Homer Snoozes And Mr Burns Loses (The Simpsons Lost Episode)

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Hello there! My name is Pierre Gringoire, no relation to the famous poet just bad parents picking terrible names ya know? Now despite my terrible name, I do have a very respectful job as an accountant in Baron Gwyn Claude's private army. Gwyn Claude is the Baron of Oakton City, and is incredibly overweight. He can't go even a minute without having to eat something. He also dyed his hair brown every day because he didn't like the idea of looking old like some kind of Mr Krabs. Gwyn leads his own private army which specialises in extortion and fear. Now despite being the Baron, Gwyn Claude mostly leaves his son John Claude in charge of the army. John Claude is a big brute of a man, and the reason for his high-ranking status in the army was because as a child he had been Gwyn's favourite son.

Homer & Mr Burns

As captain of the army, John Claude enforced several mind boggling rules for the citizens of Oakton City to follow. For example, people were not allowed to dance in the street otherwise they would be publicly executed in the town square. Just across the square. Look at Quasi there! Sorry about that, anyways, oh and yes you would also be executed for singing after dark. Claude had banned all forms of recreation and pleasure. Now despite serving as the army's accountant, I wasn't treated with very much respect if at all. In fact, John Claude would often go out of his way to belittle me. Baron Gwyn never bothered to stop the cruelty for he was busy putting butter on a sandwich or eating from a fruit bowl. "Yum!" The Baron would proclaim happily as I was picked up by the neck by Claude. "Have I not outlawed all singing after dark!?" John Claude asked as I asked, "but what of magic Sir is it also forbidden?" "MAGIC!?" John Claude cried at the very top of his lungs as he then proceeded to throw me across the room, but I managed to land on my feet unharmed by focusing on the greasy bit of chewing gum which had stuck to the ceiling of the Baron's grand mansion.

John Claude has recently become rather cagey as twice a week, he has left the comfort of Gwyn's super mansion to go to the Yorkshire Hills. He doesn't have bodyguards accompany him outside as he normally does, and leaves in the upmost secrecy. Hmm suspicious I say! He was also under a great deal of stress due to the current changes in the sociological mandates, and by that I mean, sentient musical instruments have began wondering around the streets of Oakton City late at night. They were led by a tambourine named Totter who had gained power in Paris through the means of several betrayals and manipulations which all took place in the great Tambourine Empire of 1311. Back when the world made sense. Totter was accompanied by a variety of different instruments including a violin named Frank Sintra who hates eating bugs, an accordion named Acorn, and finally there were two weird Pac Man looking monster things named Click & Clack. Mind! I must say I don't know what made these demon instruments sentient, and if by chance their inception has anything to do with magic but I would say probably definitely yes.

The demon instruments mainly occupied the town square located just ten minutes away from Baron Gwyn's Mansion. They would sing and dance in the streets with the local street peddler who loves to torture pigs and geese by making them dance until they drop dead. That is one sick fuck! John Claude has tried his best to get rid of the instruments, by locking them in high security but each time they manage to escape with ease. John Claude often patrols the streets at night to find the instruments, and I was forced to accompany him. "I don't suppose we could rest for a bit?" I asked for I knew that the local churchyards were a good place to break legs if you know what I mean? "No can do Pierre! We're on the hunt!" John Claude proclaimed in his arrogant voice. I should also mention that Claude and Gwyn were just as confused as me when it came to these musical shitters, but we decided that perhaps their existence was nothing more than an aurora borealis. And so, Claude went back to his two day a week routine of leaving Oakton to go to Yorkshire Hills. I had to know what he was doing up there! It was driving me fricking crazy! Thankfully, this would come happen after I viewed an incredibly hot.... I mean disturbing episode of The Simpsons.

