The Spine Taker

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It was a dark and stormy night, I was sitting on the couch watching my Grandpas old black and white TV. While I was watching 'Welcome to Weebleville', I saw a box of old VHS tapes that was very dusty and grimey. I got off of the couch and walked to the box of VHS tapes. I looked through the box and found a tape called 'The Spine Taker'. I pulled out the VHS, thinking it was just an old bad scary movie. I pushed the button to eject the 'Welcome to Weebleville' tape, and inserted the other tape. I pressed the play button after I picked up the remote before sitting back down on the couch. The VHS started and a title along with a date popped up saying "Serbia, 1776-2022." I read the title in confusion. "Why is this scary movie titled like a gravestone?" I said to myself, not taking my eyes off the TV.

The movie continued and it showed a black and white picture of a scary man. The man had hyperrealist eyes and blood flowing from them. I pulled out my phone despite my fear and got a picture of it.

el pictura
The picture

I was completely frozen in place. I felt so much fear in my body I could barely even look away, no matter how much I wanted to. The picture of the man kept flashing red and black and blood. It was hurting my eyes, but I still couldn't look away. The screen then turned black. I thought it was over, and breathed a sigh of relief. I got up off of the couch to turn off the TV, but the screen turned white again, and I felt something pull me back onto the couch. It felt like something had pulled on my spine. The screen then showed a room. The rooms walls were covered with bloody spines. In the corner, there was a bucket. The bucket had blood in it and the bucket fell over and spilled the blood onto othe floor. Then, out of the floor and through the blood, the same man from the picture came through the floor. He was just staring, with the same caption as the first picture, "Open the door." I felt like I wanted to cry I was so terrified and scared. Then, suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. Then the caption on the TV became hype realistic and looked like it was made of bloody spines. The knocking turned into banging and I heard a blood curdling scream that was very loud. I got off of the couch and ran upstairs to look for my mom. I then saw my mom in the kitchen, but she was lying on the floor in a puddle of blood with her spine ripped out. She was dead. I then ran to find my dad. My dad was also dead. I ran through the living room and out the back door. I kept running and looked behind me and the Spine Man was chasing me carrying my mom and dads spines. I kept running through the neighborhood and yelled back at the Spine Man

"What do you want from me?!"

He responded in a scary deep creepy dark voice.

"I WANT YOUR SPINE FOR MY COLLECTION!" He then laughed really creepily and I felt my legs give up underneath me. I fell over and looked up at the man.

"Who are you?" I said, exhausted and terrified that the same thing that happened to my mom and dad would happen to me.

"I... Am... The Spine Taker." He yelled, grabbing my hair and pulling me off of the ground. His hand turned into a giant bloody knife and stabbed through my back as I screamed. He grabbed onto my spine with his bloody knife-hand and pulled out my spine with his bloody knife-hand. I screamed in pain as he threw me back onto the ground. I watched him run away with me and my familys spines. I layed there in agony as I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I closed my eyes, and suddenly..

I woke up on the couch with the TV still on, but the VHS was not in the TV. I sighed in relief.

"That was a really really scary and scary dream. I'll make sure to never watch that tape again." Suddenly, my mom came downstairs and said Hi to me. But then suddenly she pulled off her face and revealed that she was actually.. The Spine Taker.

So if you ever find a tape called "The Spine Taker," make sure you watch it, because you can join me forever in the spine room and live with me forever as I take more and more spines. I.. am.. The Spine taker.

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