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I was a big fan of Wallace and Gromit when I was a child, to 1998, when I was 19. I was at a Blockbuster and I saw a tape that said: Wolls & Gromt: L'aventure Epique! The name weirded me out, so I snuck it into the backpocket of my jacket and walked out with it. I have never publicly spoken about this until today. Once I got home I stuck the tape into my VCR and rewinded the tape. The beginning of the tape showed the words: "Wolls & Gromt" in a bubbly font, and in a smaller font, more abstract font: L'Aventure Epique.


I was put off by the strange and surreal music that played in the beginning of the tape. Wallace was shaking a glass of wine and stroking his chin and sitting on a throne. The offputting music continued to play. He looked to his left and I saw Gromit, crawling out of his doghouse. The 3D model for Gromit looked extremely hyper realistic and disturbing. Gromit crawled to Wallace and bowed to him. The recording zoomed into his face and showed a quick image of Gromit's zoomed in face.

Wallace stood up from his chair and threw the glass of half drank wine onto the floor pointing at Gromit. In the next scene I witnessed him riding Gromit to what appeared to be a minifridge. It cut to a creepy scene of Wallace turning his head around and looking directly at the camera. It quickly cut to a panning shot of the rooms, while playing a strange flushing noise. There appeared to be a flattened mouse on the floor. Wallace pointed towards a pixelated moon and it zoomed into it


The date was March 3rd, 2057 at 10:31 AM. Wallace and Gromit were sitting on toilets, overlooking a television. They turned it on and viewed a message from "The Good Captain's Fish", it then played some sort of encrypted code for 3 seconds and then cut to strange drawings with a dubbed voice saying "STAY AWAKE", "STAY CAFFEINATED" It then showed the strange face of the Good Captain. The recording cut out too an ear piercing green screen reading (C) 2056 Captains Fish Media. This lasted for at least 10 seconds until Wallace turned it off. Gromit sat up and crawled onto the floor while waving his hands. The surreal music that had played in the beginning began to play once again. As Gromit crawled out into the kitchen, Wallace followed after him. The music continued to play. Wallace tripped on the stairs and fell into a coma. Gromit crawled to him and mourned his apparent death. Looking towards the camera.


The date was March 3rd 2057, at 20:46. Strange music continued to play as the camera zoomed into a wooden chair and panned towards the right. On the television where they had once watched The Good Captain, stood a blue teacup moving in a distinct and strange way. Going forwards, Gromit continued to mourn the corpse of Wallace. He looked toward the camera once again. The camera cut to every room in the house and finally to a portrait of Wallace and Gromit, suddenly the Good Captain popped out of the ground. He moved his long flabby arms across the ground and said "The Cage, Walden (?) *sniff* and the sinks stink." He flapped his arms toward the top of the room and walked to Gromit and stated "You must not have seen the "Outdoors and Shine since, the Three Moons Ago" Gromit looked away from Wallace and looked to The Good Captain. The Captain walked to him and stated "You're coming with me." "I'm Taking you home", "I will stroke your fur, tough fur, it feels good" Gromit shook his head to the Captain. He merely looked at him in shame.


As a shriek that made my blood curdle played, the camera zoomed into Wallace's head. The camera moved toward a small hut in a dead forest. Wallace now had pink hair, and a golden cross was in the background. He said something I was unable to decipher. He sat on the table and continued to spout gibberish. It then cut to what was apparently a flashback to Wallace as a young boy. Young Wallace tuned the radio (or was it a television) to a station that spoke in an unintelligible oriental language. It zoomed into adult Wallace once again. And showed Young Wallace shaking his head toward the floor. The camera zoomed out of Wallace on the floor. A strange tone of music continued to play, an the camera once again zoomed to Wallace. Who burst alive. He walked to The Good Captain, Wallace grabbed his throat, and with an angry look on his face, he choked him to death. The Captains final words were "Ten thousand years will pass, the (undecipherable) will fall"


March 4th, 2057 at 06:10, Wallace was sitting naked on a toilet. His genitals were covered with the Coca Cola logo. The Good Captain lay dead in a cupboard. The camera panned toward a pipe. Wallace, now wearing a wizards hat, and Gromit approached a metal vault. Once opened, it showed a black abyss. Inside of the vault, Wallace petted Gromit. And they shot out of a pipe. The bullet shaped spaceship flew into the sky. Wallace typed something into the computer on the spaceship. They passed by a strange yellow creature. Weird music continued to play. They continued to fly through space until they passed into a purple and pink spiral. They flew to the Moon. The moon went into a state of shock and terror and started. to scream. The Coca Cola logo flashed by the camera once again. Wallace and Gromit landed on the moon. There they met what appeared to be Adolf Hitler who had hyperrealistic action figure arms. Hitler beckoned for Wallace and Gromit to come toward the patio he was sitting at. They sat at the table and began to drink Coca Cola. The camera zoomed out of the moon. The tape ended


I was really disturbed by the tape, so much that I smashed the tape to pieces. Not before I recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube. You can view what I had seen here:

File:Wolls & Gromt- L'aventure Epique!