A Cold Day in Hell

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I really don't know how all of this happened, nor do I expect to, with my current situation but I'll try to explain this the best I can. It all began on a normal Saturday afternoon, cars passing by in small numbers, birds singing ( I live in a small mountain town so this kind of thing is quite common). However I was quite bored with my current predicament when one of my friends passed by talking random nonsense to himself. I followed, curiously. He talked on for a little while I was following, he was muttering to himself but I could have sworn I heard him say,

The Nice little Pasta we have there, sssssss.

"Dead, all of them, am I."

I was rather creeped out by this, however I kept listening.

"Is this hell?" said my friend, muttering jibberish.

I was starting to worry.

"Luk," I said sincerely.

He didn't respond, I yelled at him.

"Luk, stop speaking gibberish. No, I am being serious. That is my username, it means what it says, whatever inflection you draw from that is your own."

He still didn't respond, I got worried, I followed.


Luk: James, I can't live like this, this hell.

James: Luk, please don't do this man.

Luk: It's a cold day.

He started running, I couldn't keep up. I went home.

When I came home I noticed no one was there, like the house was abandoned. The T.V was still on however, and there was static. I went to my room to see The Elegy of Emptiness statue fooled by writing on the side, a Creepypasta setup. Then some sort of shadow or monster or something on the screen followed under a line of text saying

"It's a Cold Day In Hell isn't it.

Then I woke up. I remembered my dream, however i was weirded out by the fact that I could remember my dream so well. I found an iPod touch in my hand. My iPod to be exact. I looked on the screen. Those same words were there, taunting me like my dream wasn't over. But my experience was only just beginning. I looked at myself in the mirror to see myself fully dressed in casual clothing. I exited my room. I exited my house. I exited my world. I woke up.


Said a voice.


My Dream: Cold Day Part 2

I still don't know how I remember my dream so well but I do. I can't get that voice out of my head saying "A COLD DAY IN HELL ISN'T IT". The days that have followed all I could do was hear that voice and Luk saying something about Username's and random gibberish. Later in the day I hung out with Luk. I talked about my dream later he reflected upon it:

Commercial: Come to (Insert Generic Store Name Here) and experience so much value that It's almost like a dream.

Luk: That's almost as much nonsense as your dumbass dreams.

James: S.T.F.U.

Luk: Really James, really.

James: Honestly, you never had fucked up dreams.

Luk: No but I usually WAKE UP

James: What?


James: What Luk?

Mysterious Voice: WAKE UP.

Somehow it was another dream.

The Report: Cold Day Part 3

The day after those dreams I started seeing these reports in the newspaper and on T.V, about a college student dying in his sleap from strangulation. This seemed quite odd as nobody could recognise the person, let alone ever seen the person. I questioned myself, was it another dream, or had this person been missing for a large period of time that no one everheard of this person? I didn't have time to think, as Luk rapped on the door to my house. I yelled " It's Unlocked. " but he kep't knocking. I opened the door cautionly, with all of my grip, to find that nobody was there. I shut the door to find a hanging body dripping blood behind me, with a note in very shitty handwriting saying:

Dear James,

I heard your screams,

Welcome to Hell

It's a cold day isn't it.

With Remorse

Luk Aristole

I woke up, It deffinently was a dream. Those past few days I remembered so well, dreams included. The note, the signature said Luk Aristole but it wasn't his handwriting. I called Luk, he said he couldn't talk because he had to go to a funeral. I checked my pulse, my heart beat furiously. I went outside, the newspaper had the same story from my dream, but it had a name

Jamie Erricole Baxiever.

It almost sounded like my name First and last. I called Luk again,

Luk: What the fuck

James: What, I could have had a helllo

Luk: Whadda Want

James: You know a girl named Jamis Baxiever

Luk: (Sighs) I'm at her fucking funeral

James: I'm sorry

Luk: Listen, I'll call back

James Okay Bu ......

He hung up on me.