Yes in actuality, this tale has very little to do with John Claude, the Baron, or the musical instruments; no it's about something much worse! It's about an episode of The Simpsons. So, like most people growing up I was a HUGE fan of The Simpsons. I even collected all of the DVD's and video games, and even that really terrible Simpsons Skateboarding Game which no one likes including yours truly. I love everything to do with the show, but like a lot of people out there, I stopped watching the show after the ungodly terrible modern episodes. For me personally, my quitting point was when they killed off Krusty the Clown's father instead of an actual main character. That is so unbelievably lazy that I just had to stop watching it! I would always come back, and watch the classic episodes though, but that's about it I'm afraid. So how did an episode of The Simpsons result in me learning about John Claude's supposedly dark and terrible secret, well let me tell you my little son of wood!

This story all began on a warm evening in the middle of June, as I and John Claude were doing our nightly patrol for the instruments. "Perhaps they could be hiding in the church Sir." I suggested. John Claude pulled an incredibly angry face before yelling, "I told we must never go there! For I do not wish to see that monster ever again!?" "Really Sir your own brother?" I asked which caused Claude to pull an incredibly smug face as he just let out the most smelly fart that ever been smelt. It was so smelly it caused Gwyn to pass out, and because he was so fat he ended up causing his horse to topple onto the floor. Yes despite being in 2020, Gwyn hating using cars for transport and preferred the use of horses much to John's chagrin. Also, regarding John Claude's fear of the church, his youngest brother lives there. Known as the handsome of Oakton City, John's youngest brother's name is Handsomodo and despite being a hunchback is actually incredibly handsome. He used to have his own boy band back in Birkland for a few years, but it all fell apart don't know why.

While walking, we eventually came across the instruments who were busy dancing in the streets with Johnny Ratface a known lunatic who worked for the local Triad gang. "Oh bugger we should get out of here Johnny!" Totter proclaimed as he began shaking around as tambourines tend to do ya know? Suddenly, a man riding a magic carpet appeared in front of the instruments. The man sitting on the carpet was named Turban Beardie, and he was a close associate of the musical shitters. "Where to go?" Turban Beardie asked to which Totter responded with, "the elegancy of courtship has changed considerably since my day!" Somehow, Turban Beardie understood this, and proceeded to scoop the instruments up onto the magic carpet. They began flying towards the church while John Claude attempted to shoot them down with a shotgun. After failing to do so, Claude threw the gun down onto the ground in a fit of rage. "My father the Baron will not accept such vacant disobedience!" John Claude yelled as he picked me up the collar. "Uh oh!" I cried in despair as Claude yelled angrily, "you will go to the church, and see if that monster has anything to do with it!" "And if he has?" I asked confused. "Then you call me immediately!" He then proceeded to throw me onto the floor before making his leave with Gwyn accompanying him. While heading back to their mansion, the Baron was eating a huge bucket of KFC chicken. "Come along Father I have to be off to Yorkshire in two hours!" John Claude explained as he and the Baron disappeared from my sight.

So, I jumped onto my horse, and made my way over to the local church which sat on Melberry Street. A street known to be frequented by the local pastor, well I mean it is a church after all. I made my way up to the front doors, and tried my best to get in, but they just wouldn't budge! I then turned to leave only for the doors to magically open by themselves. I let myself in caring not a button for the darkness as anyone normal would. Arriving in the main lobby of the church, I knew that Handsomodo lived in the bell tower, and so I made my way up the stairs which sat on the far side of the building. Making my way upstairs, I could hear Handsomodo dancing to Oasis like some kind of bee. He then looked up at me with big bulgy eyes and said, "go ahead and laugh!" Oh I did laugh because he looked a bit like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

I then proceeded to ask Handsomodo about the musical instruments, and he tried his best to deny it only for the instruments to appear happily behind me. "Oh you give me a headache!" Acorn cried in despair as he spat in my eye. I then tried my best to attack the little fucker, but I was restrained by Handsomodo who was incredibly strong. I then proceeded to explain to the instruments that I was actually planning on letting them go, and had actually stopped by to make sure that accordions really are assholes. Satisfied, I turned to leave only to then feel a rumbling in the tumbling. "Oh I uh don't suppose you've got anything to eat have you?" I asked to which some really annoying bats responded with, "oh yeah we got loads of munches up here... if you like bugs that is!" This caused the Frank Sintra violin to pull an incredibly sad face. Oh man violins hate eating bugs! Also, the bats live in the bell tower due to them being free loading shit bags! How incredibly disrespectful!

