A Beautiful Mask For A Beautiful Tea Party

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...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

I slowly and shockingly looked down at my body as the pain shot through me over and over.

I went to scream but not a sound escaped my lips.

There was barbed wire wrapped around my bare body like a snake. Each thorn stabbed into my skin like a knife in butter. Hitting each one of my weak spots. The barbed wire stopped at the beginning of my neck where two thorns stabbed into either side of my neck. And the other two stabbed at the very back of my neck.

I could feel them… Brushing against my spine….

Large ropes tied around my ankles and held me to the wet cement ground. But- there were nails… Large metal nails…hammered through the thick rope and into my ankles…

Blood was- everywhere. I couldn’t see a bare inch of my skin that wasn’t covered with blood. But the most disturbing part was that with each of my wounds- you could see my muscle. My ACTUAL muscle. Like- like someone tried to dig out the wound.

I heard dark laughter erupt in front of me. I shot my head up to see- a girl? A. Somewhat normal girl. She looked about my age. 14.

She had very dark green eyes… They looked almost black.. Her dark brown messy hair light covered her face… But most of it was ripped out. She wore ragged and ripped clothing..

I could feel my heart beat against my ribcage and the large metal thorns that seemed to dig deeper and deeper into my skin which each breath I took.

I suddenly could hear something scratching at an invisible window that seemed to be right by my head. It sounded like someone scratching several knives against it over and over again.

“Who are you?” I squeaked out.

She forced her pink lips into the most devious smile I ever saw. She seemed to smile from ear to ear…. Literally.

You could see her face stretch- as if she was trying to rip open her cheeks to make her smile grow..

“I’m a friend…” She said almost sweetly. But you could hear the madness in her voice.

I was on the bridge of tears… I was so scared….

“What do you want from me!?” I found myself crying and screaming.

I squirmed and pulled against the metal branches that seemed to tighten their grip around me. Its thorns growing bigger and bigger. Going deeper and deeper into my skin..

She took several steps towards me with that same devious smile. I shut my eyes tight and took several shaky sobs. I was so scared….

I felt her cold boney hands grip my chin and forced my head up. I hesitated but I opened my eyes. I was surprised to see that she wasn’t right in front of me even though I could still feel the hand on my chin.

She giggled.

“Aww don’t cry. I hate seeing people upset… All I want is that pretty face of your’s…” She said innocently as her evil grin came back.

“W-Why?” I choked out as my heart leaped into my throat.

Suddenly she- laughed. It was the most- gruesome laugh I ever heard. I could literally hear people screaming, kids crying and blood pouring onto a hardwood floor. Just in her devious laugh.

“Everybody needs to hide behind SOME sort of mask now don’t they..” She said happily as she tilted her head in an exorcist kind of manoer.

I didn’t understand. I- I didn’t get it. She was going to rip off my face to make a mask!? Why!? I could only let out a squeak.

The girl glanced over to her left. I hesitated but I followed her gaze. There was a mirror… A rather dusty- ancient looking mirror.

She slowly took several steps towards it… And it wasn’t a normal walk.. She would take a step. Then Stop. Take a step with the opposite foot. Then stop.

“Everyone has their scars… Alothugh I….” She took a shaky breath as she stopped walking.

She was now at an angle towards the mirror that I could see her reflection..

My eyes widened. Her. Her reflection. It was- T-There isn’t even a word to describe it..

Her eyes were a really bright blue with a thick black outline, like anime eyes.And you could clearly see a bright red blood splatter go over her eyes… A-And she was crying blood.

And her hair was now almost completely gone. Only a few clumps of light brown hair were left..

Her bottom lip was completely gone and you could just see her gums and teeth. But her teeth… Wernt


They were spears. They were literally rocks that looked like they were carved in the shape of spears. They all stabbed into her upper lip. Cause blood to trickle down her face and ‘teeth’.

Her cheeks looked like a cat with knives for nails used her face as a scratching post.

I was terrified. W-What the hell was going on? Who or- what was she?

“I have ALOT of scars…” She said shakingly.

“It’s. It’s all my parents fault! I used to be beautiful! BEAUTIFUL!” She screamed at her reflection.

I just wanted to run. To never come back… To hug my mom…. My dad… My brother…

“ALL I WANTED WAS A TEA PARTY!” She screamed as she punched her reflection dead center with its forehead.

What? What tea party? What did this have to do with anything?

Suddenly the girl was literally a centimeter away from my face.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know….” She growled

“I sent you an invitation remember?” She laughed.

Did- did she just? Read my mind? Wait a second…. I did get an invitation to a tea party…. Yesterday…

It just said that I was invited to a beautiful tea party, and it had no return address….

“Enough dilly daddling! I need to finish making my masks for me and my friends…” She chuckled.

Friends? What friends? Were there more like her!?

She let out a blood curdling laugh.

“No, No. Well… Not yet anyway…” She smiled.

W-What did she mean by that? I began to cry again. But this time I was crying- blood. Dark. Red. Blood.

“Awww don’t start that again….” She pouted

I felt the sharp blade of a knife gently press against my cheek and cut it open slightly. I shut my eyes tight as I let out a few sobs and bloody tears rolled down my cheeks. The salty water brushed against the newly made cut and it sent a burning sensation through my face.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to turn you into a beautiful. BEAUTIFUL mask…”

Credited to Samantha Mckerral 

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