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Lesson learned: if you ever want to get a video game, don't use torrents. Especially for Black Ops. And if you ever do, make sure it's NOT "c4ll0fduty:b14ck0pz.iso."
Lesson learned: if you ever want to get a video game, don't use torrents. Especially for Black Ops. And if you ever do, make sure it's NOT "c4ll0fduty:b14ck0pz.iso."

{{by-cpwuser|Simba7032|date=October 8, 2011}}
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Revision as of 11:35, 12 November 2022


Call of Duty: Black Ops is a great game for most. My experience with this game is not so good. Here's my story.

My son loves the Call of Duty series. He has most of the games for the PC. So of course, as soon as Black Ops comes out, he wanted me to buy it for him. I felt tired of buying all of his games, so I felt like I would try torrents for once.

My son left for his friend's house later that day, so as soon as he left the house I was in the clear. I had downloaded Bittorrent and started to search up COD:BO. Instead of finding the game with the normal title, I kept seeing duplicate uploads of "c4ll0fduty:b14ck0pz.iso" on the site. I figured it would be the same game anyways, so I downloaded it.

As I started to extract the iso with BT, the computer started to flash black and white. Startled, I rebooted the PC.

When my desktop came up, my desktop background had changed from my son's note in MS Paint, "you r the best dad in the world :D" to a grey and black picture of an arab-looking man. I felt like I had seen him somewhere, but I couldn't possibly place a name or any memory of seeing him. I found the root picture file in my Pictures folder, titled "7h3m3rd3r3r.jpg." I had never seen this picture before in my life, let alone downloaded it. I clicked on the picture, and the picture showed for around 2 seconds, then my system shut down. I have uploaded the file here.

I restarted the computer, and the background hadn't changed again. And very strangely, without the iso file being properly extracted, there was one simple file on the desktop, with the name "B14ck0pz.exe," and the number "9" as the icon, with all the other files that were previously on my desktop had been deleted.

I looked in my program files to see if it had installed by itself, and sure enough, there was a folder there titled "tr3y4rch". I clicked on it and saw that the only file in the folder was "B14ck0pz.exe," except this file had the grey and black picture of the man as the icon. I decided to test the game to see if it would work fine for my son.

The game loaded up fine at first, except most of the letters were changed to numbers, like "tr3y4rch" and "z0m813z" and even "c4mp41gnnn". I went over to the 0p71onz menu to see that the only option was "4ud10: 0n/0ff" I left the audio on and went to mul71p14y3r.

I made a username and saw that the only game mode was "1v1 d3thm47ch." I felt uneasy for awhile looking at it, but I went ahead and clicked. As soon as I had clicked it, my computer had shut down and started smoking.

I backed away and it stayed like that for a minute. Figuring I couldn't save my computer, I just sat and watched. My computer exploded into pieces, as metal scraps went everywhere. What happened next is even stranger and more unsettling.

The monitor turned on by itself, and even though my computer tower had completely exploded, the game came on, and I was in a menu with a person with the username "Dave". The match was about to start, and there was no map on the menu. I shrugged this off as a glitch, and the countdown slowed down. "5, 4, 3........ 2................. 1.........................................."

As soon as it hit zero, my monitor exploded too, and shards of glass went everywhere, as I ducked to dodge them.

I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from the kitchen following that, and I was too scared to see what it was. The scream continued and kept getting louder and louder. I grabbed the shotgun from under my bed, covered one ear and started walking into the kitchen. What I saw was a tape recorder laying on the counter, playing the scream and set on loop. I tried to turn the volume down, and to my chagrin, both buttons turned the volume UP, yet the number on the volume meter seemed to stay the same. It was a very large, and very odd number, but I wrote the number down on a notepad as it was scrolling through the screen. At the end, my notepad read "01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100011 01101011."

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" I mused as I threw the recorder to the ground, which caused it to shatter and stop. Wondering if the number was binary, I translated it with the binary to English app on my phone.

The sentence read, "you are next watch your back". Unnerved and pale, I started to take a step outside and get some fresh air.

The next thing I remember, I am strapped to a chair in a dark room with just one small lightbulb on, with a bunch of sharp tools beside me. I was in extreme pain and I had no shirt on. I looked to my chest and saw there were red, throbbing, bloody whiplashes across my chest. I heard voices talking to one another outside of the doorway.