After the call, feeling humilliated, I looked up Jamie's name on Google, as it turned out it led to a website made by her. I looked around on it, as it turned out she was the leader of a cult. I couldn't see a lot of it as I was thrown out of my desk chair, gagged and dregged out of my bedroom. I was blindfolded and taken out onto a bumpy road when my blindfold slipped, and I was dragged out into a field with four other people. I saw a masked person shoot them in a pattern in the head until I was last. Bang ... Bang ... Bang ... Bang. While they were being shot I tried to get myself loose and out of the bindings, but I was too late ... Bang. I was shot in the face. I awoke to an empty house with people hanged. I saw the mutilated faces of my friends and family. I then saw a bloodied statue. The name of it. Luk Aristole.

The Cult of The Red Water: Cold Day Part 4

I woke up in a ditch in the middle of nowhere, crowded with the bodies of the others shot by what I presume was Luk's Cult. I tried to raise my limbs, to get up but I couldn't, like a force was pinning me to the ground. Unable to move I tried to get my bearings, looking to see my location. The corpses around the ditch started moving upwards, blood pouring from the bullet holes, walking out of the ditch. I tried to move my head to see where they were going, as I stated before I couldn't move.

What I presume was the Cultists Walked over to the ditch, my vision started to fade. I woke up, this time in a motel room. I tried to move. I got my bearings and walked over to the bathroom. I saw a person that was not me. Not James Axever, not anyone I recognised, like a man possessed. I realised that I had gotten a second chance. I knew now what had to be done. I had to kill Luk, and the rest of his cult, and anyone that tried to stop me.

Luk's Madness: Cold Day Part 5

The information from Luk's Cult provided this part, I killed them all of course. Though you can't really kill them.

Aristole House: 1:07 am

Luk: So, how many people saw the site today

Cultist 1: Five

Luk: Hmm, So why

Cultist 2: Human Curiosity, typical

Luk: Typical Humans are Typical

(All share in laughter)

Luk: Begone, my puppets

(Checks missed calls)

Luk: Hmm, James Axever, son of a bitch I told him to call back

James: Huh, Luk. Another dead, sucks to be you cock sucker.

(Phone Beeps)

Luk: Why did you do this James, I thought we were friends

Luk: Another disobeing toy. (Sighs) Damn.

Luk: I'm sorry James.

Luk: Puppet, kill James Axever

Cultist 1: We, already did

Luk: Well, kill him again

Luk: James, dead? Oh my god.

3:00 pm the next day

Commencer Town

James's House

(Rings Bell)

Luk: James, you home?

(Calls James)

Luk: James

James: I don't go by that name anymore.

Luk: James this is no time to fool around

James: Fooling around, (laughs) typical, fuck you

(Phone Beeps)

Luk: James? James!

Luk: Son of a bitch

(Calls again)

Luk: Why the fuck did you hang up.

James: I know what you did ---

Luk: (During James Talking) What

James: --- to those people.

Luk: So you know

James: I can trace your phone-calls, kill friends, family.

Luk: You do know

James: Yes, just revenge really

Luk: Your sick !

James: Compared to who, you ?

Luk: Did you change your voice ?

James: Don't act stupid, like I don't know

James: Why, Why ?

(Phone Beeps)

Luk: Damnit

12:45 am

Place of James Death

Luk: James ?

Mysterious Person: No

Luk: Who are you?

Mysterious Person: A friend

Luk: Puppets !! Who let this guy in ?

Mysterious Person: They can't see me


(Mysterious Person fades away)

6:00 pm

Luk's Room

Aristole House

Luk: Make it go away, Make it go away, Make it go away. Make it stop, Please.

(Screams and Cries from Luk are heard)

Make it go away, Make it go away.

(Luk sits in corner crying)

9:00 am

Unknown Location

(calls James)

Luk: James

James: Who's calling?

Luk: Luk

James: (Under Breath) Oh god

Luk: James are you there?

James: (sighs)I'm still going to kill you, you know that?

