A shitty Sonic.exe Creepypasta

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Revision as of 14:04, 5 April 2022 by I.was.Betrayed.or.something. (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[Authors note: If your asking yourself this, yes this is a totally honest and creepy Creepypasta, and this realy happened. Also this Story is perfect and flawless and I checked 543873456 times for any grandma mist aces so this should be the best story you've ever heard of] Ever since I was a Child I was a great fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog games. I always played the newest games, got many fans in the Fandom, would litterally scream and cry if I didn't get the Sonic plu...")
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[Authors note: If your asking yourself this, yes this is a totally honest and creepy Creepypasta, and this realy happened. Also this Story is perfect and flawless and I checked 543873456 times for any grandma mist aces so this should be the best story you've ever heard of]

Ever since I was a Child I was a great fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog games. I always played the newest games, got many fans in the Fandom, would litterally scream and cry if I didn't get the Sonic plushy I wanted etc. I really liked it since it was a big part of my childhood. But about 4-5 years ago something happened that changed my life to this very day. So let me explain...

In these 4-5 years I have come across video of HoodoHoodlumsrevenge and MichaelLeroi with their bad Creepypasta series. They were talking about how Sonic.exe was a badly written Creepypasta, and when reading it I couldn't agree more. Despite of how badly written it was, it was really popular and a ton of Fan creations were made. (Probably on command of the Author after it got taken down for being shit.) Out o curiosity I wanted to see if these fancreation were just as bad as the Story itself, and Unsurprisingly most of them are. How ever there was also a Fanmade game by the same name wich I wanted to play. So I downloaded it off of GameJolt, fearing that If I would play it in browser it would lag and glitch. When it was finally downloaded I clicked on the exe file and the game booted up.

There it was, the game. The intro from the first sonic game was playing with a flash of a second of the "currupted" version of the Title screen with the "Hyper-realistic" blood before cutting to the Sonic 3 select menu. Of course I choose Tails as my fist option since there were no other Options left. So I clicked on him and The "Act 1 - Hills" Screen showed up before cutting to the gameplay. Right as I heard the Music I was just imediatly like "...can't I go back...?" 'cause I didn't wanted to do this shit anymore, but I couldn't since there was an invisible wall in the way. So I tried walking left and alas it worked. That was until I saw the dead bushes and animals, I was like "Fuck no" and began walking back to the left attempting to hide it the corner between the ground and the invisible wall. But just as I was about to do that the Screen cut to static and I found myself in a completely differend level.

the Background seemed like it wasa Sunset near the Ocean. Tails was just a black sulluette at this point and the Ground an obsicales were almostr always stone with a few boxes and Metal tubes scattereded here and there. and on top of that, there was a whole lot of static so that It was kinda hard to see but itt was still doable. I tried walking Tails to the left but there was a stone wall that was blocking my way. So I walked with him to the right. There was nothing really spechial about this level it was relatively easy to beat. But what I liked about this level was the atmosphere, It was really chill, only slightly unsetteoling but very calming. (probably had something to do with the music though.) As I was jumping up a flight of boxes that were meant to be used as stairs I saw Sonic at the bottom of them, facing away from Tails with his eyes closed. I couldn't go back because there was a wall in the way that I previously jumped down from. So I just jumped right into Sonic, just as Tails was about to touch him the Screen cut to Static with that weird laugh. As the Static faded there was a Text that was saying "The fires await" before it showed me the Act 1 screen as usual.

It cut to the game again ,and again I tried to go left, but there was the invisible wall again. But just as Tails was about to hit the wall I collected Something, I didn't know what it was I just heard the words "DIE!" in an ominous voice and my Ring meter was red and said -1. I just thought that that was kinda weird but Ignored it for now. I played the game as usual, or at least the way People were supposed to play it, you know, the music stopping, tails walking up to sonic without my control, Sonics red and black eyes with the Hyper-realistic blood dripping from it, you get the point. The Screen faded to Black with a text and a deep ominous voice that both said "Hello. Do you want to play with me?" before the Screen said Hide and Seek and cut to the Green Hill Zone burning. But as I was running away with Tails I just let him run into sonic 'cause I didn't wanna spend 10 seconds just running away from sonic. Tails began to Cry before Sonic (aka, the Ominous voice) said "I WILL EAT YOUR HEART!" before cutting tails up and the Screen cutting to black. Then the text "Youre too slow want to try again?" poped up and cut back to the select menu.

Tails was dead looking creepy 'n shit and I selected Knuckles. This time as the level started I immediatly walked to the left, as I was at the end there was a cliff that lead to nowhere, so I made Knuckles jump down and the Screen became distorted for a second before cutting to Static. Then there was a text that was saying "Don't like playing by the rules?" before the Title of the Level showed up, it was "FFFFFF". Then the hiden level began The background was pitch black and Knuckles was in a sort of Red Tint, and the Score, Time and Rings scales were all replaced by flickering Red, Yellow and Grey squares. Knuckles Life Scale was also replace by Flickering text, switching between "IAM" and "FFF" and there was Static again just like with Tails, But it looked different almost like a warp. So since walking to the Left wasn't an option I decided to Walk to the right, a few seconds after I started some Text appeared over Knuckles head it said "You're fun to play with, Raven.". Some more text appeared as I was walking further along the Level, "But this is my world..." "Won't be long now..." "Soon, Raven will be joining us..." "Raven, are you listening?" and then at the End it said "YOU'RE NEXT" in big Red letters beföre cutting to static and Sonic just saying the exact same thing that was stated.

