The Eye Mistress

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There is a legend that says this Lady known as the Eye Mistress takes eyes but only if you have killed someone innocent she won’t stop haunting you she will creep into your dreams and feeds on your fear until she is strong enough to become in a physical form and she slowly turns you mad and makes you see things you wish not to witness bad things happen you gain visions of harming others by taking their eyes and so when they finally snap they rip their eyes out so they don’t see the Eye Mistress and her evil doings and once you have removed your eyes she takes them and uses them for secret purposes but some people say that she uses them to help the blind but others think she collects them to make up a murder she has done but we will never know unless you see the Eye Mistress and witness her doings..

Well one guy did not believe in such silly stories and that was me. My friends had always been into these things as I was not, so I usually left the chats when they got to that stuff it was just silly stories to trick you into being scared so that night, I was at my friend... Let’s call him Alec. I was at Alec’s house and we were with my our two other friends James and Seth and we were talking about girls like we usually do and then later my friend Seth brought up The Bloody Prom Queen and they were all wrapped up in this Creepypasta so I told them I was going to head home and I said my Fairwells and got in my car and started driving I felt like something was off and I had an uneasy feeling but I blocked it out and kept driving but just out of the distance I could see a figure standing in the road I thought I must just be tired and just seeing things.

But despite my thoughts I kept going until I fell asleep at the wheel and it was only a few minutes where I woke up as I crashed into something going off the road crashing in a tree I was breathing heavily and covered in injures luckily I was able to get out the car which was now on it’s side I took a few breathes of air and looked around to make sure nobody else was hurt and that was when I saw a body laying in the road my heart stopped and my blood ran cold I just killed someone! I thought I ran to the body and checked the pulse the body seemed to have been a 18 year old female she had long black hair and a dress but now she was laying there dead in my arms I didn’t know what would happen after I reported what happened but I knew I couldn’t leave her here plus I had no other ride and that was when I saw another figure in the distance I tried calling for help but I was to weak since I had broken a few ribs and had been crushed by the car door so I tried waving and the figure started walking over slowly and that was when I saw that this person was not really human I mean it looked human but it had unhuman features it looked like a tall woman but she had no eyes and her mouth was open as if she had been screaming and she wore a torn white dress I was startled by seeing this so called women and I tried getting up to run off but I was too weak and I passed out.

When I woke up I was in the hospital I sat up and looked around and saw a bunch of nurses and doctors walking across my room I tried calling out but nothing came out so I got up until I dropped down and I looked at my legs shaking so aggressively but when I fell it made a loud thump so a nurse ran in my room and helped me back in the bed and told me to rest I shook my head wondering where the girl was and if they were able to try and help with anything I looked at her with a pleading look “You need to lay back and rest dear you broke a lot of bones and you punctured your lungs so you are going to have to stay here for a while” She said very calmly then she asked if I needed anything I just shook my head and the nurse left. I laid back trying to calm my nerves and then I spotted something outside my room I couldn’t believe my eyes it was that eyeless lady! I tried calling for help once again knowing it might not work but I was wondering how nobody else seemed to notice this lady standing out my room watching me I looked around and spotted a cup full of water and I threw it to get someone’s attention and one of the front desk people came over to check on me I tried pointing to the lady but when the man looked he didn’t seem to see anything he left the room really quick to get a doctor to check on me put I still saw the lady watching me and her screaming expression turned to a slight grin I started panicking as she walked closer but right when the doctor ran in they lady disappeared and I had broken out in sweat terrified of this lady that is now following me. The doctor checked a few things and asked me to write down what I saw and I wrote about what I saw last night tied in with what I just witnessed now but he just looked at me with a look like I have gone crazy or something I was finally able to talk a bit and I tried telling him I wasn’t joking but yet he didn’t believe me I was so furious I knew what I was seeing and yet it sounded completely crazy I could barely believe it myself!

Later my friends came over after they heard what happened and they brought me a few things to help me feel better and they asked for the details in what happened, and I decided to tell them about the women I have been seeing since it was like that story, they enjoyed and maybe they might be able to find a way to help me. They all looked at me with complete shock “You have to believe me” I told them.

“We will find a way out of this, okay?” Said Alec smiling at me I nodded and took a few deep breathes feeling calmer now that I knew my friends were by my side with this although James looked a bit skeptical of what I was saying.

