Donkey Kong Country: Legends of the Bog Monster: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{note|Don't take this story seriously, It's just a what if story about if Cranky Kong encounter the Bog Monster when he was younger. And yes I left out all the graphic details about the Bog Monster killings, I think you're mind is fully capable of knowing what happened to them. Besides it's intended for Younger Kids anyway.}} Well, now sonny this it may seem I'm just an old Kong, Not capable of much in anyway but just being Cranky but it's for a good reason. Now let...")
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Latest revision as of 13:35, 19 December 2022

Don't take this story seriously, It's just a what if story about if Cranky Kong encounter the Bog Monster when he was younger. And yes I left out all the graphic details about the Bog Monster killings, I think you're mind is fully capable of knowing what happened to them. Besides it's intended for Younger Kids anyway.

Well, now sonny this it may seem I'm just an old Kong, Not capable of much in anyway but just being Cranky but it's for a good reason.

Now let me tell you young whippersnappers a thing or two about this here Kongo Bongo Island, Everyone knows how I'm a veteran from The Great Ape War, and how I was a lead organizer in the Ape Alliance, and also how I battled Mario and Stanley the Bugman, But shortly being defeated by that knuckle-head Stanley, I migrated the Donkey Kong island. Which lead me to join this Great Ape Battle, But I won't bore everyone to death with the details of the my old war stories,

I'll tell everyone something they outta watch out for...

Now it was a long time ago, Back when I was about Donkey Kong's age, I was in my prime! I was youthful, powerful and could pack a heck-of-a punch! Now let's see if I could remember, Ah yes it was a sunny day to what I can recall I was out by the beach that day just having a good ol' time to myself, Sun bathing and what not, But then I realized I heard something, It was my stomach! It was growling something fierce and then I'd realized I hadn't had lunch that day so I decided to head towards the forest and maybe grab something off of one of the banana trees to eat, So it was about maybe 20 minutes later when I had decided that I was going to get going and find something to eat,

So it was in the middle of the afternoon, The sun was still in broad daylight and I had sometime to find something off in the Jungle to eat, So after I headed towards my destination somewhere off in the forest, I heard some rumbling and crashing in the woods, So I decided to get up in one of the trees so I wouldn't be spotted, As I looked towards where the noise had came from, I noticed it was a bunch of Kremlins rounded up together in a circle chatting up about some unknown chitter-chatter, From what I could make out it was something about a giant thing somewhere off far, far in the woods, Snatched up some of there Kremlin troops and nobody has seen them since, Even though this information was unnerving, sure, But I didn't really think much of it at the time.

So after they settled up and went their separate ways, I pushed onwards, Now this was a bit later in the afternoon so the sun wasn't as bright as before, But it wasn't too much of a concern as it had only been a half an hour or so, So as I kept searching I noticed something that rattled me to my core, Still even today I haven't heard anything scream like that ever in my life! I sounded like a fellow chimp was badly injured or something of the sort, As I searched towards the noise swinging through the vines of the trees, I made a very disturbing discovery, There in the middle of the forest ground was a Chimpanzee, But it looked absolutely mortified for some unknown reason, I tried calling out to him asking if he was okay, But no response... He didn't do anything, Just stood there looking around in the woods, Then he looked up at me in the tree and said one word before bolting off farther into the woods, Run. That's all he said, Not knowing what he meant or what situation I've seem to come across, I was less concerned now with what I was going to eat but now I felt like I had this feeling like I had to know what the Chimp was so afraid of, So I climbed down from the tree, I got down to the ground and I tried to look where the Chimp may have gone

From what I could see now, It was very dense with fog in this area of the jungle, So dense to where I could see the tops of the trees that well anymore, So I try calling out for the Chimp. Hello? ... No response, I try again. Hello? ... Still nothing, so I decide to investigate to where maybe he went, I walk for a while and still I come across nothing, Thinking that he was just in shock from something he saw off in the woods, I wasn't too alarmed of where of was at yet, Then I make another discovery, Foot prints in the mud, Now I know footprints don't seem that intriguing, But something about these footprints seemed... Odd, Something about the size and shape of them confused me. I had never seen anything in the jungle that had tracks that looked anything like this, Now, I was rattled not knowing what I had came across, But then I remembered! What the Kremlins were talking about, and how the Chimp looked so terrified, Maybe this is this thing's hunting grounds, and I'm in it's territory... So I just decided I was going to get out of there right, then and there, I was not gonna stay in this fog anymore,

