User talk:Godofmemez

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Revision as of 17:17, 7 October 2015 by imported>Soviet Comrade
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Does this looks like the Mind doesn't know?

Talk about some general stuff, paranormal research, or any other shit goes here.

User:Godofmemez/Talk Archive 1 User:Godofmemez/Talk Archive 2

VEhBVCdTIFdIQVQgSSBUSE9VR0hULi4u 21:17, April 18, 2015 (UTC)

Re turnt

<¤> I think my mic is set up, we'll see.We need a code for towns if it doesn't.Cya 2morrow.

02:17, July 30, 2015 (UTC)


<¤> IKR?! FUCK YEAH!!! Also, MilRather is my IRL sister. Her boyfriend Gorillabone made that comment.

16:51, August 2, 2015 (UTC)

Re: Collab Status

Nicely done progress! The title's neat as well, but I think I might add a "Featuring Godofmemez & Bonesy" onto the title to make sure you both don't feel left in the dust. --{{SUBST:American Titan}} (talk) 13:59, August 3, 2015 (UTC)

Starting and ending, where does it stop?

Could you add this to the collab instead of the first start? Thnx.

(Bonesy,Memez and Titan were on the Rickroll alone when they all recieved an email from Flandre Scarlet. It read as follows, "Party at Scarlet Devil Mansion! Come see the new Library! Hope to see you there!"

(Bonesy:"Well that's weird. Why would she invite me or Titan? I thought she was your friend, Memez."

(Memez:"She is, but maybe she's just trying to be nice.Let's fuckin' go anyway, this movie sucks.)

(Titan:"Hey! Elf Bowling is a great movie!)

(Memez inserted the co-ords into the ship's computer, and they were there within twelve minutes.)

(They walked towards the front door, and Remilia and Flandre walked out to meet them.)

(Remilia:"Hello Memez, you got here quick.)

(Memez:"Sup guys?")

(Flandre:"And brought your friends! You must be Bonesy!")

(Bonesy bowed, but heard a crack near his lower spine.)

(Bonesy:"Yes i am, ummm,Memez?")


(Bonesy:"My back broke again.")

(Memez gave out a sigh as he put his foot on Bonesy's lower back)



(Memez pushed his foot into Bonesy's back, but instead of fixing it, seperated Bonesy's spine from his hips.Remilia and Flandre were trying as hard as they could to not burst out into laughter.)

(Titan:"Need help?")

(Titan shoved Bonesy's spine onto his hips, but did it with such force that Bonesy's head popped off.Remilia and Flandre couldn't hold their laughter in for much longer, as they both doubled over laughing)

(Bonesy:"Glad to be some entertainment.")

(Bonesy finally grabbed his head and shoved it back onto his neck)

(Remilia:"So, you really are an animate skeleton.")

(Bonesy:"Bonesy Rather, at your service. Forgive me if i don't bow, but it seems to cause complications.")

(Flandre:"So this must be Titan, the "Critic".)

(Titan gave them both an over-exaggerated bow, while smiling at Bonesy.)

(Memez:"So, you guys updated the Library? Funny, i was over here yesterday and the Library wasn't being renovated...")

(Remilia:"Well we did it very fast. Come inside, won't you?")

(The party walked into the grand halls of Scarlet Devil Castle, and were led over to the Library's doors.)

(Flandre:"Just go inside, me and Remilia need to get something.Fufufufu...)

(The party walked into the Library, and heard the doors lock behind them.  They turned around and heard raucous laughter emanating from the newly locked door.)

(Memez:"Well this is fuckin' great.)

(Bonesy tried shoving on the door, but vanished soon after.)


(Titan, who was also trying to open the doors, vanished as well)

(Memez:"This is one big fuckin' mindfuck!")

(After he said that,Memez vanished too.)

(Titan woke up in a room.The room had a small table with a chair.A computer floated over the table. )

13:18, August 8, 2015 (UTC)

Good for us.

Well now that you have Photoshop, you know what we must do, right? Dank Leviathan out of stock images.Nuff said

13:13, August 10, 2015 (UTC)


Read it, loved it, and am currently on chat. Nice profpic btw, Nue looks good.

16:45, August 20, 2015 (UTC)


<¤> Umm. Okay, idea. Go to my wiki and check Celtics talk page. You'll see a prntscrn link. that's D.Bonesy. A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 14:54, August 22, 2015 (UTC)

hey m8, patrix90 here. just to say, im not leaving your wiki, im just leaving this wiki for a month, probably. so yea, if your wiki has a chat then we can meet up on it.

But what if Patrix90 isn't kill?File:ILLUMINATI.jpg 07:14, August 27, 2015 (UTC)patrix90


Finished No.8. Will post 2morrow. 23 KB of awesome.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 00:54, August 30, 2015 (UTC)


<¤> I'll be on chat in about half an hour, i'll tell you when i get on.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 12:22, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

