It's Not a Myth

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Revision as of 11:02, 21 June 2022 by Cornconic (talk | contribs) (Created page with "It was an ordinary day, and my mother decided that we should visit my grandmother. She said it was also good for me because I was stuck in our house for quite a long time. And a little pollution won't hurt my little baby in my womb. I agreed to come along, a decision I'll regret later on. My grandmother's house is not far from our home, it could be a one-and-a-half-hour walk or a fifteen-minute ride. But because I was on my first trimester period, we had a ride on our w...")
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It was an ordinary day, and my mother decided that we should visit my grandmother. She said it was also good for me because I was stuck in our house for quite a long time. And a little pollution won't hurt my little baby in my womb. I agreed to come along, a decision I'll regret later on.

My grandmother's house is not far from our home, it could be a one-and-a-half-hour walk or a fifteen-minute ride. But because I was on my first trimester period, we had a ride on our way there. I never liked it there, but I never really hated it, I just don't like it. It was too busy in that subdivision, there are too many people, and there are no gaps within the houses.

It's just so suffocating! Anyway, when we arrived, I just stepped inside the house and sat down in front of the TV. I kept myself preoccupied by watching cartoons (I was only 17 back then, yes and I was pregnant). My cousin suddenly came in, drank some water from the fridge, then sat on a slightly elevated barricade that was made to block the gate.

Eventually, I got bored with watching the ever recurring episodes of cartoons on Nickelodeon, so I stood up and sat beside him. As what we usually do, we chatted. I got carried away with our conversation that I didn't realize that the sun had set.

We just kept on with our conversation when suddenly, there's this blast of cold air that passed by us. It was as if someone opened the freezer door in our faces. I didn't let it bother me, though. After a brief moment, neither of us spoke. I just fed my eyes with the scenery; a bunch of unfamiliar passers-by, pedicabs, kids running back and forth, and street vendors all striding on the narrow road in front of me. I tell you, it's really busy there.

I looked at the structures of the houses in front of me; the house parallel to my grandma's house is higher than most of the houses in that block. It has three stories. It has no paint on it, as if the construction wasn't finished. I gazed upon it, from the bottom floor, where a woman was doing the laundry, then the second floor, and all the way to the top of the house, where it seems to be that they have a flat surface of concrete for a roof.

The moon was shining above it, and it was the most serene thing I've seen the whole time I was there. As I let myself be dumbfounded by the moon, something suddenly appeared on top of the house. If I was not mistaken, it appeared to be a head, leaning over on top of the structure. I was not really sure what was it, but I'm pretty sure it was something strange, considering the fact that I have a slightly blurry vision and I forgot to wear my glasses. But I'm sure that there was really something up there.

I didn't take my eyes off the thing, and it didn't go away too. I told my cousin, "Hey, do you see that???" Then he too looked up to be shocked like I was. He looked away after a couple seconds and went inside to notify our mothers. I somehow found myself stuck there just staring at it. I was really creeped out by it. But what really scared the shit out of me is when it flashed two red eyes.

It was as if I fell into a trance in a second, but I was awoken by the voice of my aunt calling me out to go inside. It was then I realized that I was not aware of what was happening while I was staring at that something. My aunt already notified their neighbors, the one living in that house that there was something atop their house.

The next thing I remembered is that the people outside, along with my aunt, where looking up in search of the whatever that creature was. My mother gave me water to drink because I had gone pale from what happened. When my aunt went in the house, and told me what she think it was. "It may have been a Manananggal ." I know these creatures, I have heard of them so many times, but I thought it was just a myth. My aunt said it could have whiffed my smell; that's why it went to look for me. She said that for a Manananggal, the smell of a baby, even in the mother's womb, smells like roasted rice puffs. And when they have found their prey, they feed on the baby through the belly button of the mother while she is asleep at night.

It was time to go home, and yet I can't get the thing that I saw off my mind. When we arrived home, before I even got inside our gate, I heard a faint flap of what seemed to be large wings. I think it followed me, and my baby.

Credited to Shichii

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