James then said “I think you are just seeing things man you must have hit your head a bit to hard when you crashed” I couldn’t believe it my best friend also thought I was making it up I was so upset I yelled at them to get out Alec looked very surprised but he nodded and led James and Seth out the room as they mumbled to each other. As I sat there I tried thinking of ways to get rid of this women I even started researching about her but I found nothing that explained how to get rid of her so I went on a Creepy Pasta fan-page to ask how you get rid of her but none of them had answers they said that they have never heard of a way to get rid of her and make her leave that made me more upset than I already was so I kept looking for answers but nobody seemed to know so I decided to look at all the stories made of the Eye Mistress and I saw what may have caused this whole problem when I killed the innocent lady in the road the Eye Mistress must have thought I had purposely killed her for my own pleasure so I tried looking around my room and out my room and tried seeing if I could find the women to explain to her it was all a mistake but yet I could not find her. I had overworked myself so much on trying to find answers that I drifted off to sleep.

In my dream I heard voices all around me asking why I did it and why I killed her I didn’t understand why this was happening I blamed my guilt but I knew that voice was not mine it sounded almost as if it were a women around middle-aged and then there was this loud scream in my ears that sounded almost unhuman it was so loud and so high I could barely make it out as being a person. I woke up in cold sweat and was looking around in my dark room from what I could tell things seemed very quiet in the hospital that night it started to make me paranoid so I waited to see if there was someone working here and that’s when I heard footsteps in the hall I said as quite as possible “Hey is there a doctor or nurse out there?” but I never heard a reply which worried me and so I got out of the bed and peeked out and there I saw the women again! She was following me I raced back in and hid behind the bed hoping she didn’t spot me but my breathing was so loud I could hardly think so I held my breath and listened and then the footsteps came to an end I thought to myself Oh god this is it I am dead she’s going to take me away and take my eyes! I tried to calm down and become reasonable with myself until I heard the footsteps come into the room, I knew I was dead I prayed to God I can’t die now I have so much to live I am so young please! Don’t let me die now God then all of the sudden my lights flashed on and I squeezed my eyes shut and I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I yelled from the top of my lungs terrified but I heard a soft soothing voice tell me to stop yelling and to calm down and so when I opened up my eyes it was a nurse who had been staying the night shift I sighed in relief knowing I was safe as long as she was here with me. She helped me back to my bed and asked me why I had been so terrified so I explained to her what I have been witnessing and she had seemed very shaken by my experience I could tell she knew something, so I asked her what was wrong, and she told me her brother had experienced something paranormal like that as well.

“How did he survive” I asked but she looked at me with sorrow and I knew he hadn’t made it. “Oh I am so sorry...” I told her.

“It’s fine he did something bad, and this was a way of him being… Punished...” She said and then she became silent looking at the ground I felt so sorry for her she had seemed so young to witness something so terrible and so I told her I would find a way to break this curse but I only had 1 day left before being consumed by the madness since she has already taken control over my mind and she is already in her physical form so I had to start acting quick I tried looking up more information about the Eye Mistress but I had not found anything new but I kept looking later that day my friend Seth came in to check on me and asked how I was doing I told him I was kinda scared I knew if I didn’t act quick about my plan I will die Seth thought I was crazy and on some drugs that they give you in the hospital for a prescription but I told him that if they find me tomorrow and it’s too late this is my death bed. Seth thought I was losing it and left to get a doctor, but all the doctors have been out and so have the nurses in fact Seth said everyone was gone all the beds were empty and there were no staff it made Seth confused since there had been multiple people when he came in and now everyone just… Vanished it was almost unreal. Seth looked at me getting nervous “What the hell is going on here?” He asked.

“I don’t know but I think it has something to do with me” I said trying to keep my composure since fear leads to hunger and hunger leads to power and power leads to well… You know death for me. Seth and me heard footsteps and he got excited and looked out but he saw nobody yet he heard footsteps I looked over to ask what he saw and he just replied by saying nothing I was very shocked by his reply and then I saw her, her gaping eyeless stare facing me with her screaming expression I yelled at Seth to get out of the way and he jumped back now trembling I told him he had to go and it was too late she was here although he didn’t understand he listened and ran out of the room and out the hospital. I watched the lady move into my room I have been staying in and there she screamed the same way I had heard in my dream I grabbed my eyes in pain and so overwhelmed I squeezed my eyes shut but I saw images of me running over the girl and as I saw it replaying in my head the screaming got louder and louder until I saw the lady in my mind she looked so beautiful and young but then a man broke in and killed her removing her eyes from her sockets to sell them for great money and he used her body to feed cannibals the image was so gruesome and so petrifying I couldn’t take I grabbed my eyes and tried ripping them out and as I tried I screamed seeing the blurry vision of blood running down my hands and then… I got my eyes out and I fell back dead and the screaming ended and I didn’t ever see the screaming lady again…

Credited to Hatchet Lord

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