The Thing Creepypasta

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If you go through the streets or in your house at night and you feel someone's watching you from the shadows... that is "The Thing".

I did not believe that, "this is just a childish bullshit" I thinked.

"This is a piece of crap" I said.

"You should not say that for "The Thing". Said one of the guys

"Yeah? Well, come on "thing" I CHALLENGE come and pay me a visit"

"You'll wish you never said that" Said the leader of our group.

And the met finished.

My name is Nick, I'm fifteen years old. My friends are very supersticious and are scared of almost everything; I did not believe that... until that day came.

After our usual meeting at the parking lot (after I challenged "The Thing") I went to the park and took a little walk, suddenly from the trees I saw a black shadow-like thing running away into the city, "what the fuck?" I thought, and I continued my walk. When I went home no one was there, so when I went to the kitchen I saw a note added to the fridge. "Dear Nick, your dad and me took your brother Michael and your sister Sam to the movies, we'll come late so don't wait us. Mom"

"OH YEAH!" I shouted "PARTY TIME".

I invited my four friends: Nathan, Lisa, Martin and Shanon.

Atound four o'clock Nathan, Lisa and Martin were at Nick's house.

Shanon was late for the party so she run as fast as hell tp the house, in a fraction of a second she could hardly see a shapeless shadow-like thing running in the shadows and then loosing himself in them, she did not cared and went to Nick's house.

Right after the party finished Shanon stayed at my house; we played some videogames and tried to sleep.

Suddenly at 12:00 o'clock I heard a weird sound from outside.

"Well it's time for my parents to come"

I woke up Shanon and went outside. The car was off and unlocked, when I opened the door an arm suddenly came down, when I looked up I saw the corpses of my parents, brother and sister tied up, with no eyes, their arms and legs were cutted off and there was blood coming out of their mouths.

When I looked at the front of the car I was paralyzed for what I saw.

A scratched message that said: "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED".

Shanon didn't go down and stayed at the room.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream coming from the room where Shanon was.

I went upstair and entered the room, Shanon was laying on the corner of the bed, staring at something that I couldn´t see. I climbed to the bed and Shanon was shacking, she lifted her finger and pointed at the bottom of the room.

When I looked at it I almost pissed my pants.

There it was an encarved humanoid-like thing, with dark holes where it was supposed to be eyes, it was washed in blood and it was at pale skin, sat there, watching us...

In that moment I had a terrible headache and I heard a pitchy voice in my mind.


"Who said it!?" I said

... "I came to play with you"...

"Play?" "WHY!?" I shouted.

"Didn't you challenge me to "pay a visit to you"?

Then I realized it was that damn creature who was talking to me; The Thing stood up and walked slowly into me, now I could see him... or her... perfectly, he had bone-like claws in his hands and a dark-cutted mouth with sharpy dark tooth.

As she approached to me I was paralyzed from the fear and tears where coming out from my eyes.

Instinct, I think, is what made me grab Shanon and went downstairs as The Thing followed us.

When we were about to reach the door The Thing slashed me and cut my arm off, containing the pain I tried to follow Shanon through the exit door.

Shanon easily went through it, but I couldn't; it was like there was an invisible barrier between the outside and me. The door closed in a smash and I tried to go to the kitchen, The Thing appeared and I kicked him so he crashed in the television.

When I entered there, all things were moving on their own, the knives were hitting the wall, the fridge was letting a freezing breeze and there was a thick lay of mist. As The Thing regained conscience I ran into my room and stayed there in silence, opened a compartment where I hided food and hide there.

It's been half an hour since I've been here, the breeze that the fridge is letting is making me shake of cold, my arm stopped bleeding but the pain remains, I head the screams of Shanon asking for help while she kicks and punches the door to open it.

It's only time for The Thing to find me...

It's cold...

I'm becoming sleepy...

I see a dark figure that enters the rooms and slowly walks towards me...

This is it... life ends here.


The next morning the barrier disappeared and Shanon called the police, they found the corpses of the family, in Nick's room there was a large amount of blood that made a little lake on the floor...

Nick's body has never been found...

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