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I wasn't thrilled when I found out we'd be moving to Georgia. I didn't know anything about it other than it was a swamp-infested land filled with hicks. Upon arriving and seeing my new home, it was a somewhat depressing sight. I sighed. Oh well, it's not like I get out that much anyway. Ever since my last breakup, I've been mostly a shut-in, bordering on agoraphobic. I sit in my dark room playing C.O.D. and browsing various message boards. It was after a few weeks since we moved in when my older brother Sam came into my room with a surprise I hadn't seen coming.
“Hey"Hey pussy! stop being depressed we're in a new spot now we might as well enjoy it and you especially need to get some bitches!"
I was taken aback by his statement.
“What"What do you mean? like to get on one of those dating apps? I dunno man you know I haven't really been myself lately I don't think-
“Too"Too late I already made you a profile”profile"
“You…"You… WHAT?
“Yea"Yea man I took some pictures from your insta and made you a dope bio”bio"
“Sam"Sam, this says ‘I'I like to rock out with my cock out’out' what the fuck dude you made me look like an asshole.
“No"No way broseph, see for yourself you already got a couple matches!"
He was right, I was shocked.
“Alright"Alright man tell you what I'll see if I can go meet up with a girl tonight if it'll get you off my back, now get the fuck out of my room!"
He left promptly with both middle fingers up “later"later pussy”pussy"
After playing a few more rounds of C.O.D. I begrudgingly decided to look through my matches. Most of them were your average blonde college bimbos with bios like “here"here for a good time not a long time”time" However one of them really stood out to me. Her name was Chelsey. She was a cool punk chick with ginger hair, there were pictures of her at shows and skateboarding. I thought she was cool so we got to talking, right away we got along well we both had the same raunchy sense of humor, she told me about the town and mentioned some of her favorite spots including a beach where apparently the water was so polluted if you had any open cuts it would eat away at your flesh.
She mentioned there was a house show she was going to tonight, she was going to attend with some friends and invited me out. I accepted. For the first time in a long time I was actually really excited for something. I got ready.
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It was at this moment the implicit danger of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. I grabbed my date and we set off running through the swampy forest next to the house. That's when I saw them, more and more of these animated corpses all around us. ''This is it'' I thought, I couldn't believe I was going to die like this and worse I couldn't even save Chelsey. That's when it hit me.
“Hey"Hey you told me about that beach here do you think we can get to it?
“Its"Its right down that hill but that water is disgusting why would we-"
“No"No time to explain, let's go”go" I shouted and ran down the hill with her around my arm.
We ran onto the foggy musty beach with the horde not far behind us. It was quite a romantic sight. I thought watching the waves crashing onto the serene shore, the moon reflecting off of black waves. I thought if my plan worked we could come back here someday for a date. We rushed into the murky sea and began treading water out past the breakers. The water was gross and it stung my legs where I was cut by the branches while running through the forest. Upon our assailants entering into the water their flesh sizzled it ate away until they were no longer able to swim and eventually they all succumbed to their watery grave. We swam to shore and looked out at the water together for a moment.
"Say you think I can stay with you for the night? I don't think I'd sleep very well alone”alone"
I looked at her and smiled.
“I"I couldn't think of a better way to end the night."
We walked back to my place sogging wet but I didn't care.