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Interdiction...everywhere is nothingness. Let me reiterate to the beginning of this. This comes from my experiences over nothingness.

I wish, but there is nothing. My parents never respected me, yet my only friend was a person I hold near and dear to me, Ashley. She as well is a nobody to people. She as well loved my perseption of the world as a peaceful place. I loved spending time with her, and it was a dream. Love with nothingness brings happiness. No one liked us, we were outcasts to society, because we were the ones who brought interdiction. The other day, another outcast came. His name was Matsuhiro. He was one of the smart, interdicting people. It brought me joy to meet another outcast of society.

The next 3 weeks come and go, and I raised enough money to get us tickets for a plane to Florida for the summer. We were getting ready as usual, but something stopped us on the way there. It was someone. He wore a long black coat, and unusually had white hair despite his age. He told us that we should go to his house. It was 2:30, and the flight would leave at 9:30. He told us that he too is an outcast for his beliefs. He greeted us with some food and drinks. When he told us his story, it was 5:45. His story was compelling, as we listened in tears. I told him that he could also come with us to Florida.

Two days passed with nothing but us four. We didn't go to the beach, because we never felt like it. It was a pleasure to have friends around me. We rented a house and helped each other out with chores. Our neighbors greeted us, most of them also being outcasts. We made friends with our neighbors while everyone at home never cared. In between good and bad, it bugged us. We never knew what we did to deserve this. The man took us to an island around this body of water. We all sat on a tree that slanted to an unbelievable bend. Around us were coconut trees, banana trees, and a waterfall. We all spent the evening watching the sunset.

We went to new places and I finally got to know the name of the man. His name was Xehanort. I saw it was weird, as I played Kingdom Hearts and I meet a person with the name as the bad guy. The man looked like he was late 20s, early 30s. He got rid of the coat to decrease suspicion of him and three 16 year olds. We finally got a bridge from the island to land, and reserved our spot and kept the island safe. No one knew who built this, but I did not care, as we kept this island away from people who think outcasts are different. We spent the summer spending time on the island and our neighborhood.

The summer was halfway over, and I received a call from the FBI. They said that my parents were killed by an unknown assailant. I put my hands over my face and started crying. Xehanort reassured me that there will be vengeance. All I thought was why? Why them? Who would do this? All day we spent mourning the loss of my parents. Even though they barely respected me, they had feelings of care over me. I was their favorite child, of course. The island was never visited that day, and we kept watching the news to see if the killer was caught.

When the summer was over, we went to the island again, but Xehanort was already there. He told us that even though the summer was over, we could spend more time together with my cousin. I knew what he meant, and we stayed with my cousin, Ike, for 2 years. The killer had been caught, and was charged with double murder in the first degree. He was sentenced to death by blood loss. We were all invited to see the killer's death.

When the day of execution came, the killer said his final words: This time, my fate may be sealed, but I will kill your descendants in the future. We saw every grueling moment as he was stuck with multiple needles in multiple areas of his body. There was something that the news did not say. We saw that he was also tortured to death. He was whipped, lashed, and even cut deeply. When the final strike was made, he finally fell to death. After losing blood and getting hit, he was no more.

That night, everyone but me was asleep. I heard a knock on a wall, then footsteps. I went to check the stairs. There was nothing. I then heard the knives coming out of the holders. I went down to check the kitchen. And there was nothing. It was like someone or something was here. I called 911 and they said they would come here as soon as possible. I went to check the rest of the house. Now, there were footsteps above me. I grabbed the night vision goggles, thermal and EMF reader, in case of a ghost. I proceeded upstairs.

I checked my room first, and there was nothing. I went to the bathroom, nothing. Then, I checked Ike's room. I saw it. The EMF went off hard and broke. The thermal caught a large spectre, and the night vision goggles went to see the killer. He had looked at me, as I looked at him. He had what looked like lava on his lashes, and was nearly skeletal. His eyes...his eyes were sunken inside so far, I thought there were none. His mouth was wide open, and it was getting wider and wider. He came straight for me and I was losing breath. I felt like my soul was getting sucked out of me. My heart was racing, and I felt my blood going too fast. I thought I was going to die.

There was a knock on the door, and then a crash. It was Matsuhiro and Xehanort. Matsuhiro grabbed the nearest cross and repelled the ghost away. Xehanort grabbed me and took me away from it. The police then arrived and rushed to me. Matsuhiro was still in the house and was almost arrested. I told the police everything that happened, and got the thermal, camera from the goggles, and a voice recording. The police were astonished at the sight that the killer came after me even after he was dead. Matsuhiro was released thereafter.

The days went to weeks, then to months, and the ghost was nowhere. It wanted vengeance itself. Then, on October 15, he appeared out of my window. This time he sported an evil grin. Every day he came closer and closer, until October 31st. He came right next to me. He chased me wherever I went. I thought it would never end. I went to great heights to avoid him. He kept flying at me with an even more sinister grin. He had caught me soon after.

I pushed him off of me, and ran to Ashley's. Xehanort was there, and so was Matsuhiro. They all told me that I had to get rid of it. Xehanort handed me a glowing cross, and told me to say Interdiction. I came up to the ghost, and it grabbed me by the neck. I put the cross up to me and said interdiction. The ghost was pulled away by my own parents. I said interdiction again to the ghost, and again, and again. I threw the cross at the ghost and said interdiction loudly. The ghost wailed and crashed into the walls and after all was said and done, it shook its head so fast it looked like there was no head. It then came after me again, but my, Ashley, Matsuhiro, and Xehanort's deceased parents blocked it from spreading.

It was gone after 3 hours. We went back to Florida and went to the Island with flowers from everyone's hands. I put mine down first, then Matsuhiro, the Ashley, then Xehanort. We sat in the tree as we always did during the summer. Interdiction, to forbid, it means that. We all had shared an orange that grew on the island. I thought up of the name for the island. It was named "The Island of Four", after us. We all spent summers there, and the island we visit is still there. This is our ending. We hope you will have a good time in your lives, too.

Credited to SmasherLink
Originally uploaded on September 8, 2012

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