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"Ankha was Nut's ex. He realized that the only way she can be defeated is... ,I forgot it was a while ago."

"Well, let's go then!"

The doorman bowed down to Michael as we walked in and it was like everything just melted around me. I even heard a wine bottle shatter.


"DR. ROSEN!!!" said a random fan.

We put on Guy Fawkes masks and everything went back to normal. Apparently, Michael's Rapper name was DR. ROSEN.

The Stans were in a large pile, either orgy-ing or eating each other. We simply walked past, with the masks, blending right in.



Michael: (chuckles)

(Y/N): That's not funny.

The door opened, and we saw the man himself. He was busting his name.

Revision as of 18:27, 14 October 2021

CHAPTER 1: Sega Genesis

CHAPTER 2: The Salvation of the PornHub Premium account

CHAPTER 3: The First Embrace

CHAPTER 4: The Definition of Medicinal Rosen

CHAPTER 5: Head out on tha Highway


This page is not safe for work or school. The content of this story is not suitable for some audiences, and may be inappropriate to view in some situations.
...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

Chapter 1: Sega Genesis

So, let’s start not that long ago in 2002. I was living in the very safe neighborhood of Miami, California. It’s the type of town that if your plane crashed during that thing that happened to America, but instead of the World Trade Center, it’s Miami, It would be like the scene from Wizard of Oz where the Munchkins all start peeing on each other to celebrate your arrival from Earth.

I was in my house, in my room, at 4:00 AM. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t sleep. But then I heard the sounds of Mom and the New Daddy moaning and grunting. It was a peaceful scene. Serene even. My vacation, and I immediately fell asleep. Thank you God for helping them to help me sleep.

”GET THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE MASTERBATING SHIT AND GO TO PUBLICS TO FETCH ME SOME MORE MEDICINE!!!” She was correct. I was mid-session right then. Which meant that I suspected she would join in like this movie I watched.

“It would be fine”, I thought. “I mean she’s not to drunk is she?”, I thought rationally and deeply.

“…*sexy lip smack*, it WOULD be FIIIIIIIIIIIINE…

I jump down from the top of the stairs to the floor and this woman totally ignored my fake cries to help me up, so I quit.


“Yes, MaMa, mommy?”

“Can you be a dear and go down to the Little Clinic at Kroger and fetch me my next few weeks’ worth of Medicinal Methamphetamine, …can you do that for me?

“no” “WELL DOS AT LOK LIKE I GIVAFAGUCH YOU LITSH!” mother asked calmly

“I’m tired!”

She leaned forward and said, “Oh come on! You’ll get your rewaaaard!”

Mom had apparently been familiar with my search history and tried to imitate that Minecraft girl, Jenny.

I knew what she meant, “20k dollars?”



Sega Genesis


Remained Calm, +20!

Got a Peek at Mom’s cleavage, +50!

Dollars earnt: +20,000$.

Total Dollars: 20,000$!

Chapter 2: The Salvation of the PornHub premium account

I moonwalked into Miami High School and the Librarian walked up behind me and smacked my ass with Twilight.

“Oh hai, Ms. Hindley!”

“Baby! You forgot your Monday shirt!”

She held out my Slipknot™ shirt that I wear every Monday at school.

“Well, of course!” I immediately took off my current shirt and-

“TITTY TWISTER!” She took out her fingers and titty fucked me for about 5 minutes.

How's yours's like, cuckold?

I was reluctant to reveal the goods but did so anyways. Her reaction was too hard to describe, so I took out my phone and filmed her face.

Visualization of the librarian's reaction.

I then put on my shirt on and ran.

I finally got to Bible Meditation class, and my BFF (Big Fat Fuck) and best friend, Homer was seated.

He was about 4’3, 201 pounds and also about 6 foot in height.

“All you need to do, kiddies is to relax and turn your heart to Sat-,  t-the Looooord.”

“Just relax, keep calm, and (Y/N), if you don’t sit down right now I’ll castrate you with a Hacksaw, now FEEEEEEEEEELLLLL, the love of Christ.”

Our Bible Teacher, who I never found out the name of is a bit of a mixed bag. The more I be around her, the less I’m convinced to turn to the Lord.

I sat down on the mat, and immediately felt swamp-ass in my Fruit-of-the-Loom™ boxers, they also looked yellow.

“Mrs. Bible?”

“See how I’m relaxed and okay. (INHALES EXHALES) I am flooded by God.”

“Mrs. Bible?”


“Why is there a piss-like substance on my mat?”

