But a Dream

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Well, to simply start this off I'd like to first say it started about six months ago. It still hasn't ended but I kind of like the way it's going even if it is horrifying. It all started in highschool, a new girl happened to move into town. I didn't think of it much, not at the time that was until she had died. She had always sat the closest to me in all the classes we had had together. Oh, her name? Her name is Alice, I find it a very beautiful name though. Anywho let's get back to the story at hand. As I was saying she had always sat the closest to me, she was an outcast such as myself. Another misfit who didn't even fit in with the black sheep. We were the type who were quiet and kept to ourselves, wore band t-shirts and all that good stuff. We didn't really fit into any of the cliches. I had never spoken to her, though at times I had noticed she was staring at me. I would overlook it and continue my work, though to be honest I had developed feelings for her over time. She was very pretty, but I didn't think someone such as herself would ever like someone like me.

Months had gone by we had never talked, she made friends. I had one friend but he had moved away later the month she had died. I had become alone truly for the first time. I had my parents though they were never really at home. They were always out on business or doing something, so I always had the house to myself. One morning at school I had noticed she wasn't there. This was in fact odd, she hadn't missed a day ever the whole time she had been there. Two weeks later after her not showing up, I had heard some guys talking about her at the lunch table. Listening in on them, I had figured out she had died. I also heard where she was buried, but that wasn't my concern. This was the only girl I had ever liked, and I had never told her. I went home and sobbed the whole night, regretting my decision of never speaking up.

A month or so passed by, I had finally visited her grave site. Never saying it had bothered me so much I figured I would drop by, and tell her what I felt. I never really believed in religion, though I hope somewhere she had heard me. I left her roses after sitting by her graveside, and talking to a tombstone for what seemed to be hours. I left and went home, went to sleep. Everything was fine for the longest time. Nothing had felt different, and nothing was different for a few days. Though after almost a week she had begun to pop up into my dreams. It was all so real, she would sit beside me as I rested in bed. She sometimes would lay beside me and just hold me, and I would hold her. She looked perfectly normal at first anyway.

A few more weeks would pass by, and my sweet romantic dreams had turned into nightmares. I would wake up and she'd be sitting beside me like normal. Though now her skin was so pale, pasty, had a green tint. Her eyes were completely void of life, and she just stared at me. She would stand at the edge of my bed her hair was dirty and messy. It was falling out, and her flesh was decomposing slowly. Her appearance just became more morbid as the days went by, until eventually she just became a corpse laying in my bed. It got me to the point where I would stay up for days on end, I don't know why it disturbed me so much, or why it still does. The dreams just seem so real, and sometimes I wake up and still think I see her. Sometimes I hear her call my name, but I know she's not there. I just can't get rid of her, not that I want to.

The cycle of her being normal, and going back to a rotting carcass tends to repeat itself. As of now, I'm used to it and don't mind it much. I mean my parents wonder why I like to sleep a lot more, but I've gotten used to her company. Even if sometimes she just is a rotting corpse, but we've gotten to where she even speaks now. I just sometimes wonder, well I fear that one day she will go away. In a way, I think we were meant to be together. That this could be the love I was looking for, as long as I dream she will never leave me. If I'm awake, it's just a dream. So as long as I keep dreaming, she stays there with me. My one and only, the only one I need. I can make her real.

Credited to Shibyokoku
Originally uploaded on May 5, 2012

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