Anyways, Handsomodo then proceeded to sniff his fingernails as Totter pulled out a DVD from his ass. I didn't even know that tambourines had asses and I didn't need to know that. "Why don't we watch this while Handsomodo puts on a cup of tea?" Totter suggested to which everyone agreed including myself and the really annoying bats. "Looks like we got bats in the bell fry!" The bats then began laughing hysterically as Handsomodo busied himself by making a cup of tea in a small vending machine which he had somehow managed to store in the bell tower. Meanwhile, Click & Clack popped the DVD disc into a nearby Xbox 360. The DVD had not come with a case which made me sick to my stomach! I then asked Handsomodo what the DVD was about and he responded with, "oh it's a Simpsons DVD, got it from a friend in the courts a few weeks ago." I was more excited than ever for I had not seen The Simpsons for at least two days. That's way too long for anyone to go without their fix of Simpsons.

The DVD started by showing some really weird commercials. One commercial had a really annoying girl dancing in an apartment with a chimp sidekick like some kind of James Woods, and another had Rap Rat and a bunch of dodgy looking BBC extras dancing to a really terrible 1960's song which no one and I repeat no one has even heard before. After all of these weird commercials, the DVD cut abruptly to the opening theme song.

The theme song just wasn't right because of course it wasn't. For starters, when Homer was shown finishing work, and the uranium fell down his back, he started screaming in pain as the uranium ending up burning his back off like a pizza. When Lisa was shown playing on her saxophone in the music room, her music teacher was replaced by Totter. Finally. during the part where Marge and Maggie were shown in the car, Maggie was actually driving the car, and ended up running over several characters including Ned Flanders, Mr Burns, Disco Stu, Sideshow Bob, Otto, Seymour Skinner, Supernintendo Chalmers, and even Apu. Not Apu! Guess he's not as free as the hummingbird after all eh?

The episode then began with an outside view of the Springfield Nuclear Powerplant. Inside the Powerplant, Homer was shown riding down the halls on a scooter for some reason when he passed by Mr Burns' office. Homer then stopped by the office as he heard Mr Burns having a meeting with some incredibly powerful business people from Poland who wished to create a merger with the Springfield Nuclear Powerplant. Mr Burns says, "oh so do tell me what will our merger mean for the company exactly?" "Well Sir by merging with our company, the Nuclear Powerplant will earn more than a berjillan dollars each week then it would go up." One of the business people explained. "Excellent!" Mr Burns proclaimed happily as one of the visitors a woman said, "however, in order for the deal to work, we will need to drain out the Springfield Dam. In doing so, we will be able to make sure that all the water in Springfield comes through your factory." "So people will have to buy their water from me?" Mr Burns asked as the female employee responded with, "yes Sir! We could also increase the price of bottled water from $1 to $10 dollars. That's $100 per box of water."

At that very moment, Homer came barging into the office, and he didn't look very happy. "Smithers! Who is this dunderheaded moron?" Mr Burns asked as his head turned into a eggplant for two seconds. Smithers meanwhile responded with. "that's..." Smithers was cut off as Homer demanded to know why Mr Burns was planning on taking all the water from the Springfield Dam. "Because money ya twat!" One of the businessman snickered as he lit himself a cigar. A big one too. I reckon it was a double yoaker if you know what I mean? Mr Burns having had enough of Homer's questions pressed a button on his desk and said, "release the bees." Oh those bees they chased Homer out of the Powerplant. Upon getting outside to the parking lot, Homer was picked up by the bees who then began flying him towards the morning sun. Some incredibly unfitting jazz music played in the background which Frank Sintra violin didn't find very amusing at all I tell you that much!

