Daisy, Don't Run

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My sister and I are both big fans of the Doom series and we were excited to hear about the Doom 3 BFG edition game coming out.

So I wanted to play Doom 1 before, because I am not that brave when it comes to horror games. So I was looking around online for a copy of Doom that wasn’t a PC version, I told my uncle, another Doom enthusiast in the family, so he looked for a Doom game.

A week later, he came over to my house and he gave me a copy of Doom for the Gameboy Advance. The label wasn’t that great; there were three scratches on the sticker. It looked like marks from animal claws, but they were scratched so that they were under the word "Doom". I didn’t care, so I popped the cartridge into my DS and proceeded to play.

Everything was perfectly normal, I went to start a new game but I wanted to see if there was any previous data…Surprisingly, there wasn’t any, so I started my own game. This is when things got strange. There wasn’t the normal difficulty selector. In it's place, there were the options of: I’m Too Young To Die, Hurt Me Plenty, Ultra-Violence, Nightmare, and Hell Breaker.

I thought that was normal since this was the first Doom I played. I picked "I’m Too Young To Die", and the first level started normally, there was only one thing wrong. Whenever the game starts, the stats should be 100 Armor, 100 Health, and 50 Pistol Bullets; only the space marine was lacking his pistol and he was in really bad shape, he was decaying as if he was at 10% health.

There aren’t usually any enemies in the lowest levels other than the zombie soldiers, but I encountered Cyberdemons, Rams, and Archvile, which are enemies that require stronger weapons. I screamed and panicked. I had the marine run through a door to get a shotgun and then I ran again, I didn’t bother to fight any enemies unless absolutely necessary.

A message appeared as if I completed a chapter of the game, it was hard to read, and all I could make out was the phrase "The prophet is dead!"

This really angered and confused me, because the game was not the real Doom, my uncle wasted money on a fake game, it could be a coincidence. I went to tell my sister. She told me to play through the game with her so I tried to take the game out of my DS, but it was stuck.

I eventually got it out but now the sticker was worse, the scratched went over the words Doom and the corner of the game was now chipped. I put the game in my GameCube, and proceeded to play. The first thing she pointed out was that the difficulty levels were OK except for Hell breaker.

She then told me to play it to see. I did, and I regret it. The space marine was in the middle of 7 spider masterminds, but they didn’t move and only taunted me as if they killed me. I looked around and there was an invincibility power-up so I ran to pick it up, that activated the spiders shooting, they all died, but it wasn’t that they killed each other.

On the other side of the room was a bunny staring towards me. I saw that it had blood around its neck and its left eye popped out. I then realized that it had to be Daisy. Daisy was the pet bunny that was murdered and that the monsters taunt you with.

We were frightened, my sister ran away crying due to an experience that she had with Daisy at the age of 2. I was alone, no weapons, and it was midnight. I wanted to turn of the game but I was too scared to move.

Another message appeared saying, "Play with me Wolfy, play with me." Wolfy being the name I put as my file name. Then I was put back into the scene before the message came up.

I checked the stats, and the decapitated head of Daisy was where the marine’s head should have been. I then looked around, and saw that there was a sprite of the marine as if he was an enemy. I then realized I was Daisy now.

I hit the fire button and I bit the marine, killing him instantly. A final message appeared saying, "You are next in (something)," I couldn't read the messed up text, I didn't know that at the time though. I didn’t know what that meant so I quickly ran to turn off the GameCube, something flashed on screen I reluctantly looked.

It was a close up on the decapitated head of Daisy with the words "DON’T RUN" written in blood and dripping. I screamed again and the game crashed.

Two weeks passed then my uncle finally came over with Doom 3 BFG edition that we pre-ordered. He asked how was I doing on Doom 1I said "Uncle, that game is demonic and I don’t want to play Doom for a while." We all eventually started to play Doom 3 BFG; but I will never forget what Daisy did to me;

I eventually got rid of the game by giving it to a person I hated at school, that bastard deserves the nightmares after all he has done to me. Afterwards I asked my uncle where he got the game, and he said "I forgot where Dicky Moe." Recently I had a nightmare that felt so real.

I was the space marine, a zombie version and I was eating a bunny, when I awoke due to another dream I went to the restroom and there was blood in my mouth and on my teeth. I just thought of it as a bloody nose though, because I am prone to frequent bloody noses.

I had a psychologist appointment and told her everything that had happened; and then I was sent to 5150 for two months, because they thought I was mentally insane...

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