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Revision as of 22:40, 13 October 2023

I was closed in this world of My Little Pony The magic of friendship for all the burial this world is my new leaflet I do not remember how all this began but if I know something here all this little I remember that I have my name is Cynthia Little. I was promoted to a high level from an early age. My little brother always got prizes for academic and athletic achievements, and she was promoted to the same level. She ended up neglecting other facets of her life, in order to make sure to get better grades. For a while, this worked. Our parents were proud of their achievements and boasted their friends for not having only a genius child, but two. So it was until a local private academy for gifted began to interest me in that, in the midst of other advanced students. I knew that this is the best opportunity to try herself who was the perfect girl. But the pressure was high. She knew that there were few places for new students, and also knew that an exam and an essay were required to enter. Then he became a little desperate. I was studying to the point of almost no eating and never sleeping. When the exam was approaching, and I chose to find an online trial to, during the exam, copy and resort to deception. When they caught me, my parents were horrified. I sink into a deep depression, and eventually I had no choice but to save me from being the shame of being an imperfect daughter. That is my destiny but my death ended something a final so it began from there the desression that they never forget in my life when I was studying when I saw the television in the news said that 5 students died the previous day that I was my friends of the School The cause of his death is these the police say that Samantha Wales died with 2 minutes, his body and his dead younger sister was found was a side of a bloodied knife, the police thought that she was suicide also for her with her younger sister. What happened to the others my friends The second was Janice Walters the police say that Janice Walters died in a car accident, when her mother and father got into another discussion for money, while he was driving. His neck broke into the impact, and Janice did not survive the third era Alexandra Matthews began to take steroids. What she and her family did not know is that she had a small heart problem, that steroids had worsened. Since he continued physically training, he ended up collapsing during a game, due to cardiac complication. He died in the hospital, a few days later the fourth era Jamie Sanders confirmed that the Jamie family died a long time ago her father died of a heart attack in 1987. Her mother followed him shortly after, after committing suicide when she couldn't stand The pressure to take care of all the children but what they found are blood human parts in the wooden shipyard The police confirm that she died when she fell from the wooden shipyard in the farm where her family lived and she herself the fifth Katherine Jackson confirmed That he died when he jumped from a building, one of the voices had told her that she could fly this for my life to feel that my heart broke up to see these horror scenes in the news I could not believe what I saw in the news our friendship He broke up with tears, I was in disgrace, my brother helped me to calm down but nothing works for me and I started crying and I went to my room my parents that was ready the dinner accounted for by me climbed to the next floor and entered My habitation saw me crying with tears in my bed my little -accused mother sat me in my house and told me "Daughter are you well we will have dinner that happens to you because you are crying?" I told him with sad tears, “that one that I saw on the news that my friends died.” My father, somewhat worried about that question, sat down with me and told me “don't worry, we're here, I know you're sad for your friends, but God has to take him away, he has to get over it.” "the death of your friends and continue moving forward to the future" my parents hugged me I calmed down I was worried about the death of my friends I had to move forward to the future but they are not with me I calmed down and my mother told me "calm down now come let's eat" With a little happiness of tears I said to my parents “thank you, I love you very much with my love” we went down to the ground floor to go eat. This day was horrible and I will never forget the horror in my veins to feel and see the news what happened to my friends after what happened the day before the next day after we woke up and finished eating my brother and I went to school all the classes did a ceremony for the 5 students who died they put a farewell photo The wall of the school for the 5 students was full of flowers. I brought some flowers and put them along with the photos of my friends. I had to keep moving forward to the future but I will never forget my friends. My heart will be there when my boyfriend leaves. Called Flahen Willson, he put some flowers near the photos and told me the following: “I know it's sad that they are not with us, but God made it so that they could have a happy life in heaven.” Worried about those words, I calmed down and said, “They I miss a lot, they were the only friends I had before they died” we went to class when I was studying in my classroom there were the chairs where my friends sat before they died to see that it still strange me