Eyeless Jack: Ethancraft Reboot

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So I have a bit of a confusing story to tell, I'm not sure if anyone will believe me, but I thought it would be interesting to talk about non the less. I don't even know what it was, I can't remember if it was a dream or reality. I was never really the type of person who was into "the paranormal" or anything regarding spooky anomalies in our world, but after that night, I've started believing. Before my story begins, my name is Todd. I'm 23, and at the time of this strange occurrence, I was moving in with my brother, Jacob, who I hadn't seen in a couple years. We where planning on living together, which we both thought would be awesome since we'd be able to hangout and keep each other with a roof on our heads.

After we finished packing, we did some stuff like talk, play Video Games, etc. Then it was time for bed.

We both slept in different rooms, so I went into my room and told Jacob goodnight. At around Two O'clock in the morning, I woke up to the sound of rattling and movement outside. I decided to look outside and get some fresh night air, so I got out my phone light, as well as my pocket knife in case of any danger. of course, there was nothing but a knocked over trash can next to the garage, so I shrugged it off to a racoon trying to get a late night snack.

The Next Morning I woke up and greeted Jacob in the kitchen, and while getting coffee he asked me if I had heard anything last night. I told him I did, and told him how I went outside to check if there was anything, but found nothing. That's when Jacob told me he heard something in the middle of the night, right after I had checked and went back to bed. Apparently, Jacob woke up to noises coming from the dining room, and checked on me to see if I was awake. he went downstairs only to find an open front door and some sort of substance on the kitchen counter. Jacob had cleaned the substance off the surface and said it was like some kind of ink or goo of some sort, but he wasn't sure what it was.

Photo taken by Todd.

this made chills run down my spine, and both of us we're certain something broke in the house that night. The next night, Jacob and I decided to set up some cameras around the house just in case this happened again, and I wouldn't be writing this if something didn't happen. We went to bed as usual, and the next morning we both noticed a trail of inky black puddles leading to the front door. We looked at the footage to see if we caught anything. The recording starts normal from 12:00 AM to 1:45 AM, that's when we saw 'It' for the first time. in the kitchen, the door opens and there is some sort of animal-like sound, and a hooded figure can be seen crawling on all fours into the darkness. There are strange noises, mixed with the sounds of things falling from around the house, until it goes silent.

That's when I could hear the sound of myself screaming from my bedroom.

the screaming must have lasted for about a second, before it went fully silent again, then the 'person' came crawling back into the kitchen, carrying something with them, as dark inky puddles dripped on the floor leaving a trail as it left the house. I could feel my stomach twist into a knot as cold sweat ran down my back, I think the same happened to Jacob, because when I turned to him he just stared blankly at the screen. That day we called the police and told them about what happened, showing them the footage, and they told us they would try to search for whoever, or, whatever, that person or thing was.

The day went by normally, but Jacob and I just could shrug off that someone had been coming into our house while we where asleep. That night, everything changed. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the time on my phone, it was 4:15. That's when I heard shuffling in the corner of my room, which moved right next to me. I had never been so scared in my life, and slowly pulled out my phone's camera with the flash on. When the phone light came on, what I saw was the hooded figure, but this time I saw it up close and personal. The person was wearing a blue mask, but the mask had no mouth or nose. Instead, it had dark black eye sockets, with black inky darkness oozing from it's eyes. The photo you are looking at is the dark picture I took of the masked figure.

Suddenly, It charged at me, and in an instant I quickly jolted out of my bed before it could grab me. I ran out of the room, shutting the door from behind and ran to Jacob's room, when I came in, he was fully awake as he had awoke to the sound of his door creaking open. When he opened his eyes, he saw the hooded person starring at him from the doorway, squatting down, before crawling away to my room really fast. Jacob and I locked ourselves in his room that night, and we called the cops. We could hear the sounds of scratching and growling from outside the door. About an hour later, we heard loud knocking on the door from a police officer, which we where relieved. The cops had searched the house for us, and the 'person'. We had told them what happened, and they told us that the only thing they could find was dark black trails around the house, which led to what the cops described as "the remains of a half-eaten kidney". They suggested that we move to a different safer place while they searched, and that we did.

After that night, Jacob and I had never experienced anything so terrifying, We had never expected something so unnatural. We never saw the hooded figure again, and so I decided to write this short story about our experience. Jacob and I never talk about it, but I remember him making a joke and dubbing the person a name, he called our little house intruder "Eyeless Jack", due to the mask that the figure was wearing. Eyeless Jack is out there somewhere, and I have no idea what it could be doing. the only idea I have, is that it's probably snacking on someone's kidney.

Credited to Ethancraft

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