I try to look for a vine or tree to grapple on to, But the dank moisture of this part of the forest was making hard to get a good grip on to the tree, I kept slipping whenever I tried to grab on, So now I really got myself into a situation here, I'm in an unknown part of the jungle, Where it's muggy, hot and dank, and there's fog everywhere and I have no direction to follow to get out of these woods, So I just wander. I walk and walk and walk until I start hearing this weird sound off in the distance, It's like a low groan of some sort, Then I remember back to what the Kremlins say and then I get real shaken up at this point, I dart every direction trying to locate that location of where the noise came from, Then I hear this steady thump, Out somewhere in the distance, Thump. Thump. Thump. and then it stops. Not knowing if I should continue or not, I get behind a tree and listen, Then I smell this distinct, Awful scent lingering in the air and it's real close to the tree so I try to be as quiet as possible, Then I hear something breathing really heavily, I can hear the depth of every inhale and exhale so deeply,

Then it stops to sniff the air and it stops. I get really tense and try to make any sudden noise or movement, Then it continues walking to whatever destination it was headed, Then it finally gets far away enough that I look behind the tree which I was pushed against and I wish I never looked behind the tree... What I saw... What I saw there was the most unbelievable sight I had seen in all my youthful years, I saw the back of a giant creature marching off in the distance, Now this thing looked to be as if it was 10 or 12 feet tall, It's arms were as so large in diameter, That I think the tree's looked smaller then it's arms. It had nasty unkempt hair, and it had the worst odor I've smelt in my life. But that's not the worst part, I step my foot down on some near by branches and the darn thing spins around and I get a full on shot, of this beasts awful mug, It had beady, piercing red glowing eyes that still shake me to my very core when I think about them even today, It had monstrous fangs, and it maggots crawling in and out of it's head, It got one glance of me and gave the most ear deafening roar I've ever heard in my life,

It made the Chimpanzee's scream seem like nothing! So now I'm in full-on terror mode, The color drains from my face and I make a run for it, I cannot remember any other time in my life I've ran that fast, It felt like I ran forever from the beast when most likely it was shorter then that, As I was running, I slipped in some of the near by mud and was knocked over temporarily, Which was enough for the beast to catch up to me. Now the beast was to make me his lunch no doubt, But I wasn't going down without a fight! I punched and punched and punched and kicked, But he slammed me to the ground so hard that it dazed me and before I knew it he had taken a few good blows to my face, enough to knock me out cold! But I mustered all the strength I could and did my signature Banana Slamma!

I winded up and packed a heck-a-punch into the monster's face! Enough to knock him down temporarily to escape further, I ran as fast as I could from that point on, But the beast didn't catch up this time. I had made enough of an impact to make a run for it and that I did. As I was running, I found cover from the beast so that he couldn't find me again, It was a cave entrance! I was in the middle of the foggy, dank, muggy forest and this was my only option so I took it while I could! I got in there and tried to make it to the end of the cave, As I looked throughout the cave, I begin to hear a distant, but subtle moaning sound, Now I have my guard up and ready for another fight but then I come across the mangled, beaten near death body of the Chimpanzee I had encountered earlier... I rush to his aid, and crotch down to him and ask what the creature did to him, and he said "It is the bog monster..." and he also said "It took my family... I tried to save them but it was too late..." As he spoke his last words he told me, "Don't let him get you..." As he finished his last sentence he then took in his last breaths of air and died... I closed his eyes, and had a small moment of grieving, But I needed to keep moving before the beast found out where I was, This must be it's cave! As I inspected further I sawed the mangled half eaten carcasses of the lost Kremlins! I needed to get moving and quickly! I started moving further towards the abyss of the cavern and came across more discarded pieces of past meals of this "Bog Monster" I kept moving until I came across a pit! and as I moved towards the pit I could hear towards the entrance of the cave that the beast has figured out my where a bouts, So I act quickly and make a decision, Stay here and become a meal for that thing or hope I don't plummet towards a deadly pit and hope somethings on the other side of this abyss,

The beast was running through the cave now! So I leaped as far as I could feel the beast moving further towards me, I felt my finger brush the cave wall and I climbed with all my might up the cave wall and made my way towards the other side of the "Bog Monsters" Lair, As I look back all I see is the glowing red eyes in the opposite direction of the giant pit, It roars once last time, and descends into the abyss of it's side of the cave, and that was the last time I ever saw it... And luckily the side of the cave I travel towards had an exit, So I made it out alive...

I survived The Forbidden Forest. And I never went back.

Credited to SovietSandvich9
Originally uploaded on February 17, 2014

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