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Latest revision as of 13:30, 17 June 2021

Yesterday something strange happened. I'll give you some background information - about a week ago, my friend Tommy and I were joking about Hatsune Miku body pillows, when he suggested I get one for my friend Dawson's birthday, because Dawson would freak out and probably explode or something.

His birthday was in January however, so I said I would just get one for Christmas. He said this was the better idea.

I started looking online for a body pillow. Since I didn't want my dad to see it, I wanted a full body pillow, not just the separate pillow and pillow case. If I got them separately, my dad would surely notice something suspicious was going on.

While perusing online, I found a website, hatsunemikufullbodypillows.exe.com. I thought I had found exactly what I was looking for. My website adviser said it was totally fine to go on this website. I got on, and I saw one for only $40 dollars! I thought I was so lucky, however, not all was well.

I ordered it, and at the checkout, I chose express shipping. It said it would be here in 2 days. I was totally ecstatic. I was so ecstatic, that I decided I would give it to Dawson early.

I invited all my friends to my house. There was Theo, Brady Nelson, Justin, Alex, Dylan, Dylan Milne, Dawson, Kendric, and, of course, Tommy. I wanted this recorded, so I gave the camera to Jimmy. I had set up snacks, and cleaned off the table for us to sit at.

I told Dawson I was going to be gone to another state for Christmas, and that I was giving him his present early. I also said the reason all our friends were there was that I was giving him an extra-special present. Dawson, being the narcissistic pervert he was, reluctantly excepted my excuse.

I had wrapped up the body pillow in candy cane wrapping paper. It was laying in the garage, waiting to be opened. After we ate, I went and fetched the body pillow.

We all took seats around Dawson, where Jimmy could get the best shots of him. Jimmy pressed the record button, and Dawson started unwrapping...

He got done opening it, and was he pissed! We were all laughing so hard, especially everyone besides Tommy and myself, because we never told them. We thought it would make their reactions more realistic and better, and that it did.

While we were busy crying from laughter, and Dawson was busy yelling at Tommy and myself, the Hatsune Miku body pillow looked like it was glowing. I could see this out of my peripheral vision, but I thought nothing of it. At least not at first.

Then the glow got more luminescent. It started to blind us. I heard Jimmy drop the camera, and then he started shrieking. Then Theo... Then Dylan... Friend after friend was falling to the floor shrieking, and so did I. I started clawing at my eyeballs. It burned so intensely, it felt like my eyeballs were melting...

Then the light suddenly disappeared, and what was standing there was horrifying. It was Hatsune Miku, but she wasn't a pillow anymore. She was alive, and looked mad. She said in a deep voice, "Fools! I am the devil! And now that I am in a human form, I shall destroy all of humanity! I would show mercy, and save you for last, after all, you brought me into this world, but that's not my concern now."

We were all mortified, standing there like stone statues. Nobody was moving a muscle, time was standing totally still. I tried to tell them to run, but my lips weren't moving, my vocal cords weren't producing sound.

The devil then informed us, after about 2 minutes of us being horrified, of her intentions, when she stabbed Dylan in the chest with a knife. I wasn't thinking about anybody other than myself when I started running.

I ran past through the kitchen, down the porch steps, and onto the lawn. I knew immediately I wasn't the only one who responded to the warning. I looked to my left side, and I saw Tommy, Nelson, and Jimmy. On my right, I saw Dawson and Alex.

I felt sorrow, because I was able to guess who didn't make it out. Dylan, Dylan Milne, and Theo never got a chance to run. I couldn't worry about them now, with the real threat right behind us. Since the hospital was right across the road, that's where I was headed. I don't know why, it just seemed like the place to go.

I ran through the door, and stopped by the desk. I started yelling at the woman at the desk, trying to warn her about the impending doom. She said, "What are you talking about kid? Are you insane?" But then Tommy said I was telling the truth, that she needed to inform the Army or something. This was as far as our conversation got.

I heard the sound of shattering glass. I looked behind me, and saw Hatsune Miku standing there with a knife. Instead of using the weapon, she just breathed fire, and the hospital was suddenly burning down. I saw Jimmy melting, and knew I had to get out of there. The woman behind the desk tried to run out the front door, but she was stabbed before she could make it out.

