Freakin' Creepy Rabbits for Christ's Sake
Author's Note: This story is basically a portion Max and Ruby 0004 if it was told by Ghost from True Capitalist Radio, an infamous radio show where the trolls have better input than the host. I tried to mimic his mannerisms here in some scale of accuracy in the form of an audio transcription to replicate the effect of it being broadcasted live.
Lemme just take another sip of this blue label... {Sips a bottle of Blue Label} Ahhh.
I have a bit of a story to tell you folks out there, listening to the True Capitalist Radio broadcast. And what I'm gonna tell you here, I-I don't even know if it's, uh, fake or not, but it felt pretty genuine to me. So, my son got me this DVD of something, and it was around late Christmas day when this was given to him. And I don't know who the hell gave it to him... But it was this DVD labeled Max and Ruby, and it had, like, pretty bad children's drawings on it of some dead eyed blob things; I don't know if they're drawn by my son, but it still looked pretty crappy in my personal opinion... And, augh, Jesus Christ... This freakin' DVD had like, 4 different episodes of this "Max and Ruby" cartoon. I didn't know what was going on with the tape, but a few hours later my son... Uh, my son caught this weird, like, disturbing picture of these rabbits with holes for eyes, and I was like, "Is this what my son is watching?" Are you kidding me, for Christ's sake? THAT'S WHAT MY SON WAS WATCHING, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! THIS PICTURE OF EYELESS RABBITS THAT MY SON WAS WATCHING ON THE FREAKIN' TV! And y'know, I almost got a freakin' HEART ATTACK from just looking at that damn thing.
Now, I-I don't know if I'm a bad parent because I let my son watch this stupid tape, but whoever made that goddamn DVD and gave it to my son... Uh, I hope you get beaten in the balls with an acme brick, for Christ's sake.
Jesus Christ, eyeless rabbit video tapes that my son's watching at Christmas day on the next freakin' Geraldo.
Where the hell am I at? Oh, right, Occupy Wall Street...
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