The Weatherman

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Joseph awoke from a deep slumber, the sounds of the old song, "Lollipop" playing on the radio. Strange, it was 2008, not the 1920's. He sat up, and noticed his wife wasn't lying next to him. Strange. She was a late sleeper, normally waking up near 12 o' clock in the afternoon. But 7:00 A.M....This was new.

He arose from his bed, stretching and heaving a mighty sigh. He stepped out of the doorway, and noticed the hallway was a mess. His daughters, Linsey and Chelsey (they were twins) drawer filled with their clothes was laying in the hallway, their clothes sprawled out around in crumbled heaps. He noticed a small amount of blood on a shirt. He instantly grew worried. "Jane? Is Chelsey or Linsey home?" He called. His wife didn't respond.

He walked down the stairs. "Jane?"

He turned his head to the living room doorway and gaped in horror. A hand was lying in the doorway, with a trail of blood stained into the tan carpet. "Oh my god...."

He ran to the doorway, and choked back a sob. His wife's head was slashed in half from her temple down to her collar bone in a vicous horizontal curl. He blacked out in shock.

When he awoke a few hours later, the song, "Jeepers Creepers" had just started playing.

"I don't care when the weatherman says when the weatherman says, 'it's rain', you'll never hear me complain..."

He looked at his wife once more, and turned around, and his eyes widened. A shadow-black creature sat in a rocking chair, glaring but yet smiling at him in a devilish way. It's red eyes just stared at him, it's mouth turned into a twisted, vicious grin, it's claws gently tapping the arm rest's, as if it were impatient.

It leaned, still in the chair, and his eyes began to glow. As if on cue, the song played the chorus.

"Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers....."

It then began to whisper, a silent whisper that was echoed by the sounds of children, almost as if it was singing to the tune of "Ring Around the Rosie..."

"I......Am.....The Weatherman....., I......Am......The Weatherman......."

It outstretched it's claws, and a lightning strike shook the house. He snapped his fingers, and it began to rain.

Joseph stared in horror. "You killed my family....WHY? YOU MOTHER FUCKER! WHY?"

It just continued it's grin. He then outstretched his arm, and from the corner of the room he couldn't see, grabbed something in it's twisted claws, and showed it to him. It was his daughter, Chelsey. He could tell by the way she always had her hair tied in a bonet. Her eyes were missing, her sockets dripping blood, her mouth open in an unending scream. Joseph began to sob.

It's grin grew wider, and it layed it's head on it's shoulder.

It whispered again it's chant, "I.....Am......The Weatherman....."

Joseph began to wimper. He shut his eyes for a second, that seemed to be a million. He opened them again, and the creature was right infront of him, still chanting.

"I.....Am......The Weatherman....."

Joseph was weak, helpless, and was slowly going insane. He looked into the creature's reptilian-like pupils, and he lost his mind, handing it over for The Weatherman to devour. His concious was replaced with madness. Crude madness. His body shook and fell at The Weatherman's feet.

Three days later the police found the crime scene. Joseph was charged with murder of his wife and three daughters, the young girl's bodies found, their eyes torn out, chains stuck in their sockets and hung.

Two years later, Joseph sent missing in the Newburg mental asylum, which was found destroyed. But strange things happened after his death. Five people, two men, two women, and a baby, went missing. A witness who saw one of the women captured, had lost her mind. She just chanted the words, "I.......Am.......The Weatherman."

Hey guys, it's me, NedoTheHorror, If you've read this then you know about The Weatherman. I've been studying The Weatherman quite some time now. He's some sort of unholy being that can control storms. Recently, I found a recording on a strange website imbedded in a note that came in the mail a LONG time ago. (Where I began my search) and found a recording channel. There are three of them. For the past 6 months, I've been trying to fix their highly unstable interference and distorted audio in the recordings, and recently was able to fix them. I'll list what I can make out, as their is still a heavy static in some parts. In this recording, a Physicatrist named Dr. Lamond is having a session with Joseph.

Lamond: "All right, are we recording?"

Tape Operator: "Yeah, we're go, Lamond."

Lamond: "All right, bring him in."

(Sounds of scuffle, banging, and screaming.)

Lamond: "Calm him down. Calm him down."

(More sounds of banging and struggling.)