“MAYBE YOU PEED THERE I DON’T KNOW!? Now, (Breathing) just relax, and love one another.”

I reluctantly sat down and got into meditation pose.

“Hey, (Y/N), what up?”

I heard a strange voice which I quickly responded to by giving the up the middle finger in the air.

“Hey, bitch.”

“Oh, HEEEYYYY, Homer!”

"You got my money?"



He reached in to punch me, and I opened up my legs for him.

"...unless you recover my PornHub Premium account."



I quickly ran out of the classroom as the teacher was throwing crucifixes at me.



Once I finally fucked off, I started to wonder where the PornHub Account was.


Can we think, thinking time! :)




"I know! Check the FPHHOOOOOONE!!!

I pulled out my iPhone foldable I stole from their factory and search up on Bing.

pornhub login

I logged into the unblocked PornHub, but before clicking on the Log In, I was tempted by more Jenny Minecraft videos, as well as remixes of Ankha Cat dancing to Numb by Linkin Park. "...oh why not!"


{LOADING 100%}

Before the video I had to witness the dreaded ad that seems to be taking over PornHub by the second;

Ankha Cat doing the hokey-pokey while explaining her diabolical intentions.



I finally got to the video and instead of the Cat dancing, as proven by the Wright Brothers, it was the Cat speaking directly into the camera in the exact manly voice I expected:

"Hello, human. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT dancing."

As this demonic figure spoke, Anti-Nightcore Numb played in the background, it was excruciatingly excruciating.

"And get used to this music, you'll be num- FINE with it very soon."

"(Y/N), what kinda name is that? Sounds like you watch me all the time. Both platforms to answer your question. I am publicly releasing this information to you for, well, no reason other than BECAUSE I CAN. 3 weeks from now, Michael Rosen is going to launch an atomic bomb he has been developing in his lab, and make landfall in Miami, California. All I need to shut up is for you to listen to the following requests:


Screw this!


I finally got to the Log In and Homer's password autocorrected in. I stopped thinking about the video and realized his username was JOJOCOK19.


The Salvation of the PornHub premium account!


Did the Phone Song!, +45!


Dollars earnt: +0$

Total Dollars: 20,000$!

Chapter 3: The First Embrace

"Goodbye, clownshoes!"

I ran out of the school and immediately tried to find a car. Luckily, there was a handy '70 Ford Pinto on sight which I happily committed Grand Theft Auto for.

I was doing 180 mph on the street heading for the airport, trying to stop Michael of his plans, which may or may not be real.

Finally rolled up to the terminal and t-boned a baggage cart, I jumped out of the car just before the shitty Pinto explodes before my eyes. I looked over my shoulders and finds a conveniently placed Segway on the side, which I rode away on.

I crashed through the glass door and rode my chariot at warp speed through the airport. Thankfully, only 4 people were run over, all of which occurred while security was chasing after me.

Thankfully, only 4 people were run over, all of which occurred while security was chasing after me.



I finally got to the gate where I winked at the hot flight attendant outside the gate, to which she hesitated to call 911. I was still on the Segway, going through the catwalk when the door to the plane was already closed, and I got a black eye from hitting it. I decided that the only way was to just kick the door down gangsta-style, so I did.

I decided that the only way was to just kick the door down gangsta-style, so I did.

"Wazzup bitches?" I said as I went to sit down by the toilet.

"Passengers, our flight from Miami to the UK will be taking off shortly, please prepare for takeoff."

At a moment of piece like this, I got out a bag of Xanax and smoked, as I fell asleep.


"but he shouldn't be on this plane, he could be a terrorist..."



"one thing I don't know why it doesn't even matter how hard you try..."



I was pleasantly awaken by the Captain, although I was on a MAJOR hangover. Usually I just sleep it off, but it was too much Xanax to do so, as well as the fact we were probably landing.

"We're 15 hours from UK."



We landed in London, in which my hangover was thankfully still going.

When I went outside to the parking lot, I tried looking up where Michael Rosen lived, since the only village I knew existed in the UK is London. After realizing that Wi-Fi is automatically turned off for American tourists to prevent them from "escaping". I also didn't have a car, so...

I had no choice but to stick my thumb out, and suck it. Then I decided to hitchhike.

A few drivers just gave me the middle finger, and finally when one stopped.

"Yeah so, do you know where Michael Rosen lives, his lab?"

"YOU FROM BLODDY 'mERICAN PISS OFF OR I CALL 112!" They sped off immediately, leaving me feel empty.

Finally, I flagged down a truck driver who drove me to a road in the middle of nowhere. "Get out, we're here." I did, and he drove away, with no one else in sight.