Luk: Yeah

James: Well that's good

Luk: Um ... How are you talking to me, I was kind of wondoring

James: It's a long story that you probably know by know

Luk: Please .... Help

James: What

(Phone Beeps)

Unknown Time:

Aristole House:

Luk: Puppet, how's killing James

Cultist 1: Tracking

Luk: (sighs)

Unknown Time:

Place Of James Death:

Luk: James?

(Sounds from James's death occor)

Luk: James, please don't do this

(Luk Screams, Curls up into ball)

Luk: Make it go away, Make it go away, Make it go away

(Luk repeats this for several hours)

Unknown Time

Unknown Location

(Calls James)

Luk: James

James: Hello

Luk: Hi, got any free time away from tring to kill me.

James: I got a few minutes to kill.

Luk: Great, got a few questions to ask

James: Okay, I could spin a yarn make you quiver and hope for death

Luk: No need, Okay Question 1: How did you die

James: (sigh) Okay let's see I got shot in the face, okay that's impotent, oh and I died in a ditch

Luk: Kind of comfortable talking about your own death huh?

James: Not really, I'm just on a revenge quest, killing let's see .... hmm you.

Luk: Yeah, also Why do you haunt me ???

James: What?

Luk: Those voices

James: Calm Down, we can't kill each other over parinormal activity, now can we ?

Luk: Thanks, Im glad to hear that. You are a smart ass you know that.

James: People here are starting to question me. Gotta Go

Luk: Wait What?

(Phone Beeps)

The Unfortunate Death of Cultists: Part 1: Cold Day Part 6

I continued through my path, killing, bleeding, all the little cultists. It's just revenge, poetic, true, and deep. It's not like it's for my benefit, it's just to, well even out the playing field I guess. I feel those past few days I just got more demented the more I killed, the people hanged seemed to disappear from my mind the more I killed whoever so on my list. They, coincidentally were right on my path, it wasn't like they couldn't die, I saw them die, with their own dried blood. It's kind of unfortunate rather, having a man's life cut short out of the sad sin of revenge. However they are cultists I'm talking about, so it's probabaly a just dessert. I was called several times, by Luk of course. Strange in the like that His was the only number on the phone I found, and how he had this number in the first place. Was it because my second body was the body of one of his members? Was it that my phone follows me from person to person? Is it all just a coincedence of fate? I thought, while keeping on my preset path. Knowing the area from the back of my hand I continued, knowing that whenever I came to Luk's Cultist House Of Shitlords I would have the upper hand, ... or so I thought.

Luk's Current Path Of Dementia: Cold Day Part 7

This is also a proportional part funded by the Information I killed for, Enjoi.

Aristole House

Basement Area, Leader Room, Throne

9:54 am

Luk: Make it go away, Make it go away, god damnit Make it go away. (sobs) Make it go away.

(Repeats while sitting in chair)

Luk: Puppets, Kitty, Someone. Fucking Help.

Cultist 1: Oh great and Merciful Leader, What is your plea?

Luk: (screams) Don't be so fucking cleche, just make it go away!!

Cultist 1: What lord.

Luk: Err Nothing. (embarrassed) Be off Puppet.

(Calls James)

Luk: James

James: What, I'm killing

Luk: Wait, who now

James: Oh, wouldn't you like to now, oh merciful leader

Luk: How dare you

James: That bloodied up suit your wearing getting a little too tight

Luk: Fuck off

James: (wipes off blood) err no, I don't do that sorry.

Luk: (sighs) what do you want?

James: Oh, I thought you called me, sorry.

Luk: Nobody likes a smart ass

James: Nobody likes a leader of a cult, to be upfront about it.

Luk: You're a dick

James: Thanks

Luk: What?

James: Dicks fuck pussies and asswholes, and you're both at the same time.

Luk: (sighs) Seriously, if I would know that you are being an asshat today, I wouldn't have called.

James: Bitch, bitch, bitch, Nag, nag, nag

Cultist 1: You two, fighting like a married couple every hour, why don't you just go kill each other and get it over with.