Lamond: "All right, Joseph. How're we feeling today?"

Joseph: "You're him, aren't you? You're him in disguise."

Lamond: "It's alright Joseph, I'm not 'him'."

Joseph: "Are you sure?"

Lamond: "Yes, Joseph, I'm sure. Now, can you tell me what happened that day?"

Joseph: "Yes....Eh....Yes."

(Joseph begans breathing heavily)

"I....Can feel him...."

Lamond: "Joseph, can you pleease tell me what happened."

Joseph: "I had awoken.......Jane...She wasn't there, Chelsey and Lindsay weren't there...."

Lamond: "Alright, go on."

Joseph: "I'd found clothes, sprawled out everywhere, and I'd went downstairs, and saw...."

(Joseph begans sobbing and weeping uncontrollably.)

Joseph; "Jane's head was........In two, and her hand was lying there, and then.....AHHH!"

Lamond: "Holy shit! Joseph, calm down, he's not here!"

Joseph: AHHH! AHHHHH!"

Lamond: "Get him out o- woah!"

(Sounds of fighting and shouting, which soon drowns down)

Lamond: (Breathing) "Cut the tape off, CUT THE FUCKING TAPE O-"

This is the second recording, and Joseph appears to be much more stable and calm, but he does seem to be.....Farther away from sanity.

Lamond: "How're we feeling today, Joseph?"

Joseph: "I'm feeling fine, and I'll stay that way as long as that motherfucker doesn't come around...."

Lamond: "Yes, right. Um, anyways, would you like to explain the rest of your story?"

Joseph: "I'd turned around, and saw that shitbag looking at me. His eyes were glowing red, and I could make out a smile forming on that fucker's face....GIIIAHHH!"

Lamond: "Calm down, Joseph, Calm do-"

Joseph, screaming: "I....AM......THE WEATHERMAN! I.....AM........THE WEATHERMAN!"

Lamond: "Calm down...."

(Joseph breathes heavily)

Joseph: "I'm sorry, just that thing has messed me up...But, he, no, it, had Chelsey in his hands, all snarled in his claws, and her eyes were empty black holes...."

(Joseph having another screaming fit, and static filling the audio). I didn't listen to anything else do to the interefernce in the recording. But the static goes on for another 5 minutes, or says my Windows Media Player. This is the next recording, and is extremely more disturbing.

Lamond: "Joseph, how's you're day been?"

Joseph doesn't answer.

Lamond: "Joseph, you're safe, you can tell me anything. I'm here to help. Please, look at me."

Joseph: "I can't look at you, because you're it."

Lamond: "Joseph, listen to me. You're not crazy. It's your regret. Do you regret what you did?"

Joseph: "I didn't do anything.......It killed them...."

Lamond: "Joseph, if you don't admit what you did was wrong, then you WILL see it."

Joseph: "It watches me while I'm asleep.....It knows all.......He will kill us....."

Lamond: "Joseph, it's your regret. If you don't admit what you did was wrong, you'll never forget-"

(A huge boom of Thunder cuts Lamond's sentence. Then another)

Lamond: "Joseph, please, do you regret what you did?"

Joseph: "Y-yes......"

Lamond: "Can you look up at me?"

Joseph, having a screaming fit and yelling: "IT'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU! GAHH!"

Lamond: "Joseph, please cal-WOUGH"!

(Sounds of Lamond's voice muffled, sounds of flesh being slashed, Joseph screaming)

Tape Operator: "Oh my god.....OH MY GOD!!!"

(Tape Operator screaming in pain, sounds of tearing of flesh, and something dripping, which I presume is blood)


(Booms of thunder, a sound of something being dragged upon the floor, and Joseph's screaming fading, as if getting farther away.)

The last few seconds is pure static, and then the recording stops. After hearing these recordings, here's what I think: I think that The Weatherman entered the Newburg Mental Asylum and killed Lamond, and dragged Joseph away some where. The strange thing about this is, when I look up the asylum and it's location, an error comes up on my computer screen that says: Error-609 not found.

It seems like records of the place have been destroyed. I don't what The Weatherman does, or what it exactly is (Aside from being an unholy entity) But I know what it wants:

Us dead.

Credited to NedoTheHorror

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