even more making me sadder than I have ever seen me life when we finished classes we went to eat lunch I was sitting eating alone with no friends nothing to talk about then I went home reading some books when I arrived I was browsing on my laptop when I saw that the local private academy for the gifted interested me a lot I wanted to join There I told my parents that I want to enter the local private academy for the gifted. My parents were proud of my achievements and my 2-genius brother, so I started studying in my room. My parents also saw the news that the 5 students would die. somewhat worried that I might fail the exams and the essay at the local private academy for the gifted so I continued studying and reading books non-stop I can't sleep and eat because I didn't have time for that because time is running out I knew that an exam and an essay were required to panic when my brother saw me worried even more he told me "sister are you fine" I was going crazy interest without sleeping and without eating I told him in a loud voice "everything is fine I have to continue studying" my brother decided not to bother me studying no I went to school, I can't continue studying without my friends, I remember them a lot, I can't stop forgetting them, I'll never forget them. When my parents saw me and caught me, they were horrified to see me sinking into a deep depression when I entered the local private academy to gifted decided not to bother me so that I could rest a little longer, take a little bit of tiredness, it was daytime, I didn't realize that when it was time to eat, my brother told me, “calm down sister, I know this interests you a lot, but hey, rest a little and let's go.” "Let's eat" I said with a stupid voice "o-ok little brother I'm coming I just want to be here for just 1 minute" my brother a little worried about that somewhat confused woman said "ok but don't take too long" I told him with a stupid and broken "okiti" I went downstairs to eat when I closed the door to my room I was afraid of failing the exams or being an imperfect daughter when I said to myself “I can't live like this without my friends suicide is my only salvation from this nightmare” when I decided to lose time here since my friends are no longer here and I can't live without them so I have to do this to save myself from being an imperfect daughter since my parents were proud of my achievements so I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a farewell note to my parents and my brother decided to hang me so I said my last word and breath “goodbye world” when my parents and my brother were downstairs waiting until I came down to have breakfast my mother called me “daughter come downstairs it's time to eat” but there was no response My brother was a little nervous “hey why isn't he coming to eat” my parents thought something was wrong so my parents and my brother decided to go upstairs to look for me to eat when they got to the door it was closed my father said “daughter everything is fine ?” There was no response so they decided to enter my room. My father opened the door. When they entered the room they were scared to see me hanging in my room. My parents and my brother, somewhat scared of this scene, decided to help me but they couldn't. My mother thought. who committed suicide by hanging, saw a note where it said "dear mom and dad, it's now my farewell, I want to say thank you for being with you, I had to save myself from the fact that I could fail and be an imperfect daughter, but it's now time to go since my friends are no longer here." I could continue living and studying but I had to do this for my salvation. I know that I will miss them very much. I love them very much. My parents and my brother thought about the note I would write to them before committing suicide. My parents and my brother started crying with tears, so they decided. call 911, the morgue and the police came, my parents told the police that their daughter was in her room, she decided to hang herself for fear of failing, being an imperfect daughter, my brother, in a state of depression about his dead sister, could not continue studying, he thought 2 times and he hanged himself in his room, my parents saw the scene of their son who was hanged after the 6 students died on October 10, 2010 Lauren Faust and Hasbro Studio released the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Series based on the 6 They will pass away but I feel something about happening that I am now in this series but my life was beautiful that I want to have a life in the future but it will never happen when everything is in darkness I woke up with a headache I don't know where I was when I checked the place it was in forest I don't know how I got to this place as long as I was asleep but something I want is to get out here and return to my house when I decided to explore and find the way out of this place I didn't find anything just trees and more trees when I saw the sky it was night with the moon and the stars when I continued exploring I saw a tree-shaped house I thought about asking the person but I didn't want to bother the sleeping person when I decided to look out the window I saw nothing when I looked a little further there was a zebra sleeping in a coma when I was somewhat confused " "How was this possible? The zebra doesn't live at home, nor does it sleep in bed." When the zebra woke up, I decided to hide in a tree in the shade so that I wouldn't be found