were which made me uneasy. Ethan then claps his hands and the rest of the lights in the warehouse turn on but oh how I wish they hadn't. The light that flooded the warehouse revealed what was inside th damn building. The warehouse was filled to the brim with skeletons and dead bodies. Blood and guts stained almost every inch of the floor and I also vommitted at the sight of it all. It was SO horrific and scary tosee.

"What the FUCK is going one Ethan?! Why are you acting so strange rignt now?!!!"

He still didn't respond to me. He just continued his devious smilig and then grabbed my by the front of the shirt which made me flicnh terribky. Ethan then yanked me away from the desk and shoved me hard against the wall. my back ached in pain but the fear filling my body made me unable to fight back against him.

"You fool..." He chuckled darkly. "You complete and utter idiot!"

I tensed up as he saud that, "What are you talking abotu?!"

"I honestly can't believe you fell for that whole schtick! This was so easy that its almost laughable!"

"Stop daying nonsense and just tell me what the actual FUCK is going on!!11!!"

Ethan griped my shirt tighter and his already evil smile turned much eviler, "You fucking bimbo... I'm the Death Destroyer."

My knees felt weak and my legs were wobbly. No... no that couldn't be true. This was all just some sick joke! But as I looked at Ethan's face I could tell that he wasn;y joking. This was real... this was all real. Link was right aftr all... I was a complete idiot to trust Ethan and anything he said.

"Why..." I said barely above a whisper. "Why did you lie ot me...? Why di you bring me here?"

Ethan finally let go of my shirt and tookn a step back, still smirking at me evilly. He also chuckled and did a goofy ass little spin before he continued to speak.

"Many years agi, I used to be human just like you but all that changes whne I bought a laptop from eBay. That laptop was apparently cursed and when i opened it up, the computer dragge me into it and thus turned me into the Death Destroyer. I was desperate to escape my digital prison so for years I spent searching for the perfct person to trade places with me so that I may be free omce more. And now... I have finally found that person."

My breath hitched as he finished speaking... I didn't need to be a mad genius to know what he meant. But I fidn;t want it to be true.

"You..." I choked out. "You mean me, don't you?"

Ethan didn't say anything once more, he jsut nodded his head in pure demonic glee. I didbn't even norther trying to contain the sob that escaped my mouth.

"Please... don't do this to me! W-we can find another wya to free it doesn;t have to be this way! Please please don't do this..."

"Too bad for you hun but there is not other way~"

Before I could even run away from him, Ethan snapped his fingers and a blood demonic red bubble formed around me trapping and amking unable to run away. Ethan took a step closer to the bubble and mockingly stared at me as if I were an animal in a zoo.

"You stay in there nice and cozy as I prepare the ritual so that everything will be good for when the time comes." Ethan smirked one last time before walking away from me.

I can't help but hate myself for not believing in Link from the moment that he distrusted Ethan. If I had just listened to him then I wouldn;t be in this stupid mess. I only hav my sefl to blame for this sitaution I've gotten myself in. I don;t deserve to have Link as my best friend or even... no there;s no point in thinking about that now. He probably hates me after we got into that fight but I wouln;t balme him if he did.

I don;t know how much time went by as all IU could do was lay down uncomfratablly in that bubble and stare up at the ceuiling aimlessly. I was pretty much ready to accept the fact that this was going to happen to me and that ther was nothing for me to do about it. Soon enough Ethan comes back to the bubble, still smikrkibg demonically at me. He summons these red chains that shoot towasrds me and wrap aaround me tightly. After I was completely wrapped up in the chains, Ethan commanded for the chaisn to yank me out of the bubble. Ethan then dragged me to a pentagram that had the Roblox symbol in the middle of it and palced my chained up body on top of the pentagram.

"Any last words dear Lavender?~" Ethan says to me in a mocking tone of voice.

I thought about that for a second untol my mind latched onto a specific thpight that wouldn't leave my head.

"I... I wihs I could've gotten to tell Link how I really feel about him..."

Ethan rolls his eyes at that before taking a step awy from me as he continues the ritul. He lit the different candles that were around the circle of the pentagram before throwing a strange red powder on my body. He then seemed to have painted something on my forehead that I obviously wasn't able to see. It was probably some sort of satanic symbol because that's how these stupid rituals always go. Lastly, he stepped away from me again before clapping his hands and cuasing most pf the lights of the warehouse to turn off again. Ethan then started saying something demonic id some foreign language I don't understand. But again knowing how these types of stories go it was probably Latin as authors find that language scary for some fucking reason. A black and red knife then materializes out of think air and Ethan takes it into his hands. He looks down at me and chuckles once agunn as I scrunch my eyes clos, preparing for the worsy.