I missed Miami, I missed PornHub, I missed my Librarian teacher. But (looks to the left, then back) SUDDENLY, I heard some rustling in the bushes, thinking it was a Squirrel, I barked and pounced on it, only to be smashed in the face by a metal trap door opening.

"what's the password?"

"...Chocolate Cake?"


The First Embrace!


GayJacked!, +95!

Found Michael Rosen's Bunker, +10!

Dollars earnt: +0$

Total Dollars: 20,000$!

Chapter 4: The Definition of Medicinal Rosen

Entrance to Michael Rosen's meth/science lab.

A beep came on, and a bony finger came from below and waved its fingers back and forth. I jumped in and fell on the floor. It took about 5 minutes to have the strength to get up from falling 100 feet into the earth, and it was him!

"AH, (Y/N) You're late."


"I know why you came." "Why?"

" smoke with me, of course, come on!", the entrance was more inviting than a Soviet bunker.

We walked into the lab and there was a whole factory of speed and crack from room to room. Rosen was the exact businessman I knew and loved.

We sat down and a bag of crystal and Krystal with wings flew towards us, which he offered to thou.

"Wanna first hit?"

I was tempted, ask him about the Mission, or get high with him.

"SURE BITCH GIMMMASOMADAT." I grabbed the bag and stuffed my faceholes with it. He then grabbed the bag and did the same.

2 hours later, we were extremely trashed, sitting on his couch, watching Squid Game, he even introduced me to his cyclops, Hangnail. Right in the moment when we were hallucinating it with two eyes, I decided to ask about the mission, but he interrupted:

"Ya se how t-the Assholl is licking the un-nbrella like a I I think ES Fanny, HAHA, why you Dond watch the dub!"

"Yo-you-you know, Michael, about the huge bomb that Ankha Cat mentioned." "Oh yeah thas just a ho-hobby of mine, building weapons of mass destruction."


"No you dumb bitch, this meth. (SNORT) The nuke's for protection against her."

"Oh, okay, ...WHAT?"

"Ankha Cat, she's uh, ...sheeeessss, uuuuuh. Hot." "HOT?"

"No, no EVIL! Hot and Evil. She's evil. She's absolutely demented. But my high score on Run 3 is higher so, Haha fuck her, right? *INHALES*"

"And... what about the nuke and the video?" I asked, sobering up unfortunately.

"We have this beef, y'know? She wants to take over the world, and I want to become the next drug god, so waddatha ho does? Makes a video bashing me for some bullshit. I tried to stop her from putting it on YouTube and said if she does I reveal my high score, so she uploaded it to PornHub, where you found it."

"What are you gonna do with the nuke, then?"

"SHE'S the one that wants to nuke Miami. We have to hide the nuke somewhere remote and isolated. She knows about the place."

He handed me a card, "Wait, wait, I know this trick, I'm not playing it, 45.6 billion$ aint worth dying for!"

"No, this is just the number for MIXEDNUT."

I've never heard of this Mixed Nut, so I asked this man. "Who's MIXED NUT? And why is his name in ALL CAPS?"

"He's a rapper, was a rapper. Currently retired, resides somewhere in Indo-China. He's the only one who knows how to defeat Ankha Cat."

MIXED NUT? I remember that name. Don't I?

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. For some reason, Michael panicked, and shushed at me.

"hide in the closet, and don't you say another goddamn word." he whispered in my ear. I nodded quickly and he hid me in a closet, which was full of filled beakers and acid. I heard him go to the entrance and speak through the microphone.

"Who is et?"

"R you Mr. Rosen?"

"Does it look like I'm not? Who are you guys?"

"We're the Metropolitan Police, we drove 3 hours to get here, so don't annoy us."

"More like, don't annoy me! Now, whatdaya want?"

"We were told that an American is currently hiding out in this area, and your the only resident within 20 kilometers area, now can we come in, I have to piss!"


"Okay, screw it."

After pissing time, the coppers searched the bunker for the Illegal American, (me, I guess).

"Hey, you wanna try some of the crank?"

"We are required to stay sober at all times while working, with an exception to Heineken, British Law."

"Oh come on, it's rearry good!"

They were tempted, just like me. But ultimately decided not to take it. ...which sucked! "So, uhh, who told you guys about any Illegals in heae?

"So, uhh, who told you guys about any Illegals in heae?"

"Some random truck driver."

"Hmm, wonder who that was?"

"Remember, Mr. Rosen. Illegal Americans are a serious matter. Only her majesty knows what that horrible creature is capable of."

