2fort phantom

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One day,i wanted to play some Team Fortress 2 with my friends on Steam.I just asked them if they want to play with me.They said yes and then we connected to a CTF game on 2fort map.I quite love that map because most of the people are playing as a sniper so I like being that class.

As we chose the class,we realized that all the players on that server were the sniper class and some of them had really weird names,but I just kept in mind it was no problem.After some time playing around and killing players,the players were getting mad because I had the most kills on the server.I started to laugh and say that i am very good as a sniper.Nobody said nothing.

I felt so strange in that moment and i don’t still know why.I went to the respawn place and took some health and ammo.After that i walked through a tunnel that leads to the sniping place,but something was wrong.As i walked through,i saw a friendly sniper with no weapon in his hands coming after me,but most of all he was floating like a ghost.I was too scared that i went to the respawn zone again and see if he comes.But he didn’t.

I really wanted to see if he dissapeared and as I looked in the tunnel I saw him leaving but still floating.It was too late so I decided to take a screenshot and sleep to forget that thing.

Next day,I woke up and wanted to show the picture that i got to my friend.As I searched for it in steam folder,I saw the name of the screenshot that scared me as hell.It was: 2013-09-30_06662.The 666 number left me thinking a lot of that.Maybe it was a coincidence,maybe not.

It was weird and I couldn’t figure out what was that!I am still thinking about it.

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