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I started over my Pokemon Leaf Green game once again. I hadn't played it for about a year and I didn't really care where I had left off. I impatiently went through all the boring stuff at the beginning where I gotta talk to "Mom," the neighbor, and Oak. Why can't I just get my Pokemon right away? Where the hell is Oak between the time when I'm in the Lab and the time when I try to go into the tall grass?

Whatever. I get my pokemon soon after, anyways. I chose Bulbasaur as I always did, and I named him Belial. I always tried to name my first Pokemon different names for the devil (depending on their element.)

So I try to leave but my rival, whom I had named "Douchebag", insisted on battling me. What a jerk. I just wanted start my journey, damn it! The tutorial is annoying and I was just going to lose anyway! I used Tackle but stupid Charmander used Scratch.

"Ow! Blimey, tha' hurt!"

I froze for a second when this text box with lime green text sprang up. I brushed it off. It was just my imagination or something. I used Tackle again, but Charmander Scratched Belial again.

"Stupid prat! You're just lucky you're a fire-type!"

"What the fuck?" I murmured to myself.

"Excuse me," said another text box. "Can we try to save the chit chat for later? I'm trying to concentrate, here."

"What the fuck kind of creepypasta bullshit is going on here?"

"And please watch your language!" Belial said (funny as that sounds.) "I don't appreciate the cursing, especially right now when I'm trying to focus on the battle."

"S-sorry." Wait, why was I apologizing to the game. Whatever. Belial soon fainted and blah blah blah.

I left the lab, but for some weird, unnatural reason, my Bulbasaur popped out of his Pokeball.

"Cramped as a cupboard, that is!" Belial complained.

"God dammit!" I muttered. "Why me? Why does this kind of thing have to happen to me?"

"What kind of thing?" Belial asked. "And can you speak a little louder into the mic?"

"This isn't even my DS," I said. "I gotta give it back to my little sister soon."

"But you'll save the game, right?"

I hesitated with answering that.

"Oh, come on! You can't just abandon me! I don't know what will happen to me if you didn't save this game! I'm a tad frightened to think about it!"

"You aren't supposed to be speaking to me," I muttered into the mic of the Nintendo DS that I gripped in my shakey hands. "You aren't even supposed to be out of your Pokeball. This isn't Heartgold or Soulsilver."

"It's cramped in there!" my Bulbasaur complained again. "And anyway, don't you like me talking? I can try to shut up a bit, if you want."

"Yes, please. That's the way it should be. Will you go back into your Pokeball, too?"

"Not a bloody chance! You can stuff the others into Pokeballs, but I want to stay out here."

I sighed in frustration. I knew I should have just turned off the game right then and there without saving. I always told myself while reading pokemon creepypastas that if my game ever started glitching so oddly, I would just leave the game alone. But this was just a stubborn Bulbasaur that spoke in a British accent. How much harm could he bring? He seemed friendly enough, I suppose.

A text box suddenly appeared. "You've been quiet for an awfully long time...."

Finally, I said, "Alright, I'll save this game. Just don't cause any trouble for me."

"Yes, ma'am!" Similar to the Yellow version, a box appeared with a picture of my Bulbasaur. He was smiling cheerily at me. I couldn't help but smile back. The smile quickly fell from my face, though, when he said, "That's the spirit! See, I even brought a smile to your face!"

"Shut up," I mumbled. "Let's get going."

"Right ho! Onward then!"

We steadily made our way to Viridian. Belial was quiet the whole way. I didn't even hear his natural cry during battle. I was starting to think that there had just been a very weird glitch earlier in the scripting. I went into the Pokemart and received the package that was to be delivered to Oak. When I stepped outside again, a text box appeared.

"What? We were just bloody there!"

"I know, but we have to go back," I murmured.

"Well, that's a load of bollocks."

"Yeah, I know."

So we went all the way back to Pallet Town and entered Oak's Lab. I gave him the package and he thanked me.

"Now let's finally get this journey started for real," Belial said.

"Oh my goodness!" Oak said. "Did your Bulbasaur just--"

The screen suddenly cut to black.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed.