"Oh, come un, they not that bad!"

The cop glared at Michael.

"I mean, according to this article I read-"

I accidentally nudged on an open beaker of white liquid, and it burned like hell. I decided the best course of action, was to scream and panic.


The coppers heard me and broke into the very same closet to which me and Michael looked at each other like "Damn, let's do this homie!"

We started to beat the shit out of the Coppers as they came out in numbers, parkouring over the equipment and defeating the coppers in the most badass Bames Jond ways possible. The Only Thing They Fear Is You from the DOOM soundtrack was playing in the background during the battle.

10 minutes of Fight Sequence later:

We escaped the bunker on Michael's Koeingsegg and rode off into the day.

"Where are we going now, professor?"

"Don't call me that now, douchbag."

"Why don't I call you that then?"


"Where are we going now, douchbag?"

Still with both hands on the wheel, looking straight forward, Michael Rosen simply stated.

"Get me the GPS, we're going to find MIXED NUT."


The Definition of Medicinal Rosen!


Large Marge sent ya! +40!

Illegals and National Fugitives, +75!

Dollars earnt: -47$

Total Dollars: 19,953$!

Chapter 5: Head out on tha Highway




"Where does MIXED NUT live?"

(15 seconds of silence)

"...Getting search results for 'Where does Mixed Nut live?'"


"Hey, it says here, there's a MIXED NUT fan club in Bangkok."

The Bing Maps review for MIXED NUT Fan Club and Lounge stated a 1/5 cows.

"Nonsense, that's just the offices for angry Stans to send emails to and be replied with "We will get right back to you as soon as we can."

"But it also has a lounge for those Stans, according to Bing."

"What's the review?"

"1/5 cows"


Michael stepped on the gas and I ended up flying back into the leather seat, eventually getting back to normal.



"uH, let's get some jams up in here!"

"Hell yes."

I looked through the glove box for some Boner Jams. I instead found some Playboy magazines, a lighter, and a paperback copy of 50 Shades of Grey.

"Ah, here they are, let's see there's Garth Brooks, boring. Slim Shady LP, boring. Black Parade, ehhhh... Hybrid Theory?

"So what, you gotta problem with Linkin Park?"

"'Ah course not."

We turned to each other in common.

10 Minutes later:








Michael did Mike's rapping:

"Forfeit the game

Before somebody else

Takes you out of the frame

And puts your name to shame

Cover up your face

You can't run the race

The pace is too fast

You just won't last-"

An emergency alert came on Michael's phone, but not mine. "EMERGANCY ALERT: Illegal American AT LARGE: Last spotted 3 hours outside Yorkshire."

"Dammit, Secret Services found the bunker and put out an Alert, we gotta sneak onto the plane."

Once we got to the airport, we had to sneak onto the plane through the conveyer belt, which we almost got stuck into. We finally were able to get out of the suitcases when we were in the Cargo Hold. Hopefully the plane would reach Bangkok in about a day, and we slept.

INDIANA JONES TRAVEL SEQUENCE: London->Istanbul->Pyongyang->Hanoi->BANGKOK

BANGKOK INDIA - Two Days Later

Cover of MIXED NUT's debut album The Land of Milk and Cookies.

"Here's the place, MIXED NUT Fan Club and Lounge." The building was much bigger than I expected, considering MIXED NUT retired about 6 years ago. In the front there were fans selling their lifetime supply of copies of the album The Land of Milk and Cookies.


Fans were lining up in packs for such a bargain.

"So why is MIXED NUT the only one who knows how to defeat Ankha?"

Michael was reluctant to answer, "Well, he did a diss track of her on the Album and I was featured on it."


...You dancing cat,

Where you at

Little horny thang

Gecho ass up off the floor and d'yo man!


You feel me, NUT?

Keep yo perv-ass away

I will only see you dance-ass on Memes

Don't even try to fuck over me...

"Ankha was Nut's ex. He realized that the only way she can be defeated is... ,I forgot it was a while ago."

"Well, let's go then!"

The doorman bowed down to Michael as we walked in and it was like everything just melted around me. I even heard a wine bottle shatter.


"DR. ROSEN!!!" said a random fan.

We put on Guy Fawkes masks and everything went back to normal. Apparently, Michael's Rapper name was DR. ROSEN.

The Stans were in a large pile, either orgy-ing or eating each other. We simply walked past, with the masks, blending right in.



Michael: (chuckles)

(Y/N): That's not funny.

The door opened, and we saw the man himself. He was busting his name.

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