Though instead of a knife plunging into my chest, I her a lpud crash which caused me yo promptly open my eyes and turn my gaze to where I eheard the noise. I gasped at what U saw. Link and Double D were at the entrance of the warehouse, looking absolutely enragd abour somethibg. Double D then poyinte a clawed finger right at Ethan and glared at him cruelly.

"You thought you could ger away with this? Well too bad for you because I kew that you were the Death Destroyer the moment we met you stupid twink!"

All Ethan does in response in maicically laugh once more and begins floating up into the aire. What looks like a black tornado brefly swarms around him and then suddely he changs. Ethan no longer is in his human form, now he's the Death Destroyer I unfortuantely recognize. He points back at Double D and lauhs some more.

"Oh Double D just look at how pathritic you;ve become! You were omce fearsome and ferocious but now look at yourself, you've grown weak and turned soft fo these puny mortals!"

Double D's glare turns harsher and he practically growls liek a rabid animale.

"Fight me like a true demon you despicable freak!"

Ethan then cracks his neck and strecthes his wings.

"Bring it on ya DORK!"

The two demons fly towards each oteher and begin to fight. Ecah one tries ounching and kicking the other but it works with minimal success as either demon just flies or teleports out tof the way to avoid an attfack. I was too busy watching the fight to realize that Link had suddebly disappeared. That was until I felt a familiar wamr hand on my shoudler. I quickly turned ro my right to see Link trying to lift me up. I sat up completely so that he didn;t have to hlep me up and i looked at him in confusion.

"Why are you and Double D trying to save me? All I ever did was insuly him and not listen to you and look where that got me..."

Link's hands moved to the chains around me anbd tried undoing them as he spoke, "Lavender iyt doesn't matter how many times we fight, I'll always be there to help you when you need it. And as for Double D? He's a big ass jerk but I know deep down that he catres about the twp of us. That fact alone became vey vlear to me when the two of us were doing our investigaton into Ethan."

I wanted to tear up at those weirds. Link... even after everything that I said to him still cares for me regardless. I also had to physically restrain myself frpm blsuhing at what he said. Link was still trying to undo the cahins but they wouldn't budge. He soon got frustrated and tured yanking at them violently but the still woudln't bugde tho Link kpet trying anyways. Eventually though, what looked like red lightning shocked Link's hands couasing him to immediateky retract tghme and back off the chains. Whatever magic Ethan was using was clealy preventing these chains from coming off of me.

"Link it's on use... these chains aren't going to come off me anytime soon. You and Double D should just leave me behind, Im not worth such a big risk to take seeung as I was nothing but a terrible friedn to you..."

"NO!!! We are not leaving you behind Lavie! You aren't a terrible friend to me, you're the best friend anybody acould ever habe and I'm sorry for fighting with you and avoiding you. Please... don;t leave me."

My heart nbearky shattered into pieces hearing that. Link was almost crying and I couldn't help but feel responsible fpr making him do such a thing. His beautiful blue eyes didn't look right with tears in them...

I could feel tears make thgeir way into my onw eyes, "I'm sorry too Link..."

Link scootched a little closer to me and his face gto close to mine to the pointb that I could feel his breath on my lips. I could no longer stop the blush from forming on my freckled face and I could also see that Link was blsuhing as well. Neither of us moved any closer and unfortunately we wouldn't get that chance to move closer as a loud crash interruopted us. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I WAS BOUT TO GET SOME ACTION TOO UGHHHHH.

Link and I turned our heads towarsd the fight that was happening nehind us. From tghe looks of it, it seemed as though Ethan had grabbed Double D during the fight and threw him harshly against a wall. Double D was now layibg on the ground completely unconcious. Ethan then turned his attentuon back to us and flew straight towarsd us. Link stands up speedily and tries to keep Ethan away but that doesn't work at all. Ethan merely grabs Link by the head and tosses him roughly to the side as if her were a ragdoll. He then floats above me menacingly and raises the ritual knife he summoned just earlier. I was going to beg ine last time for him to stop this but he didn;t even give me the chnave to. The knife was quickly plunged into my chest as I screamed in hprrorfic pain.


