BEN Has Gotten to Me

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For the Legend of Zelda fanatics (like me) that research BEN, you'd know that he's pretty creepy. Don't even complain that its fake, because I already know and I don't need people burdening me about it. Let me tell you about myself though. My name is Derick and I'm a 7th grader and expert on the infamous BEN arc. I'm only 13 and I know a whole lot about this thing. I'm not even sure why I even got into this in the first place. I just want my old life back.

The past few nights have been the creepiest nights of my life and have been the scariest shit ever. It all started when I bought a copy of the Majora's Mask cartridge Jadusable had (don't point out that that's impossible. Just don't ask). I don't have an N64 so I had a friend of mine convert all of its contents into a ROM (Don't ask how. Just keep reading). I immediately knew that my life had and has turned into a living hell.

I opened the rom and noticed two files saying "HELP" and "ME". Curiously, I played the "HELP" file and was greeted by the Happy Mask Salesman's cutscene where you get the Deku mask. What was strange is that I could faintly hear the Happy Mask Salesman's creepy-ass laugh at random times. When the cutscene was over and I exited the tower, I was kicked out to the title screen only to see that "HELP" was turned into "YOURTURN". Scared shitless, I played the "ME" file. I was greeted by a familiar face... The BEN Elegy Statue face. There was no music whatsoever. I could faintly hear the Happy Mask Salesman laugh repeatedly and after the 5th or 6th time, the Song of Unhealing played for a brief second. I was then met with the title screen with the YOURTURN file. Under that was my file "Derick". This shit got WAAAAYYY too fucked up, even for me. He knows I know too much. He's after me. He's watching me.

I played the YOURTURN file to be greeted by a dead Link corpse and a demonized Song of Unhealing. When I returned to the menu screen, the BEN file was there, however my file disappeared and replaced with a file called "WATER". I played the WATER file to be in Great Bay as Zora Link. I saw something out on the platform where the scientist lives. I swam over to it, and sure enough, I was greeted by that fucking statue again. What does it want from me? Frustrated, I jumped back in the water, but as soon as I got in, I was doing some sort of choking animation. Zoras can breathe underwater!!! Link then died and I was kicked out to the title screen in which "WATER" was replaced with "DROWNED". NOW I knew what this was about! I already knew that he drowned so there was no point in playing anymore. I closed the ROM and was greeted with a site called "Cleverbot." It's one of those sites where you talk to a virtual bot.

The conversation went like this:

CB: So you know...

Me: Indeed I do.

CB: How much do you know?

Me: Enough I need to know.

CB: Quiz time then.

Me: Ask your questions.

CB: How did I die?

Me: People on say you ascended but your message to Jadusable clearly stated that you drowned.

CB: How in the world did you discover

Me: I told you I knew enough I need to know.

CB: Tell me what the site was then.

Me: stands for It was a cultist site that was taken down. Apparently people wanted to bring the end of the world. They used masks as a ritual. I learned 6 key words that relate to your presence as well.

CB: You're clever. And preytell, what might those keywords be?

Me: Swamp, Mountain, Sea, Canyon, City, and Apocalypse.

CB: Well then. Tell me this now, what's the name of the alien?

Me: That distorted guy with no eyes? Kelbris.

CB: Hmhmhmhmhmhm.

Me: I've had enough.


Me: I'm not afraid of you.

CB: Took you a while for that message to come in. Tell me, are you unsure?

Me: How so?

CB: Look behind you and tell me what you see.

Me: I saw a statue.

CB: And what kind of statue?

Me: Your statue.

CB: Very good. Get back to the game. We'll talk later.

Me: Are you kidding me?! No!


Me: Can't I play it tomorrow?

CB: Fine. You'll need your energy to face me again. See you soon, puppet.

The Cleverbot window closed. Finally, he let me go and I crashed out.

