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''{{note|'''The following 3 stories are real accounts by real persons of real sightings of legendary figure Vermont MacBlue.'''''}}
=='''''April 7th, 2024'''''<br>==
''Originally posted by retrogamer9203901249025u092485435''<br>
'''''April 7th, 2024'''''<br>
''Originally posted by retrogamer9203901249025u092485435''<br>
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The round started;. 3 2 1 go! And immediately this guy started bouncing the ball all over the place and making it curve and moving his paddle crazy fast. I was like wtf? He's cheating. But I was determinde to win so I pressed on. That was the biggest mistake I ever made since 5th grade when I ate a crayon in front of Susie Mackarel and she said ew and didn't want to hang out with me at the playground.
Round after round after round he was playing pro moves and doing things I thought were impossible. I swear he made his paddle larger at some point. Then when the game ended he won 10 to 0 and then something creepy happened. . Normally after u win you go back to the lobby right? But it didnt instead it just lingered on that screen with the word "WIN" on it and then suddenly his paddle walked over to my paddle and broke it in half! Than a text on the screen said "YU'RE NOEXT" and I got so scared I jumped up and down and said What the Frick! Then I runned out of my house because Vermont MacBlue came out of the screen and was gonna get me and then kill me. I ran so far away and I ran all night and day then I stopped because I ran out of breath Vermont MacBlue still was there........................................................ I narrowly escaped with my life but i wont let my child buy Pong on the iPhone 20 becase I remember still what happened when I tried to play pong. The End
[[File:Vermont MacBlue.png|thumb|right|Vermonb is real he wlaked past my house yesterday this is a photograph]]
'''''May 19th, 2025'''''<br>
''Originally posted by xxxXxxxx_tiddlyw1nkspro_xxxxxXx
=='''''May 19th, 2025'''''<br>==
''Originally posted by xxxXxxxx_tiddlyw1nkspro_xxxxxXx
[[File:Vermont MacBlue.png|thumb|right|Vermonb is real he wlaked past my house yesterday this is a photograph]]
So I am what I would call the top player of tiddlyiwnks in my area maybe the country maybe the world (unfortunately funding for the International Tiddlywinks Tournament is low). No body fucks with me; ppl say "Oh he looks like a Nerd he can't do tiddlywinks" and their jaws drop when I start tiddlying every god damn winks. However I am very humble about my tiddlywinks skills as something that happened when I was a child permanently altered the course of my life.
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The day afterward when I got home from school it turned out he graffiti'd my garage saying Tiddlywinks Is For Losers. This emotionally devestated me and I no longer take pride in playing tiddlywinks or even play it that often. Also his lettering was really good it looked like one of those street graffitis. Vermont MacBlue was actually cooler than me? It was an unfathomable concept and even now I have spent many days sleepless trying to piece together this mystery.
=='''''August 9th, 2025'''''<br>==
'''''August 9th, 2025'''''<br>
''Originally posted by REALCRYPTIDSLAYERREAL''
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suddenly my pacemaker went out and i died!!!!
is pent like 3 days as a demon ghost before possessign my roommate and sending his soul to the pasta zone. i know not to fuck with vermont macblue because hes a sore fucking loser!!!!!!!!! and i'm pretty su rehe stole my brain spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''{{note2|'''The preceding 3 stories were written by anonyomus internet users unforunate enough to encounter legendary figure Vermont MacBlue. After evading law enforcement for years and electronically spreading false rumors of his capture, Vermont MacBlue has been arrested for attempted murder and repeated FCC non-compliance.'''''}}
'''''The preceding 3 stories were written by anonyomus internet users unforunate enough to encounter legendary figure Vermont MacBlue. After evading law enforcement for years and electronically spreading false rumors of his capture, Vermont MacBlue has been arrested for attempted murder and repeated FCC non-compliance.'''''
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