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I always thought that being a ghost would be the best thing in the world, oh how naïve I was.

Let me tell you. Being a ghost is downright depressing, and leaves with you a constant feeling of dread in your stomach which never goes away. How did I become a ghost? Well I died. No offense but was a pretty dumb question dear reader. I died after getting hit by a double decker bus over on Mohawk Avenue.

After becoming a ghost, the ruler of the underworld: Kibosh placed me in the care of my smelly ghost uncles. Their names were Stinky, Stretch, and Fatso. They made my life a living pain in the neck, and forced me to do all of their ghostly chores. My uncles and I reside at the Applegate Mansion due to Kibosh not wanting us to hang out in the underworld. He didn't want us in the underworld as he believed we would discover his deep dark secret. Kibosh was Slimer's brother. Yep not even joking on that one.

Now, out of all my uncles Stretch was by the worst offender for giving me boring chores to do. You see; Stretch as desperate to prove himself to Kibosh and his really annoying and downright ugly assistant Snivel. Snivel was a pretty darn ugly little duckling who first met Kibosh at a salad bar up in Kent. Snivel was really fricking annoying, and often spurts his annoying catchphrase which is, "the Snively has snivled his finest slither." It was no obnoxious that my ghostly uncles got annoyed quickly by Snivel. However, they couldn't do anything about it due to Snivel being Kibosh's best friend and only friend actually. That's really sad.

Anyways, as I said before, my uncles force me to do their chores. My uncles also really loved scaring the pants out of people who came to visit the mansion. That's just sick! They'd pull horrific pranks and tell even worse bad puns while pulling pranks on people. One time, a group of people came to the mansion with the intent of knocking it down so they could turn it into a brand new mini mall. However. my uncles were able to defeat the workers by destroying all of their heavy machinery. Fatso meanwhile caused an incredibly fat smelly worker to start shaking uncontrollably. "Simon says shake your body!" Fatso laughed as made the worker shake more and more. You know; that worker's dead now. So stop laughing and start packing.

I have tried my best to get my uncles taken away to Area 69. I even hired a special detective to look into my uncle's antics. The detective's name was Sam Bramsberry. Appranately, Bramsberry wasn't fazed at all by the fact that I was you know a ghost. "Special Detective Sam Bramsberry! Sam to my friends on spread to my enemies!" Sam proclaimed while holding his mighty finger up into the air. Sadly, my uncles were very crafty and knew fully well that I had hired Sam. They ended up giving Sam a rather nasty case of pig flu. I certainly hoped it was pig flu anyway and not.... well you know. Bramsberry was very embarrassed by the flu as he was quite a socially awkward little penguin. He was forced to attend a incredibly upper-class party up in Central London where he spent the entire party sneezing into people's suits. "Oh sorry." Sam said as he hid behind some lady's dress. Also according to Sam's answer machine, it will take him over 9000 weeks to recover from the flu. So buggering buggerton.

Ahem! Sorry about that incredibly long tangent, I just like talking about Sam Bramsberry. Anyways, my uncles have decided and told me time and time again, that if I do not learn how to be scary, I will be forced to leave the mansion for good. Stretch went on to say, that the trio would send a formal letter of complaint over to Kibosh. Also, I should mention that Kibosh could never get my name right which made me feel incredibly awkward as you do when you're as bland as a piece of toast. I tried my best to prove my worth to the trio, but they were having none of it. They had given me a deadline of three days to prove my scaring worth to them before they send their letter to Kibosh. The three days eventually passed, and the trio sent their letter to Kibosh who told them that he would at the Mansion right after sundown.

On the morning before Kibosh's arrival, I headed outside of the Mansion to get some fresh air, and to think of a way to show my uncles that I could scare people just as effectively as they could. On my travels, I was intercepted by some dodgy looking dude who was wearing a large even smellier trenchcoat. "Hey buddy want some of these?" The man asked as he opened up his coat revealing loads of DVDs. I scanned through the DVD's until one particular DVD caught my interest. It was a Garfield Show DVD.

The Garfield Show is a CG animated series all about Garfield. It is the first animated made based on the lasagne loving cat to come out since Garfield & Friends back in the 1990's. Now personally, I did not grow up with Garfield & Friends, and only grew up watching Garfield Show. I loved that show growing up, but I am sadly no longer able to watch it due to our Mansion not having a satellite dish for whatever reason. I then asked the man about the Garfield Show DVD, and he said, "it's really freaky little buddy I mean seriously. It'll make you shit your pants like some kind of Papa Smurf." This could be the key to proving my worth to my ghostly uncles. And so in my upmost ghostly wisdom, I decided that I would buy it. Big mistake! The man then proceeded to ask if I wanted a sundial to go with that DVD. "Uh maybe." I said as all of the sudden Stretch appeared on the scene and yelled, "Casper what are you doing out here!? Kibosh is going to be at the Mansion in exactly one hour!"

