The Red Kraken

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If you are reading this I will be gone a byproduct of my own insainity though my mind is missing the primal instinct of fear still remains and at a mention of that creature, my muscles cringe and the hairs on the back of my neck raise and a foolish attempt at defense.

It started on the 1st of febuary the bracing wind of that night engulfing me, my jacket trying to combat the cold ,still it was a fairly average day and one that would change my life forever

The clouds in the sky blocking the peircing moonlight,an ominous wind was present as something about that night was simply wrong, in a nutshell it was too tranquil, I know it was a saturday night and it was expecting some mild noise from the built up eastate I was walking through but still shrugging it off I continued.

Then I heard that noise, the noise which will haunt me for the rest of my exsitance. the whirring of the engine breaking the traquility of the night Iinstictivly looked up and or how I wish I hadnt then I may still have some sort of future but I did look up and then I saw it a slim line body and the front propeller dancing in the moonlight its two wings concealing some of that malformed monstoricity its pericing dead eyes behinds its goggles seemed to eradicate my soul, I will never forget its 8 legs draped of the cockpit cause its unholy shape wasnt fit for the plane

It had seen me and I had seen it as it clouds slowly engulf the hideous cephapod and its flying contraption I ran, I ran as fast as I could to my computer and wrote it down and if you in the night hear the whriing of the engine focus on the ground as i hear it around me i feel his presence outside my door all I have are this pair of scissors to save me.

That's the story of my friend Luke Ashton after his apparent attack he was admitted to a psychatric hospital for stabbing his 7 year old sister in the head with a pair of scissors I havent spoken to his parents tho not many people have,losing to children in a night must be traumatic, luke is still alive though he is a shdow of his former self he forever draws octopuses flying planes I saw him twice and never again though when I last saw he mention this and his computer so luke im doing what you asked though i never believed in any of this shit you did and if this gives you some sort of relief, then it's done.

Credited to Ginta289

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