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(Created page with "Ok. So lets start from the begining. About a week ago, there was a huge snow storm(Oct. 29) all across P.A. and other states. Anyway Oct. 29 was my trick or treat date but it got moved back due to a foot of snow. It was moved to the next day Oct 30. I got all up in my costume (just a mask) and met up with some friends. We decided to go somewhere else away from our neighboor hood. So we walked for a while and saw a house with a huge driveway. We saw lights down at the hou...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:55, 7 July 2022

Ok. So lets start from the begining. About a week ago, there was a huge snow storm(Oct. 29) all across P.A. and other states. Anyway Oct. 29 was my trick or treat date but it got moved back due to a foot of snow. It was moved to the next day Oct 30. I got all up in my costume (just a mask) and met up with some friends. We decided to go somewhere else away from our neighboor hood. So we walked for a while and saw a house with a huge driveway. We saw lights down at the house and we saw that the person had decorations up so he must have candy, and good candy because thats what happens with people with long driveways. So we decided to go down and get some candy. But halfway down the driveway we noticed footprints going to the house (driveway had snow on it). We stoped and were a little suspicious, so we waited five minutes to see if the person would come back. They didnt. My friends and I didnt think much of it, maybe the kid was having a conversation with the house owner cause they friends, or maybe he continued past the house because there were more off in the distance.

We aproached the house, and stoped in fear and noticed the house was pitch black, surrounded by woods. The light we saw was a candle by a bowl and a note. We werent close enough to read it, because we were wondering about the boy. After a few seconds my friend comes up with a suggestion that boy may have just gone back in the same footprints to freak other kids out as a prank. So we all, with a little fear, approached the note. It simply stated "Please take one, or else." We thought the guy was trolling and just said that, so we planned to take it and run. Just in case because we had no idea what happened to the kids footprints. So my friend Tyler ran up and took the bowl and we all ran down the driveway. After being 3/4 of the way down the driveway we all stoped at once and in fear. We all as group droped our jaws and looked at each other.

When we looked back up, we contined running. When we got back to the end of the driveway everyone was silent and we ran again back to our neighboorhood. What we saw was that the foot prints had changed. They looked deformed, we noticed they were kinda big and had werid spacing that was different with each step. Maybe it was the angle that we saw them before, but i dont remember.

When we all caught our breath, we walked into my house and went straight to the computer to look up who lived at the house. We used Google of course, and after a while we read that the house is for sale, and has been for 2 years. The previous owner sold because he got evicted and coulden't pay his morgage. He was the first owner so nothing paranomal could have caused anything to happen, and it certanly wasnt a person, it just had the feeling that it was something else. Later that night after trading candy and trying to forget what happened, we slept over out of fear of splitting up.

If i got the dates correct at the top, It was the 31st of october, a Sunday. So i had school the next day. My friends all departed around 4pm that day, whitch was kinda hard to do, but we had to. The day for me and all my friends was normal, average day. Nothing strange or out of the ordaniry. So at least i had a good night sleep. When i awoke to my alarm at 5am, i turned it off, took care of my dog, took a shower, and headed out to the bus stop. I talked to my friends about what happened (were all in the same neighboorhood and same bus stop). They all told me everything was normal. My bus arrived, got on, and fell asleep. Went to school, it was all normal. So i thought everything was going to be ok, But i wasent that confident, so i waited for the end of tuesday. Everything was perfict. I had a great day, and a better sleep. The whole week was good. Untill friday.

5am. Woke up did the normaly route i take in the morning, but when i let my dog out, i had the creepiest feeling. I live by the woods (my back yard is woods 50 yards from where i let my dog out) and my stomach just had that fight or flight feeling, i just didnt think much of it. I took my dog and brought him upstairs to give him food, and i swear i saw something out the window. I got a chill down my spine, but it was dark out i told myself and i'm letting myself be to scared, nothings out there. I let my dog eat and took him back down to the basement and to let him out (my basement leads outside). This time instead of going out to watch him like i normally do, i put him out and went back inside and wactched him. When he came back, i let him in, took him upstairs. and i went and took my shower. Came out of it, dried off, and while i was combing my hair (FYI im a guy and have semi long hair) i hear my dog start whimpering. My dog is senile and can't hear or see, so something had to be hurting him. (forgot to mention my parents went away on vacation thursday night so at this poing im home alone) i got scared shitless and sat in the bathroom, doorlocked, ear to door for ten minutes.

I worked up the guts to run across the hall to my room. When i ran in i locked my door behind me, got dresses and had 911 dialed into my phone. I usally leave at 6:25 for the bus. it was 6:10. I went downstairs to get something to eat, and i saw my dog was fine and sleeping. So i locked my phone and slid it into my pocket. I still had that fight or flight feeling in my somach, and it went to get the F**K out after I head a door creaking in my house, and steps. Running out the and in a race to lock the door behind me i told myself its just my mind. As soon as i locked my door, I booked it down the road. My neighboors and I dont have street light but the one up the develoment did, so i stopped up there taking a breath, and looking back at my house ( i set of my motion sensor light when i ran) i see a human figure run around my driveway. It was still pich black and thats all i saw. I was scared shitless and it felt like my heart was about to be shot out my @$$. I Ran up to the bus stop 10 minutes early. I sat there in the street lights. Thinking, i remember that the figure was human like. But it had a hunch, deformed head, and long legs and arms for its size. I dint say anything to my friends, but they told me nothing happened to them. I got on the bus and coulden't fall asleep. I coulden't get the image out of my head.

I stayed after school for the football game (i'm in the marching band and play snare) and went home with my friend (didnt go trick or treating with me) because my parents were on vacation and i had a band compatation the next day. So i went over and had a good sleep knowing my friend was in the room next to me. I woke up, got a shower, and we were on our way to the school to pratice. Still couldnt get the image out of my head. We got on the bus and started our 2 hour ride to Westchester Phili. My mind was set on winning. We warmed up, performed, got back on the bus and went to a mall (we were the first band and awards were at 10pm, it was only 5). Came back and got 2nd out of 3 other bands. There were more bands there but we only faced other 3A bands.

When we got back to the school my friends mom took me home (because my grandmom was there) and i got home at 2am. Would have been 3, but daylight savings kicked in. There was still a light blanket of snow and i saw tons and tons of footprints all around my house. They were the ones that i saw on Trick or Treat night so i nearly pissed my pants and ran inside. locked all the doors, windows, and but down the blinds, and went to sleeep.

When i woke up (today, Nov. 6th) I went out to my back yard and stared cleaning up fallen branches from the snow storm to keep me bust and my mind off the crazy stuff thats been going on. In the middle of cleaning up, out of somewhere in the deeper woods about 50yards away from where i am, i hear a cat fight going on. But something was different. There was only 1 cat that i heard (i didnt see any of it but i heard it) and it had to be fighting. But i coouldent have been a cat. it more demonic, no meowing or hiss, it was like a cat screaming. For 2minutes it was on and off with screaming and then it sounded like it was getting eaten and then it started meowing. But i know for a fact it wasent a cat. The really freaky thing is i never heard the other creature attacing it, i just heard what was being attacked. but after the weowing crap stoped. 100s of crows flocked to the trees crowing. i got freaked out and ran up to the house and got ready for a football game with the band.

I kept my mind off it all that time and as soon as my hand hit my doorknob everything flased before my eyes thats happend the past few days. Im now all covered up in blankets drinking coffee. And i cant wait untill my parents get home on friday. 5more days. im praying nothing else happens, but you never know. Wish me luck, and I swear this is all true. I was just about to hit the post button but i heard that vicious meowing from my back yard again...

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