As it turns out, I had been out a lot longer than I thought I had been. It was already 6'o clock in the evening! Stretch ended up screaming a wicked scream at the guy which caused him to run down the streets in a state of panic. Stretch then asked, "what's that in your hands Casper?" "Oh this well it's a DVD. I thought we could watch in order to help pass the time before Kibosh gets here." "Oh alright but we don't accommodate thugs." Stretch said. Whatever the fuck that means.

We then proceeded to make our way back to the Mansion. Arriving at the Mansion, I made my way towards the sitting room where Fatso and Stinky were gloating about how many people the trio had succeeded in scaring away today. Stretch and I made our presence know, by chucking a DVD down on the coffee table. "Huh what's this?" Fatso asked as he picked the DVD up, and scanned it over. I should also mention that the cover of the DVD was a picture of Garfield and Odie being chased by ghosts. It smelt horrible like a rotten kebab if you know what I mean.

My uncles were all delighted by the DVD. "Oh my wickers I love Garfield. We simply must watch it!" Stinky proclaimed happily like some kind of Spyro The Dragon. "Well we had better hurry cause Kibosh's is going to be in half an hour!" Stretch cried as Fatso switched the TV on. He then proceeded to pop the DVD into the Xbox. We did not own a DVD player at the mansion but we did own an original Xbox. Oh how delightfully Xboxy. We all hovered above the sofa as Fatso made the Xbox DVD remote float in the air as ghosts tend to do ya know?

The DVD started by showing some copyright warnings as normal. The DVD then cut to show a brief commercial which had two dudes drinking latte in a local café. They were whining about how much car insurance costs. "Ugh car insurance. What can you do?" One of the men asked when all of the sudden some opera singer looking dude appeared on the scene. I recognised him instantly. It was the Go Compare Man or Gio for short! "Go Compare! Go Compare! When you insure you must be sure to Go Compare!" Gio sang as his loud singing caused the two guys to spill their lattes all over the damn place.

The DVD then did an abrupt cut to the main menu. It was nothing special. It was just a generic picture of Garfield smiling at the screen. The picture wasn't even from The Garfield Show it was from the live action Garfield Movie. This nearly made me vomit but because I'm a ghost I didn't actually vomit. The music playing in the background; was the song, "Have A Nice Day," by the band Stereophonics. Fatso made the remote click on 'play episode,' and with that the episode began with the normal theme song.

The theme just wasn't correct. No it was pretty darn smelly to be honest with ya dear reader. For starters, the intro was in slow motion and Jon Arbuckle was no where to be seen. Also, when Odie is confronted by the smelly gang of neighbourhood dogs, he got torn to shreds. Later, when Vito Cappelletti placed the pizza on Jon and Liz's tables, Garfield took a dump on the pizza which caused Jon to make a horrifying face. Finally, Jon and Odie did not appear behind Garfield when he sat in his chair. No instead Colonel Dodo appeared smoking a pipe as Garfield said, "hey meat!"

The title of the episode then came on screen, and it read, "A Ghostly Encounter." The title card showed Garfield and Odie as ghosts scaring Jon and Herman the postman.

And with that, the episode then started with Jon, Garfield, and Odie arriving at a large haunted mansion on the outskirts of the city. Jon parked the car in the parking lot and said, "now remember guys if we stay the entire night we get $10,000." "$10,000 isn't enough to stay in a haunted mansion." Garfield muttered as the trio made their way out of the car and into the mansion as sinister music began to play in the background.

The episode then cut to night time, and showed that Jon was getting ready to go to bed. Garfield and Odie meanwhile had been forced to stay in a guest room due to Jon thinking the chairs were older than the pyramids. Whatever that means. While getting their beds set up, Garfield and Odie heard a loud murmuring sound coming from the foyer of the mansion. The pair decided to check out since they were both having trouble getting to sleep anyway.

Arriving at the foyer, Garfield dispatched Odie to investigate. Odie looked around the entire room, but couldn't see anything of interest. Suddenly, the lights all switched off, and a loud annoying breeze sound be heard echoing throughout the building. "Come on Odie let's go back to bed." Garfield said when all of the sudden a ghostly figure appeared from behind him. It was the ghost of Lyman!

