DOOM: Darkness

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Revision as of 13:47, 19 June 2023 by TheBigLG (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hi, my name is Paul. I'm a big fan of videogames. I like both console games and computer games. They have been a great part of my otherwise dull childhood. They said that I was a 'savage'. I didn't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything. I managed to play 18+ videogames without my parents knowing. I've played Mortal Combat. And also Call of Duty. These games made me feel like I could break someones neck! So, now. I'm about my tell you my 100000000000.1% real ex...")
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Hi, my name is Paul.

I'm a big fan of videogames. I like both console games and computer games.

They have been a great part of my otherwise dull childhood.

They said that I was a 'savage'. I didn't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything.

I managed to play 18+ videogames without my parents knowing.

I've played Mortal Combat. And also Call of Duty.

These games made me feel like I could break someones neck!

So, now. I'm about my tell you my 100000000000.1% real exprience with a game I used to play all the time as a stupid kid.

That game was DOOM.

I played it on my family computer. I grew up in a christian household.

My family thought I was 'worshipping the devil'. Haha!

Which wasn't true at all.

So, before we begin, I say. This is actually a story and it's so scary that it'll make you shit yourself, so, viewer discreation is advised.

So, with that being said, enjoy.


Uhh, hello.

I've recently found a DOOM WAD that was, odd. The WAD itself was called Darkness.

It was for the original DOOM game. Which I wanted for a long time.

So, first of all, I decided to find a decent copy online.

First of all, I started with shops like Amazon and other stuff. They were all sold out.

Heh, that was unlucky. So, a second thought hit me.

What if I searched up a different website?

I tried to go on a website called VideoGamesDungeon.Com. However, that website was closed down.

Because the company went bankrupt in November 2008.

The next thing I decided to do was to try searching up a rather unknown website that I knew existed. So, I searched up the term Unknown Websites.

There were links to websites that could steal my info. So, I scrolled down.

One website caught my eye.

It was called JustaNormalWebsite.

So, I clicked on it. I searched up this: DOOM Game.

One result came up. It was the original DOOM.


I finally found it. In all its glory.

Thank. Gosh.

I decided to buy it. However, the price was free.

So, I thought why the heck not?

I should'nt have done that. I should've listened…

I found out there was a opition to 'play DOOM WADS'. So, I clicked on it.

I searched up Darkness and…

One result came up. That was Darkness.

Holy frick!

I found it. Yes.

So, I clicked on it.

Little did I know. This was the worst mistake I have ever made.

The WAD started off with a warning screen that reads as follows.

'WARNING: The following WAD you are about to play is NOT a normal DOOM WAD. It may contain content that is not for the faint of heart. If you do not want to see that, please, do not contiune.'

There was only one. That was just the word OK, located in a small red box.

So, I clicked it.

That was a. Big mistake…

It started in a black room, with no audio.

The screen started to flash. And it felt like I was stuck.

There was a single white light glowing in the centre of the ceiling.

It went out. The screen flashed red.

It almost looked like blood.

Swiftly, I contiuned on. The floor looked very low-quality.

Then, I heard footsteps.

It sounded as if a demon was approaching. I heard a reversed version of At Doom's Gate.

The room was black, like my soul.

I saw a demon, but it wasn't a normal demon. It was a realistic-looking demon!

Except, it wasn't just realistic…

It was. Hyper-realistic!

The room got brighter.

It seemed, off. But, I didn't care.

A splat of blood appeared on the floor.

There were flashing images of real dead people. This was very scared and I cried.

But I thought it was just a glitch.

There was blood. On the walls and stuff.

There were demons with actual rocket launchers.

I shot them. They then exploded into a mess of both flesh and bone and blood, however, it seemed extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely photo-realistic and picture-realistic and hyper-realistic.

This was something else.

It felt like my night terrors have finally been realised. I couldn't escape that feeling of dread.

This was fear personified.

Speaking of fear, I was fearful, not fearless. So, I felt fear.

Then, the demon tried to break Doom Guy's skull in a very brutal and horrific way, by using what seemed to be a hacksaw smothered in blood.

This was scary. I threw up.

The screen flashed rapidly, showing images of satanic ritiuals and even pictures of my family.

It felt like this game knew everything about me. Which made me horrified about what was around the dark corner.

A message appeared.

'Run away, Paul.'

I was so scared. How did the game know my name was Paul?!

They all knew too well.

They kept on calling me 'scared' and 'alone'. That was not nice.

The walls slowly got more messy.

The floor started to tear apart. Flesh was visable.

This flesh seemed like it was CGI and not real.

But, then, the demons came closer. They beat Doom Guy to death.

However, he was still alive.

What? What even was that?

Was something happening?

The terror didn't stop. No, it only got worse.

The blood on the walls seemed to be disgusting and full of what seemed like pus.

I threw up. It felt as if my lungs were burning.

This wasn't a normal reaction to anything.

Was the game controlling me? Is there someone watching me through the screen?

The demons stopped moving.

I walked and walked. Multiple screams of intense pain were heard.

This was not what I wanted.

Then, I was clipped out-of-bounds. I got a feeling that it was gonna get weird.

Bodies were on the floor.

These bodies were of real people. They were all, dead.

Why could've they died?

Because of the demons? Probably?

Yeah, probably.

I saw a pile of organs, being whisked across the floor at light-speed. It was as if they were riding Space Mountain at Disneyland.

This was strange.

However, if things weren't strange enough. Then, they were about to be stranger.

Demons appeared, with very yellow and broken teeth.

A message appeared. Yes it did.

'Darkness will consume thy soul! Stay away, foul cretin. They feast upon thy soul!'

This was real sus.

The demons were talking. To me!

The demons were telling me that my death will come soon!

I screamed in horror. It was so so creepy!

Then, I saw a tombstone.

It had. My name on it…

And a accurate date of my actual death!

Then, a demon popped up. He said this.


Holy moly!

Then, a Notepad document opened up. It displayed my full I.P Address and pictures of my actual house.

I saw a guy outside, watching me.

I puked. So much.

Then, the Notepad document was deleted.

Then, I. Shut my computer off!

I've told nobody this story, until now…