Later that day, Homer headed home, and told his family about what had transpired at work. "We've got to do something Homer." Marge said before continuing with, "we can't allow for Mr Burns to steal our precious water!" Also, Marge's hair was now a carrot. Yes an actual carrot you'd have to eat with a roast dinner. "So what do we do?" Homer asked as Lisa responded with, "we got to sue Mr Burns for all he's worth!" Suddenly who should arrive at the door but none other than Moe Szyslak. "I could be your lawyerrrrrrrr!" Moe sang as he came dancing into the living room which I gave a small throat laugh at it. Handsomodo then grabbed me by the neck and yelled, "don't fucking laugh in here boyio!" My face began to develop big purple blotches like some kind of Luca Brasi as Marge asked Moe why he was offering his services as a lawyer. "Ah well you see; Marge I have finally took up my true ambition in life which is being a lawyer." Moe explained. Moe then went on to tell an incredibly boring story about how as a young man, he had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer but running the Tavern ended up taking over his life.

One thing worth noting about this episode is that it was incredibly unfunny, and the animation looked unfinished. It didn't look as bad as a season one episode of The Simpsons, but still it looked very jumbled and incomplete. For instance, in some scenes there would be no animation whatsoever and it would just show the storyboard animatics. Also, in some shots characters like Bart and Lisa would just pop in and out of existence at random points which made me angry very quickly I must say! Don't even get me started on the humour in this episode. Well if you can even call it humour. It certainly smelt like a season 30 episode if you know what I mean!

So, The Simpson family agree to have Moe serve as their lawyer, and two days passed, and the family were shown sitting in the Springfield Courthouse. Mr Burns was being represented by the Blue-Haired Lawyer while Judge Roy Snyder was serving as the judge obviously! "Okay let's get this over with I've got lunch at 4.30 with President Trump." Snyder said as he slammed his gavel down. However, Snyder slammed the gavel down with too much force, and ended up going straight through the table towards the city of mole people with incredibly long fingernails. Seriously, peeps trim your fingernails, and don't end up like a mole person!

The Blue Haired-Lawyer then proceeded to discuss the case which was between Homer and Mr Burns, and discussed whether or not Mr Burns was really planning on stealing all of the city's water supply. Homer was brought up to the witness stand. In the witness stand, the Blue-Haired Lawyer asked Homer, "Mr Simpson can you tell this court what exactly you saw?" Homer then proceeded to explain his story to which the Blue-Haired Lawyer laughed at before saying, "well let's see what Mr Burns has to say about this!" Mr Burns with Smither's help made his way up to the witness stand. "Mr Burns is it true that you are planning on stealing all of this town's water supply?" Blue-Haired Lawyer asked to which Mr Burns responded with, "me steal this fine town's water supply? Don't make me laugh! I would do anything for this town you should know that Simpson." Mr Burns explained. "Is it true that you and these fine business people are plotting to steal all of the town's water so you charge ludicrous prices for bottled water?" Blue-Haired Lawyer asked, and once again Mr Burns denied the accusations. "I rest my case." Blue-Haired Lawyer said confidently while adjusting his glasses. "Well then Mr Burns I hereby declare you not...." Judge Snyder was just about to throw his second gavel down when Bart and Lisa came barging into the courtroom.

