Family Guy - EP53920

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If there was any episode of any show that would make me never even want to think about it again, It would be this episode I am about to tell you of. It was so strange and unsettling that I barely even had words to describe it. Let's take it from the very beginning

Starting things off, I never was really the biggest fan of Family Guy. I always thought the show was too immature and boring for my liking. I like shows with more in-depth characters and plot. The main problem I have with Family Guy is all of the cut away gags that they use. They always feel like a waste of time to me, like the writers just wanted to stretch out the episode so they could reach the 22 minutes.

I don't really remember the day that this happened, but around a couple years ago, I remember I was trying to record an episode of Law and Order that was going to air later tomorrow. It really was not an interesting day at all. I was just going to my dumb college job that I always have to put up with. So not really the greatest day in the yearbook.

When I went to my recordings to see the episode that I recorded, I saw that the recording showed up as a Family Guy Episode. I never recorded an episode of Family Guy ever. What the episode was specifically labeled was, "Family Guy - EP53920." The synopsis of the episode was not even a synopsis, it only read, "This is the 53,920th episode of Family Guy, that is expected to air sometime in 2091. I was really confused. First of all, I know Family Guy has been on the air for many, many years, but I know that the show is not going to have thousands of episodes. Also, why would they show an episode that is not going to air until decades from now. I tried to erase the recording, but something questionable happened.

The TV just shut off when I tried to erase the episode from my recordings list. So I turned the TV back on and tried to erase it again, but it did the same thing. After about 15 attempts I was getting tired. I called my Cable company about the problem. They asked me a bunch of questions and I answered them. After about an hour of them telling me ways to fix it, They told me they didn't know what else to do and just hung up.

I decided there was nothing left for me to do, then to watch the episode that was causing problems with my TV. I pressed the OK button on my remote and started watching. The episode started after a few advertisements. Instead of the Theme playing right away, it started with a message. It said what was mentioned in the, "Synopsis" of the episode, but it also said more. It said that Seth MacFarlane, the creator of many years, killed himself after making it, and It was a huge story throughout the early 2090's. After that, the theme started to play, but it was never the same as to what I heard all those times the show played when I went to sleep. Instead of the cheerful "It seems today" theme that most people think of, the intro was a completely different instrumental all together.

Louis was singing the same words, but the piano was depressing. It sounded like something you would play at a funeral when a family member dies. Louis was singing the lyrics in a somber voice. She was not smiling at all. Once she said her piece of the song, Peter came in but as soon as he said the last word of his lyrics, which is "Values" the theme ended all together and the episode started.

I was just thinking that maybe they were changing up the style of the show after all these years. Then it transitioned to the usual outside view of the house with the same background music as always. When it transitioned to the inside, I saw Brian with a Can of beer in his hand. I also saw he had a beard and a mustache that was fading away. He looked like he was beaten up because he had scars all over his arms and his legs. He took a sip of his beer and kept looking at "nothing". He was just listening to pure silence. Then all of a sudden, Stewie came in from upstairs and asked Brian why he didn't lick up the poop that Brian did on his bed sheets.

Brian tells Stewie these simple words, "Because I just didn't want to." Stewie tells him nobody cares that he got beat up by another dog because finally somebody put him in his place. Brian gets angry and jumps up at Stewie. Stewie screams and Brian rips off Stewie's clothes. Stewie screams. "Brian, WHAT THE ABSOLUTE HELL ARE YOU DOING." Brian tells him, "GETTING RID OF YOU, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT," Brian than grabs Stewie by both ends, and tears him in half. With his innards falling in a bloody pile.

Peter and Lois suddenly come in the house, presumably drunk after a night out. Peter then goes over to see Stewie and asks him why is he all ripped up in a drunk and stupid manner. Lois says that maybe he was posing for a painting. Brian then screams at them to get the Fuck out. Peter then asks who he is talking to and says he is going to beat him up like that nasty chicken. Brian then breaks his can in half and stabs it into Peter's heart killing him. Lois then runs out of the house to get Joe, but Brian gets in his car to run over Lois and does so. He runs over her neck which decapitates her. He takes the head and starts kissing all over it. He then sees a couple driving by and throws her head at their windshield, causing them to crash into the Griffin house. It shows on the inside, Chris and Meg. But they were making out on the floor for some reason. It was disturbing because of all these past events that have occurred. Why was Brian breaking out in such a terrible manner. Why is he just killing everybody. But anyway, the car had also run over Meg and Chris and their blood splattered all over the windshield. It was done. He killed the whole Griffin family. For some disturbing reason, he is cheered by his actions. He starts sighing in releif, but eventually falls to the ground and starts sobbing. The episode then transitions into a shot that shows Brian and presumably the dog that beat him up, hanging off of one of those tree tire things.

This was a fairly disturbing and depressing episode. Could this really have been a prediction from the future. I had finally watched the episode, but I still wasn't able to delete it. That's when I finally decided to take the cable box into a hardware store but I never got a call or return back. My cable box has been lost forever. But it does explain how Family Guy could be lost forever if this episode ever airs. All we can hope for is a decent Future of Family Guy, if it even has that.

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