For those of you who don't know; Lyman was the original owner of Odie, and was also a friend of Jon in the original Garfield comic strips. However, Lyman was eventually erased from the comic strips in 1983. He had actually made a couple appearances on the Garfield Show but not as a ghost.

Garfield and Odie seemed to recognise Lyman with Garfield asking, "Lyman is it really you? Gosh it's been like what.... six years?" "More like 37 years." Lyman said before continuing with, "after I was taken out of your comic strips, I was forced to get a dead end job selling orange juice to wealthy business people." Lyman then went on to explain that in 2006; he was killed by the Russian Mafia after giving information about to the Feds. Sadly because of how boring he was in life, Lyman was never allowed to cross over to the other side. He was forced by the underworld to remain in his house. The only way Lyman would be able to get into the underworld would be by scaring the town's Mayor Lionel McDuff so much that he died from fright. With McDuff dead, the underworld would seize control of the town and then the world.

Garfield and Odie turned to leave only to get stopped by Lyman who said, "not so fast! I can't have you pesky fools ruining my big plan!" "Oh gosh get on with it will you?" Garfield asked as Lyman responded with, "as you wish Garfield." Lyman then shot two lighting bolts out from his fingers at Garfield and Odie. The pair fell to the floor, and fell into a deep slumber. They awoke two hours later, and found that they were no longer Garfield and Odie. They were now ghosts! "Now you two shall suffer my fate." Lyman said evilly.

Meanwhile, Jon woke up from a bad dream and headed downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. While making the coffee, Jon came across the ghost of Lyman and remarked, "nice try Garfield but I know ghosts aren't real cause it says so on the internet." Lyman laughed a wicked laugh before pulling an incredibly scary face. It was so scary that it caused Stinky to fly out of the room in fear. "What a coward." I muttered as the episode continued to show that Lyman's face caused Jon to die from shock. "Jon!" Garfield cried as Lyman said evilly, "with Jon dead, now it's time to kill McDuff." And with that, Lyman flew through the walls of the mansion towards the town.

Then without warning; the episode cut to show a really weird clip which had Cap'n Crunch and some weird giraffe looking thing sitting in a huge pile of Cap'n Crunch cereal. "Now next time let's not wish so hard!" Cap'n Crunch proclaimed. Then the episode cut to show who I assumed was Mayor McDuff eating eggs or something. He was a big chungus if you don't mind me saying, and he ate like 9000 eggs. Now that's just greed. Mayor McDuff was yapping on about how he was planning on opening a brand new freeway. It was really fricking boring, and all it did was make me want some eggs on toast.

While watching these two clips, Snivel popped around to ask for some sugar. However, when he saw that was playing on the television; he smiled a wickedly evil smirk. The kind of smirk that only a mother could love. Snivel then proclaimed, "wait til Kibosh hears about this. Major brownly points for the Snively!" Snivel I will demise you! And with that, Snivel teleported back to the underworld in order to inform Kibosh about his findings. "What was that about?" I asked confused as Fatso responded, "don't worry about it just keep watching the damn show!"

The episode then came back to show Garfield and Odie moping about Jon's death. "We've got to do something Odie! We can't allow Lyman and the underworld take over the entire world. Garfield and Odie then went through the wall, and began flying towards the town. They made a quick stop at Vito's pizzeria where they stole a huge platter of pizzas right from under Vito's nose. "Eh what?" Vito asked dumfounded as he began sobbing on the counter. Well at least I think he was sobbing, it sounded more like a car alarm going off if you ask me.

Meanwhile, Lyman had been spending his time going around town scaring the pants off people. That's when he looked at his pocket watch. The time had come. Lyman made his way over to the freeway where Mayor McDuff was just about to do the unveiling. "Ladies and gentlemen; today is such a special day. Today is the day that..." "Stop right there!" Lyman proclaimed as he appeared from being McDuff. Upon seeing Lyman's ghostly form, McDuff began screaming hysterically as did the rest of the crowd. Then Garfield and Odie showed up and tried their best to pull Lyman away which only served to make McDuff scream even more. He screamed so much that the windows of our Mansion ended up breaking in the process. Mayor McDuff then fell to the floor dead having appranately died of shock.

