I don't like false advertisement
FALSE ADVERTISEMENT IS THE BEST! I love doing it. Like going into chat and posting a link to a porn site and saying it's a new wikia that I made LOL XD! It's awesome! There is never any reason to advertise the truth when you can just lie about it.
It's like with, say, calling a new bed the future of sleeping. It's not the future of sleeping, though. But they say it is, so people buy it, and when they're disappointed, the store says the warranty is over and that the customer can't return it XD I LOVE IT!
And no one realizes that false advertisement is false until they test it, which is the best part! They always just try it out and when it doesn't work, they get all butthurt! It's hilarious. Like saying that Sonic.exe is the best trollpasta ever when it's supposed to be a creepypasta! XD
I'm gonna stop using overused jokes now.
*Window to room breaks open, hitting me in the face and causing hyper-realistic real blood to pour out*
HAHA! GOT YOU Oh wait, LOLSKELETONS is the one that broke the window. I'm banned from the wiki for a whole day now. But I'm not butthurt, I mean, it's only a day.
*goes to the bathroom to see that ass is on fire*
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