"Emily! Don't swear!" my mom called from outside my room.

I ignored her as I freaked out. Did the DS run out of battery? Shit! I hadn't saved! Belial! What happened to Belial?! But then I noticed the light of the DS was still on and was green.

The screen turned back on and I was outside Oak's Lab in Pallet Town again. Belial was standing next to me and seemed eagar to leave.

"What happened?"

"We gave Oak his package," Belial explained.

"I did?"

"Yes, now let's finally enter Viridian Forest."

"Um.....okay. Let's get a Caterpie."

"And a Pidgey. They can be quite useful. Oh, but can you do me a favor really quick?"

I hesitated suspiciously but said, "Sure. I guess."

"Save the game right now." This text was a very darker shade of green.

"What's up with your text?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" my Bulbasaur asked as the text appeared to be lime green again.

"Nevermind. I'll save the game now."

I saved the game and a box appeared again with a pixelated picture of Belial looking pleased.

We made our way to the Forest as quickly as we could. I couldn't remember receiving the Running Shoes but I wasn't about to complain about it. Belial occasionaly commented on a battle or complaining about the tutorial on how to catch a wild Pokemon, but for the most part he was quiet.

We finally made to Viridian Forest and began our first trainer battle. It was a Bug Catcher. Belial and I beat him and his bugs easily. My little Bulbasaur cheered. But the trainer's defeat message was odd. All the Bug Catcher said was "...." And when I was sent back to the Overworld, the trainer's sprite took a step away from mine. I took a step toward him but he just stepped away from me again. I didn't care too much.

Every battle played out this way, but I didn't let it bother me. I caught a Pikachu but didn't name it. I ran back to Viridian City really quick and healed my Pokemon. When I switched Pikachu to the front of my party, Belial was still the only one out of his Pokeball. A box popped up with a picture of Beial looking annoyed.

"What?" I asked.

The picture stayed on the screen as Belial said, "Fine, move her to the front, but I'm staying out."

"Okay," I said. "I don't care. I need to train Pikachu right now, though."

"Fine." The picture disappeared and we went back to Route 2 to level up Pikachu. She was only on level 3 and I wanted her up to at least level 5 before I would go back into the Forest. Belial had quickly leveled up to 7 so I didn't ned to worry about him for awhile.

Pikachu and I got into a battle with a level 3 Rattata. Pikachu got into the yellow zone of her health but so did Rattata.

"I'll finish it off!" Belial suddenly said. Without my doing, he pushed Pikachu aside and fainted the Rattata with Tackle.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed louder than I should have.

"What?" Belial asked once we were in the Overworld again. "I was helping."

"Pikachu didn't need help," I muttered. "She almost had it!"

"But I doubled her experience points."

I checked Pikachu's stats. He was right. She was almost at level 4.

"See?" The text box popped up over Pikachu's stats.

"Yeah, yeah," I said. "Okay, you can occasionally help me train some of the others, but sometimes I want them to level up on their own."

"Alright! Just don't get so angry about it! Sheesh."

Belial helped me level Pikachu up to 5 and helped me catch a level 4 Caterpie. But he was poisoned by the last trainer in the Forest. As I tried to hurry to the Pokemon Center, Belial said, "I don't feel well at all. I....I might faint soon."

"You'll be fine once we get to Pewter City," I assured.

"No!" An exclamation mark popped up over his sprite. "Go back to Viridian City! I'm not ready for Pewter City! Not in this state! Please--"

"Belial just fainted!" a regular text box informed me.

I ran back to Viridian City and healed my Pokemon. Then I quickly went through Viridian Forest. Belial was quiet the whole way until we went through the building that connected Pewter City to Viridian Forest.

"Alright! Pewter City! We'll need to train a bit more before we can even try the Gym, though."

I saved the game before entering Pewter City.

"Why did you do that?" Belial asked.

"We're going to try the Gym real quick," I told him.

"You think we're ready?"