when the zebra thought that someone was watching him. When the zebra opened his door and He left his house to check if there was no one spying when the zebra said "Who's there mmmm I think I had dreams but today now I won't have visions" the zebra entered his house closed the door and went to sleep when Exit the tree was very so confused as this is impossible since zebras don't speak when I decided to explore the forest I was walking when I found an abandoned castle I thought about staying there for a while I decided to walk on a bridge when I saw something below I saw such a shiny thing in a cave But I thought "I better check that place tomorrow" when I entered the castle everything was empty and everything was broken when I saw some photos of a sun horse and another of a moon horse I was a little confused I just thought "photos that were something normal of course" When I checked the place there was a Library when I wanted to check out some books I said to myself “let's see where these books are and see if it tells me something” when I found a book I started reading when I thought “what happened to this place because it's all broken "The book said that in this place lived 2 princesses called Cesletia and Luna, the eldest Celestia will bring the day while the youngest Luna will bring the night. The ponies played during the day but "denied" while the night and slept, they lived happily together during it. , which made the younger unicorn bitter, eventually refusing to lower the moon to make way for dawn. Her bitterness transformed her into an "evil dark mare", Nightmare Moon with regret, the older sister took the reins of the Elements of Harmony and sent her to the moon, taking responsibility for both the sun and the moon, maintaining harmony in Equestria. After a thousand years after the imprisonment of Nightmare Moon when she is freed, but is defeated again by the magic of The Elements of Harmony, only this time she is transformed back to her original form to reign Equestria alongside her sister. , Celestia to have Balance in Equestria.” This book left me like “wtf” I thought this is just a book story when I thought in my mind “what is Equestria?” When I looked for some books to explain that, I found one called the History of Equestria. Open the book when I read it. It said like this: “A long time before Celestia and Luna ruled Equestria, at that time it was a cold time. The ponies did not live in harmony. It was due. because of hatred Their hearts were cold like the blizzard that covered their land with great force. Each group of ponies decided to find a new place to live. But they all arrived at the same new place with the blizzard. The ponies realized that there was only one way to get rid of the blizzard, to treat each other warmly. The unicorns used their magic to build Canterlot. Once the city was finished, they invited the pegasus and earth ponies to a party, which would now be an annual event for all ponies called the Great Galloping Gala. Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi lived in a certain harmony. The pegasi kept the sky clear to allow the earth ponies to cultivate their land and the unicorns allowed the cycle of day and night, in exchange, the earth ponies gave the pegasi and unicorns part of the harvest. One day a snow blizzard caused by Windigos (who feed on hate, the more hate there is, the more cold and snow they cause), impossible to contain by the pegasi, incapacitates the earth ponies' crops. The earth ponies think that the pegasi are not doing their job, so they stop giving food to the rest of the ponies. On the contrary, pegasi and unicorns think that the earth ponies are taking all the food. Finally it is decided to call a meeting of the leaders of the 3 types of ponies. The tension increases and the disagreement causes a negative result and each type of pony decides to go their own way in search of a new land. The 3 ponies coincidentally find the same land, extremely beautiful, very fertile and full of diamonds, and each one decides to proclaim himself the owner of this land. The pegasi call it "Pegasópolis", the unicorns "Unicornia" and the earth ponies "Earth", the fact that the 3 ponies take over the same land causes disputes again and the windigos return to the charge causing more and more cold until that the 3 sides are forced to seek refuge in a cave and end up frozen. The subjects of the 3 sides, in a last show of appreciation, say that they do not really hate each other and are looking for friendship. This unexpected energy of friendship causes the disappearance of the windigos and the 3 ponies decide to create a land based on friendship, respect and mutual love called "Equestria". When I read this book I was left with doubts that what I was seeing was very strange when I decided to explore the place it was very big when I was walking there were only abandoned ruins to review that this place was abandoned for a long time when I decided to stay here to sleep that was what I I slept in the castle called the 2 sisters. When I fell asleep for a few minutes, it became daylight. The sun came out. When I woke up, I decided to see the sky. It was daylight. When I thought about the place I saw previously, on the cave bridge, I decided to go. There I left the castle and started going down the stairs. When I entered the cave I saw a very large blue tree, I thought to myself "but this is strange, the trees are brown and this tree has no leaves on the