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'''''Uploader's note:''' {{UN|This story was originally written in Spanish, and has been translated (via Google) into English for the wiki's English-speaking users to read. Its original formatting has been preserved as well as possible, though a text-only Spanish version is also provided. For those interested in seeing the pasta as it originally appeared, [https://creepypasta.fandom.com/es/wiki/U53RDV see here].]''}}
A very typical feature of video games are cheats or tricks, whose functions are to alter the gameplay or make certain visual changes. In some, they are activated through menus where a specific button press is inserted, or in more complex cases, changing the game completely, and Plants vs. Zombies is no exception. All these tricks are activated by means of certain writings that we will have to do on our keyboard. However, there is a "trick" that makes the whole game change in a very drastic way, and not for good. And not only that, but another thing that differentiates this cheat from the others is that it cannot be activated at any time we want, but we have to write it in a specific part of the game.
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When I read that, I was excited, I started to imagine all the possibilities I could have with developer mode, so without thinking twice, I clicked yes. Unexpectedly the game crashed, I guessed this was because the game needed to be restarted in order to activate the developer mode, I was surprised to see that the name and icon of the game changed and now it said: Plants vs. Zombies (Developer Mode)
Eagerly, I opened the game to see what the changes were, but the changes were something totally different from what I expected. The game became very strange, even somewhat diabolical, at least that's how I perceived it. Everything was distorted, when I entered the menu, everything looked unpleasant, the username was not the one I put, but it was replaced by "Developer!", Which made no sense to me, I saw everything, it was dark, pretty nasty for a pretty innocent game, I don't know what the hell this had to do with developer mode, unfortunately human beings are too curious, so I went through the game options to see what changes they had, they had all changed in a nasty way.My whole game was complete, it was just as I had left it before this, but it was not at all normal that there were all these strange changes. I noticed that a dialogue balloon appeared in the Zen Garden shower, which, instead of having the usual drop of water, said HELP, or help in English, I clicked on it to see what it meant by that, but the game was closed.
I was afraid to open it again, I felt that something was wrong, but I didn't want to stay intrigued that other things have changed, and I decided to open the game again, a serious mistake. This time, I decided to enter Crazy Dave's store, luckily, I was able to enter without any problems, however, Crazy Dave looked a bit buggy, he had no body, just his head and arms floating in the air, He had only one eye, and he didn't say anything, he just kept looking... smiling.
I went back to the main menu, as I was starting to get nervous. I had the feeling that, at any moment, a screamer was going to jump me. I entered the suburban almanac, and this was what made me most interesting, since even the plants and Zombies underwent changes. On the side of the plants the changes were not so drastic, some had their normal design, others were crying or had a sad expression like the Peashooters or the sunflowers, some, like the Carnivorous Plant or the Spikegrass, had blood, and others like the Ramming Flower they had their eyes rolled back. However, the zombies had one change in common, which is that they all had empty, completely black eyes with no pupils. Finally, enter the Adventure mode, when clicked, the zombie hand appeared as always, but the music and the sound were extremely loud, it was a deafening noise that luckily did not last long. The screen went black for a few seconds, after a while, it recovered.
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From there, everything continued as normal, nothing out of the ordinary apart from the initial changes, I even began to forget my fears and I was beginning to entertain myself, this made me trust myself to such an extent that I thought that I already nothing bad would happen. As I reached the end of the level, a few questions were still going through my head, like why this creepy look? Why the word HELP in the zen garden? Why developer mode? I kept playing, and finally, it reached the last horde, it only remained to wait for the plants to eliminate the remaining zombies.
Finally, I had completed the level, but...when I clicked on the bag of coins, the screen went black and biting sounds began to be heard, the zombies had eaten all my plants, and out of nowhere, I lost level. Instead of the usual message when you lose the level, blood stains appeared all over the screen, and the screaming seemed to go on forever, however, I realized that my laptop had completely locked up, I couldn't close it, nothing, I was paralyzed, but, for some reason, the recording was still working.
I knew that sooner or later the blue screen would appear, I took out my cell phone and started to record my laptop, finally, the blue screen appeared, even though I already expected it, I felt too afraid, I felt that something would appear on the screen at any moment, and unfortunately, it was. The blue screen disappeared, and suddenly, a picture of a saturated PVZ zombie with teeth sticking out of its mouth and red eyes jumped out, with a loud and scary sound in the background. Quickly, I tried to shut down the laptop forcibly, but it didn't respond, no matter how much I pressed the shutdown button, nothing happened, while the image multiplied and distorted more and more. I got the image and text to disappear, but the sounds kept changing and changing, sometimes one was more horrible than another, the laptop was still unresponsive, Although I kept pressing the off button, already tired, I decided to close it with a strong blow, I had no other, fortunately, I managed to calm her down. I realized that my laptop had gotten too hot, for obvious reasons, I didn't want to turn it back on.
The next day, I took my laptop and touched it to see how it was, I couldn't believe it, it was still a little warm, but it was a temperature that I could bear being turned on, so, with some fear, I turned it on hoping that nothing happened last night would have affected it somewhat, to my luck and relief, it started without any problem, however, I immediately uninstalled the game and decided to avoid it for at least a few weeks.
Afterwards, I started to check my email, to see if there was anything interesting, but to my horror, I received a message whose user I could not believe, it was a user called "U53RDV" the same name that I used to activate the "discovery mode". The email was in English, translated, it said this:
''{{email|You figured out what the game was to be''
''I was one of the developers of Plants vs. Zombies, I wanted the game to have a more realistic look, but they rejected my idea, and after some discussion, we went as far as insults, and this got me fired. As revenge, I hacked the computers where the game was developed, to anonymously modify one of the versions of this game.''
''Congratulations !, you were the first victim to find my version, now, as long as you have the game installed on your computer, your data will be sent to me, and don't bother trying to uninstall it, because once this email is marked as read, a virus will be downloaded that will force your computer to have the game permanently installed.''
''Thanks for playing ;)''
''Sincerely, U53RDV''}}
Fortunately, I already had the game uninstalled before the supposed virus was downloaded by reading the mail. Reading this email made my desire to have the game go down even more, and until now, I don't have Plants vs. Zombies, and maybe the absence of this game on my laptop will continue for a while.
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