I had the craziest dream last night. I was in Great Bay and the BEN statue was right behind me. It was like he was pushing me forcefully. I eventually made it to the ocean and when I turned around, the Happy Mask Salesman grabbed me. Out of nowhere, the Moon Children appeared and stapled a mask to my face. All of this felt so real. I tried to wriggle out of it, but the Mask Salesman had that deathly look on his face and grabbed me so I couldn't breathe. I don't even want to talk about the rest of it because it's so horrifying.

I went on the computer again to have the Cleverbot window open once again. The conversation went like this:

CB: How did my father do?

Me: That sicko is your fuckin' FATHER?! (In reality, I already knew this)

CB: He was crazy. He drowned me.


CB: Preytell, how?

Me: Do I have to point out all of this information I have?

CB: What time was it when you woke up?

Me: Oh my god... that's the day when you died! That guy's anniversary!

CB: It's amazing how a simple autistic teen like you can be so irritable and yet see so many details.

Me: How did you know I was autistic?

CB: You act like I don't do my own research. You've grown since I last saw you.

Me: Have you been spying on me my whole life?!

CB: 2 years.

Me: Stalker.

CB: Stalker? How about enemy of choice?

Me: I don't have time for this, I'm going back to bed.

CB: Ah, but look at the time.

Me: 6:30?! How in the hell did you do that?

CB: You think I don't know how to do certain things? Now play the game.

Me: No!!!





CB: Like I said. Resistance is futile.

The window closed and I played the game again.

Since I knew what I encountered in the DROWNED file, I played BEN's file. It was the same as Jadusable, only with all the masks and remains, but only 3 hearts (in fact, I noticed that in all of the files I played, they all had 3 hearts). His back was broken and the sounds were messed up, but Link's expression was normal. I didn't want to do this, but I didn't want to be here. So I jumped off the tower. I was then warped to Dawn of a New Day. I was puzzled, so I called my friend over to investigate some files we extracted. We found a video file entitled BLOODBATHEDYOU.wmv, which has now unfortunately been deleted.

I'm confused as to how this even got in there. All I could make out of it was weird images of red. I could've sworn I saw the BEN face and the Happy Mask Salesman. At the end, the laugh and repeated colors of him were too much for me. I couldn't dare. When it flashed black, I thought it was an error... but if you look at the bottom of the screen... Yeah...

He told me to play the game again. I did as I was told, and there was my file, Derick, and the DROWNED file. I played my file and I was where I was when it turned into YOURTURN. I don't know how this even happened. I wasn't even ON the file, nor was it ever there! I was kicked out and 2 files showed an unexplainable message. On one file "YOU WILL" and on the other "DIE". Afterwards, a few seconds of BLOODBATHEDYOU.wmv played.

I heard the Happy Mask Salesman laugh and the ROM closed itself. My computer did the weirdest shit. It opened up Cleverbot once again. The conversation is as follows.

CB: My message has finally gotten through to you, hasn't it?


CB: My amusement must be active at all times. I love playing with human emotions.

Me: You sick son of a bitch...

CB: No need to get harsh.

Me: You act like I'm scared of this shit.

CB: Don't try hiding it. I always watch you. I saw your dream. I saw your game. I saw your life. I saw everything.

Me: I'm not letting you get away with this.

CB: But you've already have.

Me: What are you babbling about now?

CB: Your life.

The Cleverbot message closed and the ROM opened up. All of the sounds were insane. I was at Great Bay, at the exact spot where I was in my dream. For some reason, I was Goron Link. I don't know why, but I couldn't take the mask off. For some reason, it looked almost exactly like the mask the was stapled to my face. Then Link had a spazm and was flung into the ocean! Then he broke out of it and immediately drowned. What does he want from me!? I never asked for this! I'm just a 7th grader! I have a whole life ahead of me and it's all about to end by a statue who's eventually going to end up drowning me! I closed the ROM, closed the Cleverbot conversation, and left because my friend was throwing a pool party.