As I screamed what looked like the black tornada that surrounded Ethan earlier now surrounds me instead, blocking most thinsg in my vision. The only things I coukd really see through the tornado was that the tonrnado seemed to be coming out of Ethan's chest and going inside of me. A the tornado went in me, I could feel a searing hot pain course throughout my body. It was definitely the most painful thing I have ever fekt in my entire life.

After what felt ike a terribly long time, the tornado stopped and so did the searing hot pain. I gasped loudly as I fely the chains aound my body disappear. I sat up straight and knew in that moment that something felt off with myslef. For one I felt something on my back and something on my head. When I glanced behind me I was stunned to see a pair od black bat wings attached to my back now. They even moved when I commanded them to move. that means that the ritual truly worked then which also meant... I touched what was on my head and knew right thne and there that these were horns on my head. I looked down at my hands and also saw that I had sharp claws instead of regular human fingers. But that made sense I suppose... I was the NEW Death Destroyer after all.

My transformation wasn't the only thing that I noticed either. I also saw that there was now a unconcious HUMAN Ethan lying in front of me. And right next to me was Link who was just as stunned as I was about the whole stituation. Neither of us really knew what to saw but we also wouldn't get the chance to ay anything else either.

Put of nowhere, grey ghostly chains wrapped themselves around my wrists. I quick;y got up off the ground and tried pulling away from these chains but they wouln not lit go. Even using my new wings and trying ro fly away from the compute didn't wokr. More chains came out of the computer and latched onto my legs and waist. All o the chains began to slowly drag me towards Ethan's old laptop tha was now turned on. Link grabbed onto my hand and tried his best ot pull me away fron the computer but it's vlear that this wasn't working at all.

"Link it's no use, the chaiuns are too strong jsut let me go!"

"No, I can't do that Lavie! I... I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO LET YOU GO!!!"

I was in utter shock at first, to know that my feelings for Link really were reciprocated meant everything ro me. I gave a small sad smile to Link before kissing him on the forehead which caused his whole face tu turne red.

"I love you too, Link."

But I knew there was nothing that could bee done ro change my terrible fate. There was no hope left fo me so the only thung that could be done ws to resign myslef to my fate. I swiftly pushed Link away from me and allowed msyelf to finally be dragged into the laptop. The last thing I heard was Link crying out my name bfore being dragged into a white glitchy abyss.

So dear readers, this is my horrifying tale of how exactly I got to this point in my life. Now that i am the new Death Destroyer, I am permantly styuck in this digital prison for the rest of my days unless I choose to find someone else to take my place like Ethan had with me. But I refuse to EVER do such a thing. I don't want anyone else to have to suffere such a fate like this so i will glady accopt this new life of mine without complaint. I also refuse to hut anyone like Ethan had as I don't want to stoop down to such a despicable level. This story that I am wroting on this page will be last time that anyone ever hears of me. I'll be completely disappearing after this has been posted as I don't want anyone to come looking for me. Becauyse of this ne form of mine, I'm afraind that I might put people at risj so it is best if I just stay away fron any and everyone. Though I have one last message to give before I disappear fpr forever more.

To Double D: I give you my thanks for doing everythung yuu could to protect me when I needed it. I sincerely apologize for doubting you and assuming th worst things of you. Despite how much you've changes on the outsidem, I can tell that your still the same ol' Double D that I remeber watching on my TV back in the day. You sure were an asshole for a lot of the time that I knew you but in end, I do truly onsider you a friend and wished we coudln've sopent more time together.

To Link: You have been my best friedn ever since we met each other on Roblox Adopt Me! at six years old. We've been inseprable ever since and I knew since the moment I met you that we were always going to be by each other;s side. You were there for me whne my brothers died and were the only one that didn;t call me crazy for the whole Death Destroyer thing and believeed me as soon as I told you. And I was there for you when Double D would haunt your drems and terrify at any wakming moment. And despite it all you stuck by me even when I gave youb a harc time and tried your absolute best to save me in my timne of need. I'm sorry that I had to leave you behind but in the end, I was gevn no other choice. Goodbye Link, I love you so mucj.

-Lavender, Your New Death Destroyer

Real talk though why the fuck did I put so much effort into this dogshit lmao like damn this is really how I choose to spend my time huh

Written by Thefrostedflower
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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