Bart and Lisa then proceeded to explain to Judge Snyder that they had uncovered a video tape which would help to publicly expose Mr Burns' evil plan. Mr Burns gulped heavily while Smithers nervously adjusted his collar as the pair brought the tape over to Blue-Haired Lawyer who put it inside an nearby conveniently placed VHS player. It showed some CTV footage of Mr Burns discussing his evil plan to Smithers. Mr Burns had a model of Springfield placed on his desk. and used a walking stick to point at the town dam. "Look Smithers! This dam houses all of the town's water, and we're going to take it for ourselves." Mr Burns explained. He then continued with, "I got some friends up in Poland who will pay top dollar to merge with our company. If we pull this off, I will be richer than ever before!" Mr Burns proclaimed happily to which Smither asked, "uh don't you mean we'll be rich Sir?" "Oh yes of course." Mr Burns said in an uncaring voice as the tape cut to black.

And with that, the entire court room turned on Mr Burns, and began shouting curses at Burns and Smithers. "Mr Burns I hereby declare you guilty! All of your assets including the Nuclear Powerplant will be handed over to Mr Simpson!" Judge Snyder proclaimed as he threw the gavel down once again causing it to fall through the desk. "Oh buggering buggerton." Judge Snyder muttered as Mr Burns and Smithers along with the Polish businesspeople were carried off to jail by Chief Wiggum.

With Mr Burns and Smithers rotting in jail, Homer inherited the Nuclear Powerplant, and became the most powerful businessman in all of Springfield. He bought himself his own luxury mansion, and began collecting protection money from shops all cross the town including from the local grocers. Homer then dawned a white tailor suit along with a fedora in order to make himself stand out as the new richest man in all of Springfield. A montage then showed the Simpson family going on a buying spree with Homer buying the family loads of pointless things like their own private jet, a luxury hotel in Las Vegas, their own statues in the town square to replace the Jebediah Springfield statue, and Homer also began running for Mayor.

Meanwhile, Mr Burns was not content to spending the rise of his life in prison, and made a phone call to Fat Tony asking for Tony to send an entire hit squad to Burns' mansion in an attempt to kill Homer. Burns however in a rare moment of kindness only ordered for Homer to be killed, and that the rest of the Simpson family be spared. Fat Tony chomped on a smelly cigar before saying, "consider it done Burnsie." So, Fat Tony then made his own phone call, and requested for some of the boys from Brooklyn to be flown in to help with the hit. Fat Tony and his crew then made their way over Mr Burns' Mansion, but Homer was ready for them. Homer came out onto the balcony of the mansion carrying a large and heavy machine gun. "Say hello to Maude Flanders!" Homer proclaimed as he began gunning down all of Fat Tony's henchmen. Fat Tony tried to run for cover, but was shot in the chest. Homer killed all of the gunmen, and even killed the reinforcements which Fat Tony had sent to protect him. Homer then began gloating and dancing around on the balcony. However, Waylon Smithers was then shown approaching Homer from behind. With a flick of a hat, Smithers shot Homer in the chest with a shotgun killing him instantly. Homer's dead body fell off the balcony, and onto the pavement down below where it smashed into pieces like a tomato.

Satisfied, Smithers made his way inside the Mansion, and made a phone call to Mr Burns. "Sir it's Smithers... Homer Simpson is dead." Smithers said. "Excellent!" Mr Burns proclaimed happily. And with that, another montage came on screen which showed that Smithers bailed Burns out of prison, and once again, Mr Burns became the most richest and powerful man in all of Springfield. He succeeded in draining all of the water from the Springfield Dam, and a lot of people died because of it. The Simpson family were to put work in one of Burns' many water factories, while Mr Burns remained an incredibly powerful man for many years to come. The last frame of the episode was a shot of Homer's tombstone and white text appeared above the tombstone which read, "The World Is Yours." And with that, the episode ended with no credits.