Credit When Credit Is Due

Look, dude, you have helped me so much with editing my font colors on the Creepypasta Critics that I need to give thanks. Ever since that Buttercup.avi incident, I've needed to import my critiques from Microsoft Word. (To go over the Buttercup.avi incident again, I finished the review but when it wanted me to confirm to save the page, I hit the wrong button which refreshed the page and made me put four consistent hours of my work (1 sitting) down the drain.) I hate those fucking arrows when you copy and paste as much as the next guy. If I could delete all of them on the page with a single mouse click, importing from Windows would be SO much easier for me, but I just want to give thanks again, because out of your own free time, you dedicate yourself to changing the font colors for me WHILE ALSO deleting every dumbass arrow on screen just because you enjoy my series. I have still never met any Critic fan more dedicated to my work, save for Bonesy. (Don't underestimate him, he's a cool guy as well, but this post isn't about him.) I realize this must take a lot (HA! TAKE THAT, ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!) of time out of your day, which is why I also want to say that I'm sorry that I could not change the arrow and font problem. I have many other things to balance in my life, and the arrow/font changing is a HUGE chore for me. It's like those fucking arrows were just added by the pasta's writers when I import, as to say "Oh, so you're shit talking my glorious gem of a story? Well too bad, before you post, here's some ARROWS to delete!" After constant hours at work typing up the review through multiple sittings, (I split my current review into two parts because the first part took 4 SITTINGS to critique.) the arrow and font fiasco literally stresses me out and nearly gives me a headache. (Pass the ice bag over to me, Shitty Story & Creepypasta Critic.) If there is a quick and alternative way to delete all of the arrows from hell, then please show it to me so I can deal with this arrow stuff on my own. I don't want you to work for a long time on something I have created. I realize this is very wrong of me to do whilst I do other things, which is why this was both a thanks and an apology towards the effort you put into the Creepypasta Critics. Thank you for reading.--A world without children. Future generations will thank us! {{SUBST:American Titan}} 13:41, September 7, 2015 (UTC)

love em

<¤> Nice, love 'em Memez. Bout halfway finished with 9. be sure to tell Zy happy birthday.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 15:45, September 10, 2015 (UTC)

This Collab Ain't Going On The Lost Media Wiki!!!

I thought I saw you had a spare copy of it! That's awesome! I'll find it on your sandbox and put a link. I don't care if it's self-advertising because 1. It took forever to edit the gosh darn thing into being perfect, 2. Those fucking arrows, 3. I actually lost your WII C(OCKS)U(CKER) part, as it was sent to me in an email which was deleted by me after I originally posted the collab. SOMEGUY, the admin who took the collab down for biased and opinionated reasons, hasn't responded to my comments relating to getting this collab back up on this wiki, so even though less people will see the collab this way, it's still a good and complete copy of it. Could I edit a few jokes into this copy of the collab if I wanted to? --A world without children. Future generations will thank us! {{SUBST:American Titan}} 11:09, September 11, 2015 (UTC)


My phone didn't even show the login option, so idk what to do. If you're online, come to chat.

A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 19:25, September 14, 2015 (UTC)

Finished, prepare.

<¤> Finished it. it's either 38.5 or a solid 40KB.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 05:55, September 16, 2015 (UTC)

Research Request

<¤> So i bought a sword and it's a great sword. Full tang, razor sharp, the whole deal. I was wondering what to name it and i just couldnt stop thinking of the word 'Kyo Go'Kiri'. Could you do a little research on it? You don't have to, it's just a thing thats been bothering me.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 19:21, September 17, 2015 (UTC)


That's extremely interesting. So a VERY rough translation could be 'Homeslice'?Might i remind you i have had absolutely no contact with any language other than english,french and spanish? Also,Goddy posted a challenge.Lets beat his game.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 12:10, September 18, 2015 (UTC)

It's up,_Celtic_and_Bonesy_9:The_Day_We_Went_To_Hell

It's up bro.

A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 15:43, September 19, 2015 (UTC)

New series

Seeing as the Adventures are ending soon, i've decided to make a new series focused on greentexts 'Bonesy's Greentext Storytime'. Thoughts?A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 05:16, September 21, 2015 (UTC)

well crap

Well shit. From what Tuna told me SG was telling everyone to delete it, but im sure they wanted to do it anyway. wanna move them to your wiki too?A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 00:43, September 22, 2015 (UTC)


We should. I'll tell you when i get on so we can all talk.I also give you full permission to move The Adventures to your wiki.I also have a semidevious plan.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 08:06, September 22, 2015 (UTC)

The Future Of The Creepypasta Critic

Well, it's been a surprising day for the Critic. Earlier today, all of the reviews were deleted off of this wiki for being unfunny in the admin's eyes. This means that I can no longer post the Critic's reviews on this wiki. I will be doing work on this wiki very rarely because of this. And sadly, the Critic will fade into obscurity on this wiki.......................................................................................but not on his new home! I have made an entire wiki that's inviting for the Critic and reviewers of all ages while also preserving these reviews! Even you can post your own Trollpasta Critics there! Here's a link to the main page:'s_Wikia Please spread the word around that this wiki exists to all of the fans of the Creepypasta Critic, and all the reviewers that you know! I will be posting my reviews on this wiki from now on. Thank you for reading, and good night! --A world without children. Future generations will thank us! {{SUBST:American Titan}} 23:14, September 22, 2015 (UTC)


Hostile anomaly anon raided my wiki, almost screwed 1 and 9.we need to move them to as many places as possible.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 05:11, September 23, 2015 (UTC)

bro, he came back

Dude, Marcus returned. Link him No.6, but ban him forever if he posts any gore links or does anything.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 02:36, September 28, 2015 (UTC)


He got banned for dead body pics i assume, did i forget to tell you about him?A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 02:59, September 28, 2015 (UTC)

Ban Soviet forever, i don't want anything to do with that piece of shit.A Rather hilarious Bone Structure (talk) 04:03, September 28, 2015 (UTC)

lol butthurt

hahahaha die (talk) 17:17, October 7, 2015 (UTC)