trees" when Checking its shape was something strange when I decided to see that the tree has 6 stickers, I decided to touch it but when I did it it wouldn't let me, it had some protection, the tree was very big when I left the cave I thought in my mind "maybe I'm dreaming because I don't see it." It's real" go up the stairs decide to leave the forest when it bothered me day so I went little by little in the form of a shadow when I continued exploring inside the forest I found the exit of the forest when I saw a town decide to go there but I was afraid if he saw me so I went in secret but when I saw the people I was in shock so confused that I had nothing about this place it was not people it was not colored horses and there were some horses with horns I thought they were unicorns but the strangest thing is that there were horses with wings flying when I saw the sky there were some flying “but this is the strangest thing and impossible, horses with wings do not exist” when I checked the place I thought “I have to see myself in a mirror” when I checked the place there was an alley I went there there was no horse alone I had a mirror in poor condition for a short time when I saw myself in the mirror I couldn't believe what I was when I saw myself in a mirror I wasn't human I was a horse my eyes are black with bright red pupils I had a horn and wings but the strangest thing is that My skin is purple and my hair is navy blue with pink and purple stripes with straight tips, but the strangest thing in my life is that I had no hands and fingers, and I also had a ponytail. I shouted quietly so they wouldn't discover me. no one shouting “ahhhhhhhh” I stayed in the alley thinking “where am I, who am I because I am like this this is not my leaf where I live” I wanted to see my wings I thought about flying but I didn't want everyone to discover me so I stayed in the alley Until it was night when it was night everyone was asleep so I started wandering around the city checking the sales of the houses I was horses asleep in their beds so I thought I kept my voice low so as not to wake up the others "where am I" when I continued exploring I found a castle I wanted to check there when I looked at the windows there was a sleeping horse but it was like me but different I checked the other window because this is impossible it was a purple dragon I decided not to disturb him sleeping she decided to think about talking to someone so I went To another house I saw a sleeping horse decide to enter and ask him "where am I, what is this place?" The horse said “what do you want if I'm asleep” the horse woke up and got scared and started to see me in his room “ahhhhhh what are you doing here?” the horse opened his mouth and told me “what do you want” when I asked him “what is it?” This place where I am because I am so what is this world?” The horse told me in a scared voice, “you are in Ponyville, here we are Earth Ponies. Unicorns and pegasus the world you are in is My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” when he asked me that I wanted to leave him alone let him go but I couldn't let him warn anyone about me so I checked my horn and I thought I could use magic so The pony did it with a scared face "he said please don't kill me" I told him with a terrifying voice "let me help you with your friendship" he wanted to run at the door with his magic since he was a unicorn I couldn't allow that so I used my magic of darkness I trapped him in his room closing the door so with my power I killed him With my magic, the pony screamed in pain “ahhhhhhhhhhh” he died instantly when I saw his body I was so happy about that with my first victim of his friendship when I checked his room I thought about destroying this place at the moment I wanted to do it some black tentacles came out. a disaster in his room so I put away my black tentacles after finishing killing my victim I went to the kitchen to check the place and I found a Knife I grabbed it with my magic I took it with me keeping it in my pocket when I went to see my victim I saw that On his side he had an icon thinking that “they have cutie marks” when he heard some earth ponies. Unicorns and pegasus waking up to check where I was coming from those screams were the pony Lester Norenpong's house in his house that there were the screams when I saw through the window I had to get out of here before he trapped me I went to the Everfree forest to hide and I transformed into a shadow pony when I finished my work I thought about returning to my world I wanted to use my magic to do it when I tried to do it it didn't work I tried many times but it didn't work when I realized that I am dead and revive in this world in the form of a pony better said alicorn like a princess of friendship and I remembered that I saw the purple ponu in her castle it was nothing more and less than Twilight Sparkle and her pet friend Spike when I saw my wings I wanted to try them in flying so I tried to fly I managed it I did some tricks in my flight test when I go down to stop flying so I decide to make it my job to kill the people and Earth Ponies. Unicorns and pegasus when I realized that there are 3 towns that are Ponyville. Canterlot and Cloudsdale, which is only in the clouds in Equestria, when I saw my cutie mark, it was a copy of Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark, so I ask you, "Do you trust Friendship is Magic?"

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