"He's not talking," said one voice.

"Well, then get him to talk," shouted another voice, that sounded like he had a hint of an Arabian accent.

"We've already tried, we've used the whip. He still won't give us any intel," replied the first voice.

"USE IT SOME MORE THEN, ZAHKRI! WE NEED THAT INTEL," yelled back the foreign voice.

"What's the use? If it doesn't work the first time, why should it work the sec--"



I then heard screams coming from the first voice, supposedly "Zahkri", as I heard stabbing. The Arabian man shouted a string of curses. I was very disturbed listening to this, and felt like I was about to vomit.

"AZIZ! GET IN HERE," yelled the arabian man.

"Yes, Abdul?" said another man, probably Aziz.

"This Jonathon guy we drugged and captured yesterday? He won't give us any Intel!" I gulped.

My name is Jonathon. Was I really unconscious long enough for them to capture me and take me back to, well, wherever I am?

"Kill the kid. That will get him talking. I'll get my pistol, just in case Jonathon somehow manages to escape with that burning knife."

That was my breaking point. I threw up in a nearby bucket laying somewhere near the chair and about had a nervous breakdown. "Kill the kid"? Were they talking about...my son?


That was my son's voice. They were going to kill my son! I didn't even know what Intel they wanted!

Wait a second..

"I'll get my pistol, just in case Jonathon somehow manages to escape with that burning knife."

I looked around to see what he was talking about. Lo and behold, there was a knife near the bucket I had previously vomited in. I fumbled it around and managed to get a hold of it with both of my feet. I started sawing away at the strap holding my legs. This went on for about 5 minutes.

My legs were free.

The only straps left were the ones on my hands. I already had a hold on the knife with my feet, so I sslloowwllyy brought my feet up and got a hold of the knife handle...

I cried out in pain as I looked down and saw that my shoes suddenly had holes in them, and the strap that I had just cut had little holes in it, also. The hand holding the knife felt like it was on fire. I looked at my hand and saw that my skin was turning red and I smelled the stench of singed flesh.

The knife blade had acid on it, but I kept going on sawing my hand straps. Even with all of the excruciating pain from the acid that was left on the handle (probably to keep me from cutting the straps), eventually I was completely free, and rushed out the door. What I saw was very unnerving.

A pile of dead and disemboweled bodies was laying in the corner of the hallway. There was a door down the hall titled "3X3CU710N."

I gasped. These must have been the people that made the cursed torrent.

I heard my son's screaming coming from the room.

I kicked the door open and saw a syringe full of green liquid being held over my son's arm, he is being strapped down just as I was, and the person with the syringe looking over his shoulder and shouting a foreign language at me.

I almost fell backward at the sight of him. He was the man in the picture that was saved as my desktop background.

The Arabian man (who I learned was named Abdul) came at me with the syringe, and as I looked over my shoulder with one last quick glance, another man I felt like I knew but couldn't recognize held a gun behind me.

Adbul dropped the syringe and faced the gun man.


The man with the pistol pulled the trigger.

I tensed up, thinking that this was my last moment, that I was never going to see anything ever again. But then, I realized, I wasn't hit, and as I looked behind me, Abdul was the one laying dead on the ground, with a bullet in his head. I turned back around on my heels to see the gunman reloading.

I went to the gunman and wrestled around with him for a bit, trying to get the gun, when I managed to finally get ahold of it and shoot him down.

I found another knife (acid-covered again, of course) on the ground and tried to get my son unstrapped with loads more pain than I was dealing with last time. We ran for the exits.

When we finally left the strange compound, there was a sign in front that translated to "IRAN".

There was no way we were in Iran after one day.

...or was it more than one day?

We ended up flying home and having a good life, but I will never, ever forget this. I finally stopped looking for torrents and bought Black Ops from our local Gamestop.

Lesson learned: if you ever want to get a video game, don't use torrents. Especially for Black Ops. And if you ever do, make sure it's NOT "c4ll0fduty:b14ck0pz.iso."

Credited to Simba7032
Originally uploaded on October 8, 2011

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