I Had Sex With A Fucking Clown In My Friend's Birthday Party!

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...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

When I was throwing my sledgehammer at my neighbor's pet for him to stop barking, I saw that I had something in the mail, I checked it and I saw something surprising!

"Dear Mortimer McMickey, It's my 21th birthday, and I made a birthday party in my house, and I invited you! There will be delicious cake, confetti party, pizza order, and so much fun!

Kind regards: Miguel

Address: Raymond Road 1332, House 233, Gingerale Avenue, Glinforthmore City."

I got so excited that I stopped annoying my neighbor's pet (Since he was dead), I grabbed my iPhone 14, and called my Uber.

It finally arrived! I went to the front seat, but once it arrived in my friend's house, a passing car with a guy driving under the influence in it hit my Uber, and the Uber's driver died, but I thankfully survived!

I ringed the doorbell, and I entered, but what my friend probably forgot to say is that there was a clown in the party, a woman, and god, SHE WAS SO SEXY, THAT MY DICK GOT UP.

I got next to the clown, and the clown asked "Hello! What are you here for?".

I stayed silent, but the clown then asked "What's wrong? Are you scared of me?".

But I finally spoke, I wanted to have sex with the clown, but I disguised it by lying: "Hello there clown-lady! Do you want to go with me to my house, It's to have a sleepover! I have candy, games, among other things! Nice?".

The clown agreed, and said: "That sounds like a fun idea!"

We then got out of my friend's house, and then picked up the Uber to go to my home.

When we finally arrived, me and the clown went to my bedroom, and then I closed the doors, curtains, leaving the room to be darkened and gloomy.

The clown then asked "What's the idea?"

I responded saying "You'll see...".

I then started taking off my clothes, stripping naked, with my dick erect.

The clown then got shocked and tried to hide, but I was getting closer to her.

Then, I started taking off the clown's pants and panties, revealing her coochie, then, I got into the bed, and then sticked my dick to the clown's ass and started fucking her.

15 minutes after the fucking, she got pregnant, I got married with her, went to the hospital and got a new, clown-human child.

But what am I gonna name it?

Well, you see...


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