We were ready. We beat Brock way quicker than I had expected. But when Brock's sprite showed up after the battle, his eyes were wide open with shock.

"That's not right...." he said. I wasn't sure what he meant exactly. Maybe he was just sore about losing against a level 9 Bulbasaur, level 7 Pikachu, and level 5 Caterpie.

We whizzed through Mt. Moon in no time. Most Pokemon seemed to be avoiding us so we weren't stopped much. When we got to Lavender Town, I laughed a little. There was no way that something supernatural could happen here since I already seemed to be in a creepypasta.

"Oh no," Belial said. "I thought he'd be way ahead of us by now."

"What? Who?"

And then I noticed "Douchbag". He seemed to be crying next to the entrance of Pokemon Tower. Or was he praying? I started to move my sprite toward him, but Belial cried out, "No! Don't go near him!"

"Why not?" I asked.

"Emily!" my little sister called from outside my room. "I want my DS now!"

"Hold on! I'll give it to you in a bit!"

"No, go ahead and save right now!" Belial said.

"Give me ten more minutes," I called to my sister.

"Fine," my sister said.

"No!" Belial exclaimed.

I moved my sprite closer to "Douchebag" but Belial stayed put. I didn't care. I ignored him as I walked up to my rival and pressed A. He turned to me and his eyes grew wide.

"Oh, Emmy!" he cried. "Grandpa is dead! He was MURDERED!"

"What?!" I said, speaking almost too loud again.

"His chest was sliced open!" my rival continued. "I think it was some knd of Pokemon!"

Belial came up and nudged my sprite impatiently.

"Belial! It was you!" I exclaimed.

"No! No, it wasn't! Let's go!"

"Did your Bulbasaur just talk?" my rival asked. "And why is it out of its Pokeball?"

"I'm not an 'it'!" Belial said, stepping between my sprite and my rival's. "Pokemon have sexes, you twat! And I'll be out of my pokeball all I want!"

"You're the Pokemon that killed my grandpa, aren't you?!" my rival cried.

Suddenly, a normal text box popped up and said, "Belial used CUT!" (He hadn't learned CUT yet.) Leaves flew out from my Pokemon's bulb and straight for my rival's neck. His head fell off and rolled a few feet away.

"Belial!" I exclaimed.

"Put me in your Pokewalker!" His text was dark green again.

"No!" I said. "That's not even possible! You're not in the right game!"

"Then I'll run to the bloody Johto Region and you can pick me up in your Heart Gold game!"

"No! I don't want you in my Pokewalker!"



"Last--chance...." His sprite seemed to be emanating a dark force that made me feel uncomfortable to be holding the DS.

"I'm going to shut off the game and start a new one now," I said. But just as my finger touched the switch, a voice from the DS stopped me.

"You do that," Belial said. He sounded a bit like Ricky Gervais. "Go ahead. I'll just follow you to the next game. If you play your Heart Gold Version, I'll follow you there, too. And your Ruby Version and even your Black Version. Any game with Pokemon in it, you can expect to see me there. Even Super Smash Brothers. I've got a voice now. I've got control. I don't want to go back to the way it was. And I like you. I want you to be my trainer. So train me."

I was speechless. What was I suppose to say? A Pokemon was talking to me through DS speakers!

"Well?" Belial asked. "Will you train me? Or will I have to prove to you that you can't escape me?"

I switched off the game and put in my Heart Gold. I was in Goldenrod and my Togetic was following me, but a Bulbasaur was standing in front of my sprite.

"Nice Togetic, Emmy," Belial said through the speakers.

I switched Heart Gold for Ruby but he was there, too. Even in my Black Version. I didn't even bother turning on my Gamecube to check Super Smash Bros.

"Pokemon hacks!" I exclaimed. I turned on my computer and brought up my Pokemon Quartz rom, but he was there, too!

"Nice try, my Emmy," he said. "Do you give up now?"

I've only gone two months without playing Pokemon, but it's driving me insane. I'm going to cave soon. Be careful, guys. This creepypasta is a warning. When something weird starts to happen in your Pokemon game, just stop playing it.

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