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My name is Sarah Evans. Recently, my boyfriend – Richard – decided to reclaim his childhood by playing some old Mario game on the NES. Naturally, he invited me along to play, and me, being curious, accepted.
When I got to Richard’sRichard's house, he greeted me in a state of horror.
"What is it, Rick?" I asked upon noticing the abject terror on his face.
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"L-look," he practically squeaked.
I took a look. I wasn’twasn't exactly sure what the screen normally should’veshould've looked like, since I never played the game myself, (chalk that up to parents who weren’tweren't exactly the biggest fans of video games not buying them for me as a kid) but what I saw…wasn’tsaw…wasn't scary at all. It just said "SUPER MARIO BROS" in dark red on an orange rectangle in front of a sky background. "Ok. What’sWhat's so scary?" I asked.
"C-can’tcan't you tell?" he fearfully stammered.
"If I could tell, I wouldn’twouldn't be asking now, would I?"
"L-look! Can’tCan't you see? The words are all – " he started yelling, then dropped his voice to a frightened whisper. " – red.."
"It’sIt's too red! It’sIt's almost like blood!" he screamed.
"Rick, it’sit's, at best, probably a minor technical glitch. Listen, how about we play it, and you’llyou'll see it’sit's nothing?"
He whimpered, which I took to be a yes.
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Richard screamed, and I exclaimed, "Cool!"
"W-what do you mean ‘cool?'" Rich inquired in a stammer.
"The whole ‘hellish wasteland’wasteland' thing looks pretty awesome." I explained.
"B-but it’sit's different from the normal game."
"So? Still looks cool."
"Rich?" I asked, sweetly.
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"Stop being a pussy."
I continued playing the game, jumping on koopas (that’sthat's what Rich said they’rethey're called; honestly, I didn’tdidn't give a shit), which exploded into blood and gore. I personally found it kind of cool at first, but after a while it got boring. It got even more annoying when Rich yelped every time I killed one of the little bastards.
Soon enough, I ended up dying by falling down a pit. I heard Mario scream in pain. Rich howled along with him, tears in his eyes.
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"Rich, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.
"Didn’tDidn't you hear that? That scream?" he replied.
"Well, yeah."
"Didn’tDidn't that disturb you at all?"
"No. Should it have?"
"Yes! That was the scream of a real living being! Didn’tDidn't you see the look in his eyes as he died? He felt real pain."
I facepalmed. Hard.
"What?" he asked. "Can’tCan't you feel any sort of empathy? There’sThere's a living being trapped in that nightmarish hell of a game! I felt his pain! Didn’tDidn't you see the blood on him? The realistic blood? One might say it was hyper-realistic. It was real, like Mario, like you or I!"
He was so invested in his insane rant that he didn’tdidn't notice when I walked to his kitchen, rummaged through his drawers and cabinets, found a hammer, took the cartridge out of the game system, and smashed it to bits with the hammer.
"W-what did you do?" he stammered.
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"I freed Mario from his prison hellhole or whatever. Happy now?"
Rich’sRich's only reply was to cry, and scream to heavens, "MARIO! NOOOOO!"
Some days, I have no idea why I put up with this man.