That's when Garfield came to a pretty shocking conclusion. He actually enjoyed being a ghost and scaring people. This greatly confused Odie but he soon came to the same conclusion after reading up on the stock trade. I'm not really sure how that helped him understand Garfield's plight, but whatever I'll buy it. Garfield and Odie then watched on in amazement as Lyman summoned the underworld who rose from the ground.

The underworld took control of the entire world while Garfield, Odie, and Lyman were given control of the town. The trio spent the rest of their days scaring people, and pulling pranks. Garfield was able to scare the ever living daylights out of Herman the postman, and spend most of his time tormenting Herman and Nermal. Odie meanwhile used his new ghostly form to get revenge on the neighbourhood dogs who often scared the crap out of him and Garfield. Lyman meanwhile used his ghostly ways to infiltrate the government, and eventually took over as the new Mayor replacing Lionel McDuff in the process. Ans with that, the episode ended with the normal credits.

After we were done watching the episode, a loud knock occurred at the front door of the mansion. Stretch got up to go and see who it was. "It's probably that snoop again!" Stretch muttered as he made his way over to the door only to have the door swung in his face as Kibosh and Snivel made their way inside the mansion. "Now that I've found you slackers; I'm gonna tie a sheep tank around you!" Kibosh proclaimed as Stretch yelled, "not today!"

Stinky, Stretch, and Fatso then pulled out swords and began fighting with Kibosh. I meanwhile was trying my absolute best to evade Snivel's pursuit. I managed to suck him up using a vacuum cleaner as you do. Unfortunately, the same success cannot be said for my uncles who failed miserably in trying to defeat Kibosh who was far too strong for all of them. Kibosh then picked them up in a cat carrier, and said, "now to apprehend your friend Kanker."

Suddenly another knock occurred on the front door, and I got up to go and see who it was. It was a bomb expert hired by General Asquith. The expert saw Kibosh and fainted. I then looked over to the other side of the room and there right beside Kibosh sat a huge stack of dynamite. I ran over to the stack of dynamite, and ate it up in one big bite. I then let out a massive fart which ended up sending Kibosh flying across the entire fricking room. My uncles meanwhile were able to escape the cat carrier.

After I was done, me and the others made our way outside of the Mansion and saw that Mayor Rodney Dangerfield had pulled up on the scene. Mayor Rodney Dangerfield is our city's Mayor, and he loves to tell wickedly bad wicked one liners. "I've been insane all along! We must preserve our historic landmarks!" Mayor Rodney Dangerfield proclaimed happily as he began dancing in the streets with his undercover lover. It was quite a beautiful sight to see to be honest with you reader. Well that's what I think anyway.

Kibosh then came up from behind me, and threw me inside the cat carrier along with my uncles. We were then taken over to the underworld where Kibosh forced us to attend his scare school. The scare school was ran by none other than Snivel. "You the rookies will be learning the A through Z's of the ghost life ha ha!" Snivel laughed hysterically while me and my uncles groaned into our tables. Snivel was a terrible teacher as he didn't know a thing about scaring or being a ghost. I have no idea why Kibosh selected Snivel for the job, but I smell a bit of bullshit if you don't mind me saying? I don't care if you do or don't to be honest.

I tried asking Kibosh whether me and my uncles could return to the normal world, but he said, "nac oes." Yes Kibosh became Welsh for some bizarre reason. Anyways, Kibosh explained to me that the only way we would be able to return to the normal world was by scaring General Asquith so much that he dies. So essentially me and my uncles were put in Lyman's shoes. Well he didn't even have shoes in that episode, because you know he was a ghost and shit.

So to conclude, my uncles and I have began scheming a scheme to get revenge on Kibosh. We not really sure how or when we're going to execute it. Just trust me when I say it's going to involve some dynamite and a whole lot of M&M's. Oh speaking of which; while in the underworld, I came across MT Bar. MT Bar seems to be doing quite for himself despite now being a ghost. "Yo what's up besides the Sun?" MT asked while marvelling his ghostly body. You know something? For a chocolate bar he was surprisingly vain.

I never thought that one episode of Garfield Show could cause so much damage. I wanted to get revenge on my uncles for my poor treatment. but I didn't realise that doing so would have such disastrous consequences. After we get revenge on Kibosh, I'm considering getting a movie contract. I know this security guard from Tesco who could help swing me a place on the roundtable. Perhaps one day we will have our sweet revenge. Maybe one day. Goodbye for I've got another lesson with Snivel. This one's all about cardboard boxes and telemarketers.

Credited to Bruno Tattagllia 

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