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(Created page with "December 19, 2005. Dr. Clark Heinmann, a researcher at a facility studying the occurrences in a spike of local "paranormal activity", is found dead in an office chair at his computer, the keyboard to which was missing several keys and coated in a thick layer of blood. Dr. Heinmann had suffered severe head trauma, his forehead caved violently into itself and his nose and jaw shattered. The victims eyes were also reported missing, along with a large patch of hair and skin...")
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Latest revision as of 19:01, 24 July 2022

December 19, 2005. Dr. Clark Heinmann, a researcher at a facility studying the occurrences in a spike of local "paranormal activity", is found dead in an office chair at his computer, the keyboard to which was missing several keys and coated in a thick layer of blood.

Dr. Heinmann had suffered severe head trauma, his forehead caved violently into itself and his nose and jaw shattered. The victims eyes were also reported missing, along with a large patch of hair and skin from the back of his head, which appeared to have been torn off.

Upon closer inspection, Dr. Heinmann seemed to have been writing a text document before he died. This is what investigators found.

I don't know how much longer I have. They're closing in on me.

I'll try to explain as best I can.

There are supposedly thirteen different plains of perspective, or "dimensions", in our universe. We, as average human beings, are three-dimensional beings, meaning we exist on and perceive only three out of the thirteen dimensions.

We can move freely on the three plains of perception we have access to, the three being height, width, and depth. There are ten other dimensions that we can't access, or even comprehend. And on these ten unknown dimensions live beings that we are not fully aware of.

These creatures, who are not human, but something more, have been given many names. Among them are "ghosts", "spirits", "aliens", and one of the more popular, "gods ". They live on dimensions higher than our own, and move in ways we couldn't hope to understand. Their accessible plains are infinitely more vast than ours, and they only occasionally stumble into our field of awareness, allowing us to temporarily see them and making them seem to phase in and out of existence or appear out of thin air and then disappear without a trace.

If you're having trouble picturing this, imagine a dot on a grid. This dot can move on two different dimensions, height and width, meaning it can move either up and down or left and right. It is a two dimensional being, and can not perceive the idea of depth, having never experienced it, and cannot move back and forth, as its two plains of existence wouldn't allow such movement.

Now, add a sphere to the equation. The sphere, being a three-dimensional being, can move on the first two dimensions like the dot, but can also move along a third plain of awareness, depth. Now imagine the sphere were to move through the two-dimensional "grid" that the dot had access to. The dot would only perceive the presence of the sphere for a moment before it moved back into a plain inaccessible to the dot, appearing to materialize from nothing and just as easily disappear, whereas it's really simply moving somewhere the dot cannot see.

Now imagine the sphere can speak to the dot. If the sphere were to say something to the dot while still avoiding its grid, the dot would perceive the sphere's voice as being disembodied.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, it's because this happens quite often to people all over the world. We are the dot, and these extra-dimensional beings are the sphere, being higher up than us.

However, these beings are not always content with simply avoiding us or making small whispers into our world. Some resent us. They look upon us in disgust and contempt, and would go out of their way to harm us in any fashion possible. And there's not a thing we can do about it. They're stronger than us, they're practically untouchable. There is no way we can hide from them, as they can see our entire realm of existence at once.

I know this because I've interacted with them. I've learned about them, communicated with them... and learned of their true intentions.

They're angry. They've spoken to me, they won't stop. It's all I hear anymore. I can no longer sleep at night. I'm always awoken by horrible screams of anger and violent threats. When I do manage to drift off, I'm haunted by terrifying nightmares that I can't wake up from. I think they're driving me insane.

They're going to kill me. I know they are. They could do it at any time, they're just toying with me. I can feel them reading over my shoulder as I write this. There's no use in denying the fact that I'm afraid. They know already. I think they feed off of it.

They're going to destroy us all. They're tired of our ignorance. They don't see us as a threat, more of a nuisance. And they won't stop until they make sure we, as a species, are extinct. They're saying it'll start with me.

I'm so scared. I feel like its only a matter of time before theyhhjhbbnnbn nbn bngfgfhfdsgbvk cbxv,mkhyt gfrcdjtr gtfrvcdj xdjumcdjcfdxs hyshyxdj u f cdcfdc mjhcfmjcfdv cfj vcf dffdvghghgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggvftrcdxezw

we know you're reading this

your time will come as well

do not bother praying

your god can not hear you.

No traces of foreign DNA were found at the scene of the murder. Surveillance cameras were found to have malfunctioned for the span of the crime, and thus, no video evidence could be recovered.

Heinmann's co-workers had reported him slowly becoming more distant and physically unwell over the course of the past month. He'd often spend his nights at his workplace, or would have to be escorted off the premisses by other personnel.

The crime remains unsolved.

Credited to Drakatha

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