After the episode ended, I heard loud knocking noises coming from downstairs. Curious, I turned my attention towards the CTV, and saw that John Claude and Baron Gwyn Claude were trying their darn best to get into the church. "Should we let them in?" One of the annoying bats asked rhetorically before proclaiming, "nah!" Suddenly, John Claude using all of his strength broke the door down, and hurried his way through the main lobby of the church towards the staircase. "Quickly we must make haste!" Claude proclaimed as he and his men made their way upstairs. "The party's over fellas!" John Claude proclaimed happily as he grabbed Totter and Acorn. "Oh dear!" Tutter cried. However, Frank Sintra played an incredibly loud tune which was so loud it caused John Claude's ears to start bleeding. He grabbed his ears and cried, "ah my fucking ears!" He then fell to the floor after Handsomodo punched him out. "What the fuck was that!? Felt like a fucking earthquake!" Claude cried as he tried his best to get up from the dirty and smelly floor. Meanwhile, the instruments and I parted from Handosomodo's side, and we made our way out of the church, and onto the busy evening streets. Handsomodo stuck his handsome face out of the window and said, "see ya around matey boy!"

The instruments and I made our way towards the local park as John Claude and his crew had given up their search due to it being time for Claude's two day a week visit to Yorkshire Hills. "So what do you propose we do now?" Totter asked me as I responded with, "how the fuck should I know asshole?" "Wow harsh son!" Frank Sintra proclaimed as he pulled an incredibly smug face. He was way too smug for a violin and that makes me want to vomit out my intestines. I'm not going to do, but ya know just saying. "We could follow him." Click & Clack suggested to which I sang, "now I get it let's go!" We then made our way over to Gwyn's Mansion where we saw John Claude getting into his car which was a rather dashing looking voxel corsa. We tailed Claude as he began making his way through the Caramel Tunnels, and onto the highway going into Yorkshire. Oakton City was only two hours away from Yorkshire so the drive was rather nice and relaxing I must say!

Upon FINALLY reaching Yorkshire Hills, John Claude drove up a long driveway towards a large mansion looking house which sat in the seemingly middle of nowhere. Getting out from the car, Claude was escorted towards the premises by two burly looking bodyguards. "So what do you think son?" Totter asked as I responded with, "well we had to cut the health inspector loose!" "Uh what you give me a headache!" Acorn whined. I punched the shit out of that accordion until we finally decided that maybe we should actually make our way inside the house. We sneaked past all of the guards who were chilling in the front garden drinking cups of tea and glass of wine. It was quite a sight to see! Actually no it wasn't it was pretty boring but what can you do?

We made our way inside the house, and headed over to what I assumed was the living room. John Claude was chatting with two men. I recognised them both instantly as being Officer Ran and Lazarus Marmite. Officer Ran was a rogue officer who was found to be taking bribes from a local street gang which I found out in the local paper, and nothing you read in the paper is ever wrong! Ever! Despite my best efforts, I ended up getting spotted by one of John Claude's friends who was an incredibly fat man who proclaimed, "wanna dance pretty boy?" He grabbed me with his immense strength, and carried me into the living room. "Ah Pierre so you finally decided to join me did you?" John Claude asked as he then continued with, "unfortunately the Boss and Space Voyager are away at the moment dealing with a crisis up in Burbank." "Okay what's going on here Claude?" I asked as I pulled out a shotgun from my hat, and aimed it at John Claude. "Hey stop waving that gun at me!" John pleaded as he then said, "I'm just helping these guys in their crusade against lost media made by a man known as Rabe Maniels." "Rabe Maniels?" I asked when all of the sudden the door swung open and a large group of police officers entered. They were led by Sergeant Joe Galtosino.

Sergeant Joe Galtosino had me held down by two of his corrupt cops. "What the hell is going on here? Some kind of circle jerk!? Well let's see how tough you punks really are!?" Galtosino proclaimed as he got right up in my grill. His face was incredibly smelly. I think he really needs to learn how to shower more than once every four months because it's really not doing him any favours I got to be honest with you. "What do you want Joe?" Officer Ran asked curiously. "This is my town now paisano! You and your crew must honour me!" Galtosino explained. "What are you talking about?" Totter asked who was busy raiding the fridge with Click & Clack as tambourines tend to do ya know buster? "Haven't you boys heard the news? Papkov's disappeared. I'm in charge of Mr Maniels' debt collecting now." Galtosino finished as he then turned to face one of his corrupt cops and said, "kill them all. This dork is with me." Galtosino then grabbed Ran by the neck, and began dragging him up the stairs. "It's time we finally finish what we started at the hospital!" Galtosino proclaimed evilly as he disappeared out from our sight.