When the title of the level said "YOU CANT RUN" before cutting to gameplay Iimediatly ran to the Left again, and I saw what I had collected previoulsy, it was a black ring with a Red aura iluminating from itt. I collected it before sonic said "DIE!" again, the Ring meter now said -2. I played the Game as normal with the weird "fOUNd you" text and Sonic saying "You will die at my hands" before killing nuckels. Then it said (with sonic saying it along) "So many souls to play with. So little Time Would you agree?" Before getting back to the Character select screen. knukles also looked weird af inside the static, so with no other options I choose Robotnik.

The level Title only said "..." this time, probably because anyone was too lazy to come up with a name for this level. The music was at least kind of nice. Anyway I ran with robotnik for a while untill I came across a flight of Stairs leading downwards. Just as I was a few pixels away from the frist step I remebered the -Rings, (which was good because you can't go up the stairs and you can't jump as I realized later) so I turned back around to colect the last one. As I was back at the beginning th screen cut to static and there was a different level. The Background was green abnd the floore loked very electronic and siency. I ran to the right for not even 3 secends and the background became edgy red, the floor was a black silluette, and my intire life decision I start to regret. Sonic was saying "I will strip your Flesh from you're body" in that ominous voice. I ran further with robotnick until I saw some words jumbled into each other, they were two sentences where one was saying "Why do you keep fighting, Raven?" and the ather one said "My game has only just begun". the Screen jumped to static again with that weird ass Kefka laugh. Again the Screen said "..." I got the Ring and I went on like I was supposed to. I played untill I was at the end of the long flight of stairs and after sonic presumably killed Robatnickel.

There was static for a while before a Hyper-Realistic picture oif sanic showed up, and then that same image but with loud noise, tinted in red and red text saying "I AM GOD" above before cutting to black. Then the screen said along with sonic "Ready for round 2, Raven?". The odd thing was thatSonic also said my name along with the text and that It didn't even sound robotic, like it was made from a computer voice or something like that, but honestly I didn't care much for it. It cut to a screen that said Game Over with sonic dragging Tails to a Ring with Wings and burning fire in the foreground. Then it cut to a screen that said "There is a way to release ourselves. A spell to optain our souls once more. But we must speak it - but when we speak- No sound. We are all deaf. So failure is inevitable. And I regret ever entering my internal bet with the devil inside of me. Immortality vs. soul snatching Gary Crook vs. Jake Shanley Ambition is overrated" That aquired with what sounded like a japanes quoir, that screen stayed there for a while, untill it cut to another level, this time I was playing as sonic.

It was a completely black background with lots of transparent static in the fore ground. I walked to the right and I saw rotten... someting idk, probably rotten human torso on a stick would be my bst guess... Bu there also was text again that said "You had a chance to comply. Now you've come too far." I kept running while something that looked like organs on a claw of one of those claw machines. A picture of a dead face fading poped up and there was text that said "Can you hear them? They're trying to tell you something." as a few more dead faces and organs flashed across the screen. "Playing with them was such fun... almost as fun as you, Raven" said the text aboveme while constantly playing weird and eary noises in the Background "There was Gary... and Jake... and Kyle... and Alice... and so many, many more." said another text on screen. As I went further I heard screaming this time faintly in the background. The Background itself was replaced by a weird optical illusion kind of thing and the Black siluette of bones started to apear. "It's time your soul joined theirs, Raven" the texts started to slighly irriatame and the Score, Time and Rings scales slowly started to disapear with the beat of the noise. AS I was walking along the Static got thicker and an image of the sonic with the Hyper-realistic blood started to fade in, the camera was closing up to his mouth. As the immage backed off I saw sonic with red eyes, red mouth and red devil horns, with the screaming in the background. That stayed like this for a few seconds before cutting to the last image with japanese text on it, I grabbed my phone and took a photo of it to translate, it said something along the lines of "I was killed, slaughtered and angry. I killed until all my strength had disappeared. And yet they die in the sole pleasure for the devil who has risen to torture me.".

After I played that I was like "... lame" and went on with my life, that was untill I noticed the sonic plushy on my bed, It looked just like described in the story. I took a closer look at it without realizing the hand that reached outside of my computer, but just as I noticed... it was too late. He dragged me with immense speed into the computer like it was a portal, into a place he calls his "personal hell". Hell was nothing like I expected it to be, it was just a long infinite black void whit a ton of of fire, the fire wasn't even burning on anything it was just kind of therre. I expected him to also push me into the fire like he did with the rest, but he said that I'm spechial and that I needed to be treated better than that. So he gave me my own room, a place where I can live in for all eternity, and they surprisingly have a very good Wifi connection. I still don't know what he sees / feels for me, like am I his right hand? Am I his Paramour/Mistress? or am I just entertaining- like what does he want from me?! At least He's cool with the fact that I'm Genderfluid and uses my correct pronouns, so I guess he must have some form of respect for me. Welp, I guess I'm not getting out of here anytime soon so... like just wish me luck okay? I still haven't wash off my Emo meka up and I feel crusty AF... and like I guess the thing with X too, so wish me luck.

Raven Baker, 5th April 2022, 16:04

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