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(Chapter 2!)
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Note: This all happened in real life.
Chapter 2
Years later, I got revived by a god, and when I asked why he sayd some stupid stuff like that I am the chosen one, I didn't understand why, so I got home. My mom was waiting for me. When I saw her she shouted at me "Where the hell have you been?! You little brat I had to clean all that mess you left on ground!!!" She continued shouting at me, then I saw how much has she changed. In the middle of her face was a long, crooked nose, with wards on the tip. Her eyes were all pink and her irises yellow, her mouth broke into a frown with all teeth yellow and ugly, her eyebrows connected. I sighted and did her work, meanwhile when she was sitting on the table drinking alcohol. This didn't change, unlike her goddamn ugly face. When I was done, she showed me a Xbox one she bought for me. I grabbed it from her claws and immidatielly started playing. I looked and saw something called Rare Replay. I begged my mom "Mom pls buy it", so she did. When I saw that there was Conkers Bad Fur Day I was so happy that I jumped so hight that I broke the roof. I didn't care and started playing. After 10 hours of non stop playing the awesome game I was done. Then Conker jumped from my TV and says "hey you little bastard wanna be friends" I sayd ok so I had my first friend in my life. My mom came into my room and shouted at me "I WONT TOLERATE ANY BAD WORDS IN MY HOUSE!!!! By the way, who is this ugly fuck?" She pointed at Conker. He killed her the most brutal way he could. Then we heard the police so we runned away. When I was in some city I met a stupid girl with pink dress. Her whole face was covered in make up. She was like 4 years old. She had fake fairy wings, princess crown and a stick with star at the tip. But what was more unusual was that next to her was a blue hedgehog and a yellow fox with two tails. I heard that yellow fox whispering to the hedgehogs ear "Hey Sonic that's the ugly bastard that copyed me" Sonic sayd "Don't worry Tails I will kill him" Conker heard that too so he pissed in theyr faces and killed them by stuffing the little girls shit In theyr mouth. The little kid cryed so I kicked it's face off.
The other day, me and Conker met another little kid. He was goddamn ugly, but not as much as my mom. He was so fat that he had to walk naked. I sneaked behind him and put the stick I kept from the little girl in his butt, and he started screaming, but then he started moaning and saying "Ohhhh Foxy..." Then an ugly robotic furry fox popped up from thrash and says "What?" Thankfully we hid in a nearby thrash can. Then that kid sayd "Foxy I want you!" It wasn't long till we heard sounds of moaning... Then I heard a weird, high pitched voice, it sayd " Hey guys wait for me!" Then we heard more moaning and stuff, so I looked from the thrash can because I wanted to see that, and saw there was a green bear with army suit, oh god how I hate that guy... I wanted to kill him both with that ugly asshole fox. So I shouted "Wow you guys suck!!" The green bear replyed, "Uh, no... I am the only one sucking... Wait, what?" He noticed me, got his knife and tryed to stab me, but Conker was faster and killed him with his chainsaw. That guy shouted "NOOOOO!!!" And I replied "Don't worry, he can revive himself, unlike you... " "Conker kill him pls" I whispered. Conker jumped from the thrashcan and killed the guy , but the fox stabbed him with his razor sharp robotic genitalia, killing Conker in process. The last words of Conker were "Whatever, you will give me the money next time you meet me." I shouted "NOOOOOO!!!" From pure anger, I don't know if I was because of Conkers death or that he wanted money, but turned into a giant black dragon and ate that ugly Foxy guy. Then I killed all those stupid overrated videogame characters all over the word. Now, I did understand what did the god mean.
By TheLaserVulture