Luk: Die.

(Cultist 1 dies)

James: He's right you know.

Luk: If only you were closer, or I had control over your new body, either one works.

James: (sighs) Reanimation of the dead, so cleche.

Luk: It has its advantages.

James: Living up to the name I see

Luk: What, the cults

James: Yeah, also don't forget I will kill you.

(Phone Beeps)

Luk: (sighs) Puppet James

Puppet James: Yes sir.

Luk: Kill James Axever.

Puppet James: Okay (mumbles to self) got to complete completely mundane and cleche task.

Luk: Damnit.

The Aristole House: Unfortunate Death Part 2: Cold Day Part 8

As I journeyed closer to that forsaken home of my once former friend, I was greated with an unspeakable chill, my old body, I sighed most likely because of how cleche it was, pity. I then had a small realisation "what if I'm not mortal, but a demon?" I sighed again, as I did not have time to toy around with such time consuming thoughts. I then bolted at my former corpse, and stabbed it with its own blade. Probably have been given orders and did not know exactly what my new body looked like, so it did not notice. As it died it said "Thank you, James." I stopped for a quick second to hear that (add another kill to the repertoir, ha ha.) Moving along, I checked my phone. I wont bore you with all the details but it was 8:25. It was raining. (Que dramatic scene here.)

Aristole House


Cult basement.

Luk: Hello, James.

James: (quick gasp)

Luk: I would have expected you on a later notice.

James: (sighs)

Luk: Are you going to stay silent, friend?

Luk: That is quite, an accomplishment you have there. You have not spoken a smart a---

James: While this is quite a nice tea party you have here, I have not heard of you call your guar---

Luk: Ah-ah-ah, please not during tea time. Tea?

James: No, I'm good

Luk: Well, I guess with your little mind that It was poisoned. You were correct on that part, but as you may not know by now, My organs are failing.

James: (laughs softly) Well that shortens your death to slow and painfu---

Luk: While, I've decided to use a duplicate search.

James: You're not doing what I think you are doing.

Luk: Yes, I am

James: So you are going to rape your look alike or something.

Luk: No, Hell no, fuck no, you're discusting.

James: Oh well, tell me anyway then.

Luk: I've decided to read my books an---

James: Yeah, get on with it. You're wasting my fucking time.

Luk: Well, in lamance terms, Body transplant.

James: You bastard!

Luk: Please, we don't need to discuss morals, now drink your damn poisoned tea.

James: No.

Luk: Oh well, I like to give my captives a show anyway.

James: You're sick.

Luk: Yeah, I don't bloody care, mate.

James: Did you turn British or something.

Luk: I am British, did you remember where we are or something.

James: A small town near Harvard.

Luk: No.

(Guards pull up)

Luk: I pity your sad little reincarnated life, my friend.

I was shackeled in place before a sacrificical area, obviously cleaned, but I was aware what was going on. A medical board ( I forget the term for it) rolled in, then Luk himself, walking with the medical board.

Aristole House?

Sacrificial Pit area

Unknown time

Luk: I hope you are ready.

James: I hate you.

Luk: Well don't feel too bad, my corpse will be buried with a proper funeral.

James: I'll spit on your worthless grave you Insensitive son of a Bitch

Luk: Language now, don't want to stress my new body out.

James: Go rot in the fiery depths of hell, lunatic.

Luk: While entirely cleche, our little banter. Just don't stress the "patient" out.

James: Why call him "patient" now, you all ready reffeared to him as your body.

Luk: (sigh) I work in mysterious ways, my friend.

The ceremony then began, it was as graphic as you probably thought, along with some goat heads and blood. I wont go too far into the gory details, as that would probably make you start puking your liver and lungs out. But I'll explain the jist of it. A sword ran through Luk's thought, lots of chanting, The same sword being used to carve symboles into the poor mans chest, More chanting. Then the symboles turned into scars. They then shot Luks old body in the head, and into a pit. I recall it being more graphic than I explained but I did not explain all the details, like orientation of the sword, lots of blood, and rape of Luk's old body before being shot in the head, but that would probably be too graphic, but then I still wouldn't have explained enough details, (i'll leave it to your imagination, I'm sure you can think up some very, very graphic, ultra violence worthy little details.)

