How about mine...

Once there was this beautiful flower lady who died of an illness at this very hospital. That night, a security guard was doing his rounding on the second level... on a distant, he heard a faint sound...


he could smell a faint aroma of the lavender... he remembered about the flower lady who had died on this level. The ward was somewhere towards the end of the hall but he brush away the thought of ghosts and such... he continued walking...


the sound had gotten stronger and the smell of the lavender grew heavier... feeling a bit scared, he decided to walk faster...


this time the hissing got even louder and the aroma get even more heavy. The guard felt like he was getting near to something or even... somebody... he looked ahead... then he realized he was getting near the ward where the flower lady died... he keep on walking...


he sensed something was wrong as he approached the ward... he began praying as he walked trying to ignore the ghostly thought...

and soon as he stood in front of the ward...


He heard that the sound was just above him and the smell was so strong...

he looked up...



and... (ready?)

scroll down...


damn it! stupid air refresherner!

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