Half & Half 2

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The beast drew nearer and nearer, I could see it clearly now, it was a jumbled mess or muscle and organs, bleed profusely, I could see every organ in the body, but the brain.

"You are perfect."

"Get the fuck away!" I screamed at it, my back to the car, and my gun pointed right at it. I fired, a 12 gauge shotgun, it should have torn it apart. SHOULD HAVE. Instead, it wiggled around a bit, and kept coming. It launched itself towards me, and I could not get out of they way in time. It sucked me into it, all but my brain. And skin. It slithered into my skin, and took me over. I moved, but it was not my movements. I drove home, with my gun, but it was not me driving. I entered my door, gun cocked and laded. I saw my wife with my kids. Bang. Bang. Pow. Ka-bang. All were dead. Then I heard it's voice, it sounded like a cat, and snake with a heavy lisp and rolling the R's.

"You are perfect. I will give you thirty minutes. Then you are mine, Forever."

There is my story. I feel my self fading, like I am being smothered out of the universe. Goodbye.

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Credited to Lord Dalek
Originally uploaded on October 3, 2012

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