I motioned for everyone to follow me out through the E.R. before the whole place went down. And it was breaking down fast. I made it out before we could be consumed by the flames, but just barely.

When we got out, Tommy suggested we split up. I said I would go with Nelson, and he would go with Dawson. They decided to head towards the Police Station. Brady and I went down to the school, as we wanted to warn all the people at the football game.

When we got to the school, Nelson said, "How are we supposed to warn everyone? Nobody will believe us if we say the devil has taken the form of Hatsune Miku and burned down the hospital. Even if they did believe, where would we hide? We are all doomed!"

"Nellie get your crap together! You can't go into depression mode now! We have to find a way, before the whole town gets destroyed." I said

I then came up with a genius idea. "What if we go find Mr. Kliment? Either of them will really help, and I know they will trust us if we tell them."

"Which one should we go find?" Nelson adds.

We didn't need to tell anyone. While we were pondering this, younger Mr. Kliment walked by.

We told him about our predicament, hoping that he wouldn't think we had gone insane. "Well, I think I know a little solution to your problem. You have to go inside the school, and get the relic."

"What relic?" I implored.

Mr. Kliment told us "You know that mug I keep on my desk that I won't let anyone touch? Go down into the laundry room, and look behind the door. Take the key that is inside the mug, and put it into the small key slot behind the door. Go down the stairwell, and it will lead you into a small room with a bubbling cauldron with purple goo. Take a mug of that, and drink it. This will give you power to fight off Hatsune Miku."

We then ran into the school. We got the mug and key, and then descended into the laundry room. I looked behind the door, and sure enough, there was a key hole. I inserted said key, and again started descending.

"What do you think the devil has done in the hour since we last saw him? Probably destroyed the north part of town." I casually said.

"Yep" Nelson replied.

We finally got to the small room with the bubbling cauldron. I took the mug, and asked, "Who should go first, you or me?"

"Definitely not me" Brady said.

I dunked the mug in, and took a huge drink. Suddenly, my body started going through strange changes. I started growing taller, and gaining muscle. At the end of the transformation, I was at least 8 foot tall, and I had to crouch because my head hit the ceiling.

We ran out of the school, and sure enough the story of the devil had spread like wildfire through town, and everyone was asking the mayor, who was on the field, what they should do.

I didn't have to ask, however. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I ran to main street to see the damages wrought by Hatsune Miku. The whole north side of town was on fire, with people bleeding out in the streets. Hatsune Miku was already starting on the south side. I looked around for Tommy and Dawson.

I looked around for my friends, and after a while I saw Dawson, with cracked, melting skin, laying in the ditch. I asked him if Tommy made it out. He said he didn't know. I put him out of his misery.

Finally, after a long time of looking, we finally saw Tommy. He had found Alex as well. They said they knew where Hatsune Miku was located.

We went off, and when we finally saw her, that's when it all fell apart.

"Oh, you found me. I'm so scared of big bad Corbin and Nelson." Suddenly Tommy started walking towards her.

"NO TOMMY NO STOP." I yelled at him, wondering what was happening. Then Hatsune Miku happily told me "Tommy isn't your friend. Tommy is on my side." That's when it all came together. Tommy was the one who suggested we get the body pillow. He was the one who suggested splitting up, probably so he could easily dispose of Dawson without revealing his secret. And now Tommy has brought us here to her.

I was wondering who else might be on her side. My gaze shifted over to Alex. I hadn't seen him since going to the hospital. Also, if Tommy killed Dawson, why wouldn't he also kill Alex?

I yelled out, "Alex, you are one of them as well?"

"Yeah", Said Alex.

When we got our sides sorted out, that's when we started to fight. I was scared rushing into battle, because I had forgotten a weapon, but out of nowhere, Mr. Kliment comes and throws me a knife. I stab Tommy, and he falls down.

Alex is a little quicker, however, and it takes a few minutes to kill him.

As this is going on, Mr. Kliment, armed with katana sword, is busy blocking blows from Hatsune Miku, I also see that Nelson has been stabbed. Not yet dead,but probably won't survive, especially considering the hospital burned down.

I make the last blow on Hatsune Miku. I see the flash of light again, but not as strong, and it doesn't last for long. She converts into her pillow form. Mr. Kliment and I walk away.

To think, this all happened because of one stupid joke.

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