I was then knocked out.

More Disturbing Dreams of Dreaminess: Cold Day 9

While I was knocked out I experienced a vision. It was rather short than the others but just as grusome, I was in a field, with amazingly Luk, before I realised he was a leader of a cult/mentally insane, he was joking around making jokes about 69 ing little forrest animals, and blood, he then started to cut himself with a branch, I looked at him, nore people came up, they started to shoot each other in the head, almost like it was choryographed, I was then woken up, by a strange person.

Strange person: James.

James: What, Luk, who.

Luk?: Now you are getting it.

James: What.

Luk?: Are you still alive, James?

James: Wait, What?

Luk?: Damnit, I was hoping for you to be dead.

James: Who?

Luk?: It's Luk.

James: Oh, that's very nice.

Persona Of Confusion: Cold Day 10

Luk, in his new form decided to hawk me in a trash can.

Aristole House

Trash Can

Sometime in the morning

Luk: So, have you decided to come out of the trash yet

James: What, oh wait. Did you throw me in this trash can?

Luk: Nah, dude. I just found you like this,

James: Why?

Luk: I don't know, a friend of mine hung himself after drinking tea.

James: Oh, really?

Luk: Yeah, wait Is that you James?

James: Hi

Luk: (sigh) Do I have to kill another friend?

James: Huh, did I die or something?

Luk: Again, yes.

James: Third times the charm right.

Luk: Do you have your phone?

James: I, might. I'm not sure though.

Luk: I would like to kill you, but I want to know If you are really James, or you are just bullshitting.

James: Okay, I'm going to run now.

Luk: So you are not James.

James: Yes.

Luk: Fine then who are you?

James: Bye.

I started running, this body was remarkably fast and athletic, I went to the laundromat, incase you do not know Luk lives in town, I was still a male, ironically though a different James. I don't think I have met my new body, before it became my body, so I'm probably cool with It. Just borrowing, I guess. I checked my body, I found a wallet. I found some info on the original inhabitor of the body.

James Domeque


Status: In a relationship

Special Skills: Athletic, Perfect vision, (better than my last two bodies) Fast runner, No personality whatsoever.

Cash: Nope, Credit Card.

I then thought, "If I'm not permenently in this body, then this guy is going to be in dept for years to come." I took the easy route, buying lots of guns, weapons, and clothes, "I was as armoured as a tank."

The Aristolean: Murder, Death, Misforturne. Cold Day Part 11

I set out the following morning, nightmares, murder, the usual. I stormed in through the back of the house, killing and destroying everything so gracefully, I continued my path, rather anti-climatic, just killing. I approached Luk's Room and proceeded to kick down the door, well I'm lying about this part, actually the whole story has been a lie, I James, am actually quite dead, let me explain. I was a college student, just doing nothing with my free time, when I heard screams of pain coming from the hallways, I opened the door and walked out of the room, a body hanging, intestines like a rope hanging them, it was very grusome, I almost puked, the body was dripping blood, obviously, however I kept walking screams of panic stormed the hallways, I saw Luk (that's what everybody called him) curled up in a ball screaming, I walked up to him, he stabbed me, I started bleeding, he ran off stabbing the walls with a switchblade, he then stabbed another person, I chased after him, he saw me, ran up and stabbed me again, he said "I'm sorry" before doing so, I fell to the ground, Luk however, continued on his killing spree, I, trying to stay alive, got up and punched Luk in the face, knocking him out, I drug him to his dorm, to his bed, I then fell to the ground dead. Police later found Luk, pretty much insane, in his dorm, saying "Make it go away." multiple times, he was confound to an Insane Asylum, after court decread him "metally insane". The college was later shut down.

Credited to BTT431
Originally uploaded on May 13, 2012

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