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This house was now my hell.
This house was now my hell.

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Latest revision as of 21:20, 24 October 2023

Zalgo text has been removed in order for it to be easier to read. And any mentions of [REDACTED] are replaced with "Minecraft".

I was scouring through my old hard drive, finding things to transfer over to my computer, when I found an old folder. Its contents were that of a Minecraft world, so I thought I’d check it out.

Pulling up Minecraft, I was shocked. This was my first EVER survival world! This decade-old world was the playing grounds for my first ever Minecraft playthrough, with a house, full diamond gear, and the Ender Dragon killed.

Loading the world took a hot minute, since it had been a long time since I played, but once I loaded in, there it was, the world I made nearly 10 years ago. Exactly how I remembered. This world had my heart and soul put into it, I remember working on the house, and thinking it was the best thing ever. Looking at it now, it was quite pathetic in comparison. A wooden blob, with glass blocks at eye-level for windows. Entering the house wasn’t much better; there was no floor, the storage was scattered everywhere, the roof was 2 blocks tall, it was extremely boxy, and there was no bed to be seen. I was slightly disappointed, but I remembered, this was my first Minecraft world.

To the left, there was a separate building with a second story. I went up, and it turned out, I did have a bed. It was the only thing in the room. Kind of a utilitarian look, but I mean hey, my stupid 7-year-old self didn’t know design at all.

I went downstairs and besides the second story, I also had... a basement. I didn’t remember what I put in there. Did I even have a basement? I mentally debated whether I should go down there or not, before I internally said, “screw it” and went down there.

The answer was nothing. It was just a dark empty wooden room. Guess I didn’t put anything down there in my basement. I went back up to find... the door that led to the stairway that led...

I entered the stairway, and it was massive. About as tall as your modern-day mountain. Honestly, I don’t really remember this part of the house that much, but I climbed. And climbed. And climbed. And climbed.

At the top of the stairway, appeared to be another blank room that I didn’t remember building. I was starting to get creeped out, but I continued into the room. The room had glass walls, but what was beyond them was... me. It was sort of like a mirror of sorts, these clones of me copied everything I did. The mirrors showed infinitely reflected clones, each one of them a perfect replica of me.

I don’t know why I did it, maybe I was tired, maybe it was “all a dream” or whatever, but... I broke the mirror.

When I broke it, there was a image that flickered on the screen. It was the area beyond the mirror, burning.

Back down the burning stairway I went, almost falling down the holes in it. Maybe lightning had struck the house, and I didn’t hear it? Looking down one of the holes, I saw a great abyss. Even turning my render distance and brightness to max didn’t reveal what was down there.

Down to the left at the bottom of the staircase was nothing, another door. This one led to a hallway full of signs. Every single one of them had the same message. “Tommorow will be a good day.” I also didn’t remember building this area or writing the signs.

Looking at the signs that told me yesterday will be a good day, I started to get even more unsteady. All the memories, the dreams, I associated with this place, had been distorted. This was my home. But at the same time, this isn't my home.

I don’t know where I am.

At the end of the hallway was another door that led to the library. There were three books in lecterns in the area, with an endlessly tall spiraling staircase in the center. I decided to look at the books; the first one was a story of someone returning to their childhood home. The second book was of him looking through the house and finding a basement with nothing in it. The third one however, was a lot more different.

It was in lowercase only, and I don’t remember entirely what it said, but here’s a snippet I remember. “i began to feel my skin melt like the walls slowly sliding off revealing another layer underneath and soon that layer was gone and all I could feel was the flames my home is now my hell my home is now my hell”

After climbing the endless spiraling, dizzy staircase, rattled by the contents of that third book, I ascended into the observory. The observatory overlooked the house. I don’t remember building that either.

I didn’t know what I would see through the windows, so I checked my inventory to see if I had anything. All that was in my inventory was some bones, a skeleton skull, and a spyglass.

Looking through the first window, I found... myself. It was a mirrored copy of the observatory, and I saw myself, staring back. In the second window, I saw the front of my house, beautiful as ever. In the third window, I was shocked. I saw the house burning. Looking in the distance, I saw some weird black figure in the burning ruins of my house. I didn’t know what do do.

Going back down the spiraling staircase was trickier than going up it, with the fear of falling off combined with the flames burning making it likely I would fall off due to a slab burning out from underneath me. The walls of the library, all of these books, were burnt away to reveal nothing but the abyss. It was me, the flames, and this spiral staircase. As I was urgently running down, I fell.

I left the bedroom, confused as to what had happened. Down the stairs, I found the blank wall I was used to seeing, and then I turned around to look at the basement.

The basement did have something in it.

I couldn’t remember what it was at first, but the house had been trying to remind me.

It was another mirror. In it, amongst the flames, I could see myself.

But it wasn't myself.

I didn’t know who that was in the mirror anymore.

I stared. The flames got closer to the mirror. I stared. The flames got closer to the mirror. I stared. The flames got closer to the mirror.

I was shook back to reality when I realized that the mirrored version of me’s skin was melting, to reveal a charred skull underneath.

I had forgotten.

Loading the world took a hot minute, since it had been a long time since I played, but once I loaded in, there it was, the world I made nearly 10 years ago. The world I have never left. I have never left. I have never...

Walking towards the burned ruins of my house, I was depressed. All of these years of work, gone in a flash. I stumbled throughout the house, trying to remember the good times. I then decided to check if the basement was intact, and in there I found a mirror, surrounded by flames. In it, I could see myself. But it wasn’t myself. This version was in an intact version of the house, with the old textures of all the blocks in it. As I stared, I noticed the walls of my house burning away, to reveal a void.

This house was now my hell.

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