That pool party was scary as shit! I was talking with the host of the party when I look over to some bushes to see that fucking statue! I tripped into the pool, and when I woke up, the entire party had been crowding me. Someone said I nearly drowned! This wasn't at all a coincidence. I moved my head into the direction of the shrubs I saw the statue at. He was sitting there. I barely saw it. I faintly said, "get that statue away from me." as I pointed to the shrubs. Everyone looked at the shrubs and said they saw nothing. But I saw it. I knew I saw it. It was still sitting there invisible to everyone's eyes. The party ended a few hours later.

When I returned home, I went to the computer and found a Cleverbot chat open. The conversation is as follows.

CB: I told you you've already let me get away with it.


CB: How did you know? You can't prove it.

Me: I'll get proof!

CB: Preytell how?


CB: Just like the one before you, you're still a useless crumb on my plate of cookies.

Me: And just like you, you're a bad steak on an old grill.

CB: My metaphor was better.

Me: Who gives a shit?

CB: Have fun playing!

The Cleverbot chat closed and the ROM opened. I was met with the Happy Mask Salesman laughing for a brief second from BLOODBATHEDYOU.wmv before I played. The 2 files stood where they were before I left. YOU WILL and DIE were there. I played the YOU WILL file, I was in Clock Town with hardly a minute before the apocalypse. I rushed up to the tower to meet with Skull Kid. After the cutscene, I was killed by some unknown force. I was kicked out to the title screen where YOU WILL was replaced by Derick. I played the DIE file and I was met with the same feature as YOURTURN. When I was kicked out once again, the DIE file disappeared and I was left with my own file, Derick. I played it and, for some reason, switched out to Ocarina of Time. I was in the Temple of Time. The screen flashed the Happy Mask Salesman face and the ROM closed. I expected to see the Cleverbot thing again, but instead I was met with nothing at all. Frustrated and tired as hell, I crashed at the computer desk.

I had another dream about him again. I was once again in Great Bay. I was talking with that statue. He told me he warps me here to look for the clue or he tries to freak me out. He says I need to look for him. He told me he'll see me when I find it or he'll guide me to it. He told me to play the game.

I opened the ROM and saw 1 file. Simply put, "FOLLOWME". I clicked it and was warped to Great Bay. I was in the same spot where he explained his instructions to me. Why was he doing this? I went inside the scientist's house and just when I thought of all places he couldn't be, he spawned. He just appeared right out of nowhere. I couldn't believe it... For some reason, the ROM closed. I got incredibly sleepy for some odd reason and passed out on the computer desk. I thought he was calling me. Turns out he was.

He told me the clue has gone away. He said he'll kill me. I'm scared shitless right now.

When I woke up, I found a Cleverbot window open. The conversation is as follows.

CB: Wakey wakey sleepy-head.

Me: Was that you?

CB: You act like I don't know how to get you when I need to speak with you.

Me: How and why are you doing this?

CB: As for how, I can't explain or exploit my powers. As for why, simply for fun. Such simplicity.

Me: What are your intentions?

CB: My plans are irrelevant to your pitiful self.

Me: Whatever.

CB: Play...

The Cleverbot window closed and the ROM opened. It had 2 files on it: "KILL" and my file, Derick. KILL Derick. This sent chills down my spine This guy wants to kill me. I played the KILL file to be met with South Clock Town with the last 10 seconds before the apocalypse! I hurried as fast as I can but I didn't make it. I heard the Happy Mask Salesman laugh 8 times before he knocked me out again.

How does he keep doing that?! I can't even explain this. I just want my life back! But BEN is in my computer.

I'm fed up with this shit! I deleted the Majora's Mask ROM and everything going along with it along with my Ocarina of Time ROM. It was late and everything that haunted me still is. I went to bed to have BEN scream "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT" right in my face before I woke up screaming. I still see that statue everywhere. I can't bear to know that thing is watching me, and has been watching me for the past 2 years. All of my friends are worried about me. I want my old life back.

Please... help me...

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