So, John Claude and the others began fighting with Galtosino's corrupt cops while I made my way outside of the house where there was a large ladder which led up to the rooftops which is where Galtosino had taken Ran. For whatever reason, the annoying as fuck instruments had decided to follow me because they didn't trust me behind the wheel and quite frankly I don't trust myself either! I don't suppose you know where my lisp went? Ahem! Anyways, the instruments and I made our way up the ladder onto the rooftops where Galtosino and Ran were having a bloody fight. Galtosino pulled out a gun, and tried shooting his gun at Ran only to find that it was out of ammo. "Shit!" Galtosino yelled at the top of his lungs as he threw the gun onto the ground, and charged at Ran. However, Ran moved out of the way which caused Galtosino to fall off the roof. "What the!?" Galtosino then stopped falling in mid-air and held up a sign which read, "whoops!" He then continued falling, and hit the cold hard ground dying instantly similar to how Homer died in that Simpsons episode.

Officer Ran came up to Totter and asked, "have you seen my son?" "Why do these foolish humans keep asking me such annoying ass questions?" Totter asked Frank Sintra who responded with, "well if you're into bells." Yes you see; despite being a violin, Frank Sintra was actually incredibly racist towards the bells of Saint Paul's Cathedral. This was because as a young violin, Frank's wife had left him for a set of bells named Paulie. His wife was a huge fucking beetle, and her leaving him was the real reason that Frank could never bring himself to eat bugs as much as he wishes he could do. So buggering buggerton! Officer Ran and I then made our way down the ladder, and back inside the house with the annoying instruments accompanying us. John Claude and the others had succeeded in defeating all of Galtosino's crew. "Galtosino?" Lazarus Marmite asked. "Dead." Officer Ran responded as he sat down on the sofa lighting a cigarette as he did so. I was then introduced by John Claude to all of the people in the room including the fat guy whose name was Richard Fatchurd. "What a shit name!" I joked as everyone began laughing hysterically with the exception of the local stationmaster who began sobbing into his bowl of Kellogg's Cornflakes. He hasn't been the same since Thomas destroyed his breakfast back in the summer of 42, and I'm sorry to say but I doubt he ever will.

Suddenly, another knock occurred at the door, and John Claude went up to go and answer it as I made myself comfy on the sofa next to Ran. "So uh who exactly was that Galtosino guy?" I asked. "He was my best friend in the whole world, and boy do I feel a whole lot better knowing that he's dead," Officer Ran explained. "Okay." I said like some kind of Shrek as John Claude came barging in with Queen Of Lions following behind him. "It's just another lost episode so what?" Queen Of Lions asked as John Claude grabbed me by the collar. He lifted me high up into the air and yelled, "has The Shadow Reader not outlawed lost media viewing after dark!?" "But what of magic Sir is it also forbidden?" I asked which caused John Claude to cry, "MAGIC!?" He then began beating the snot out of the stationmaster while Lazarus Marmite and Officer Ran tried their best to stop him.

Meanwhile, the instruments and I made ourselves comfy on the sofa. "So what's this lost episode about then buddy?" Totter asked Queen of Lions who responded with, "oh you'll see come the world cup final this afternoon!" She then began laughing hysterically as she popped the new DVD into the DVD player. As the opening to Family Guy began to play. So, I relaxed back on the sofa, and smiled a wicked onion cat smile as another lost episode hit the dust.

Credited to Oliver Charles

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